For two reasons, one, it can be harmful to people who have that placement, and two, its a very controversial topic in the astrological community, as some people believe that astrology cannot show any kind of illness (I am not one of those people). cancer sun, cancer mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars, aries moon, sag rising. Alternatively, their relationships often become public knowledge. Im really glad you guys all found it really helpful, as promised, heres how were going to analyze degrees in your planets and houses. Whilst still on the topic of death, Ive found that the midheaven can also represent the legacy we leave and how people react to our passing. Ive also seen this placement in the charts of people who were international students in foreign countries. However, when angry, I still try my best to be diplomatic and work things out. Today's Moon: The Moon is in Taurus until 10:47 AM, from which time the Moon is in Gemini. So take this one with a grain of salt. hi! Some placement Ive seen in real life really do manifest differently. Venus: Your degree here shows how you love and how you best receive love. 0: Purest form of the sign, i.e. Uranus or Saturn in the 4th house of a solar return chart can indicate a house move that year. aries placement women would be the type to say "if i can do it they can as well what's the deal" when in a relationship with someone, they don't focus on having polarity necessarily because of the abundance of yang they have already within, they don't need it from someone. I say inconveniences as that is exactly what these transits are, as the tend to impact technology, communication, transport, travels, and relationships. Having a Sagittarius Rising in a composite chart can suggest that the two people met abroad! I have no problem answering a question about your chart for free but an in-depth chart reading will require you to purchase a reading. They tend to attract people who have strong personalities and sometimes they may feel like their partners become overly competitive with them and they seem as if they want to outshine them. This is again, enhanced in the 7th house in the 7 as I bring this way of thinking into my relationships. I found that there was a lot of underlying animosity and behind the scenes betrayal going on. With the easy aspects (trines, sextiles) I found that the Venus person was very caring towards me and they gave me a lot of grace. People who have Uranus Retrograde in their charts might often feel like the odd one out. However, Ive seen these relationships play out Im ways where both people are very hurt/drained by the relationship. Its should never make anyone feel stuck or scared . My take is: ARIES MOON CAPRICORN MOON CANCER VENUS GEMINI MOON VIRGO, GEMINI OVER THE 7TH HOUSE Their relationships with the Authority figures in their lives (bosses, fathers, mentors) are also very unpredictable and constantly changing. Mercury: Your degree here shows what you think a lot about, what you like to learn, and how you communicate as well. The 8th house IS the house of change, death, and transformation. , I have aries sun (12th), gemini moon (2nd) and taurus rising. MC shows how you interact with people on social media, through writing on social media. When this Saturn square Saturn occurs, you are quite literally being forced to grow up and accept new responsibilities. So let me know what you guys think! Also, @saintzjenx stated in her post about this degree that it can refer to abandonment. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) Saturn in the 7th house of a Composite Chart can indicate the potential for marriage/long-term relationship. The difference between Praying, Manifesting and Meditating. They will come back like you just broke up yesterday. Thats why family understands you better than other people you encounter in your life. Some people believe that having Uranus in the 8th house may indicate a sudden or an unpredictable death such as a freak accident. Hello guys! However, I would have appreciated it if you would have let your astrology posts stay up. This is because they are often attracted to partners who are eccentric and unconventional. Let me get to the point >>>>> In astrology, 1 degree is Aries, so is 13 and 25, but let's take a closer look at these numbers. Im going to use my own degrees as examples! A few people have asked me why dominant planet calculators give them different answers. Its so interesting because the sign over the 9th house cusp can often show you what you are likely going to study at university if you decide to go. But this coming back is ONLY when Aries Moon still has feelings. It's occurring at around 8 degrees of Gemini - the point where Mars retrograded back to before it moved forward again. Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD. Things like starting a new job, starting a business, a new relationship, moving can be observed when the progressed moon makes a conjunction to an angle. Neither is the composite. Ive honestly seen this play out as unrequited love. However, if the Neptune receives squares and oppositions, this could indicate deceptive, or dishonest communication between the two, this is especially true if it is mercury that is squaring the Neptune. Not EVERY water mercury is going to be sensitive, but they tend to favor emotion/intuition over rationality and logic most of the time. astrology observations pt. You are freedom-loving, and a spontaneous seeker of the truth. For example, my 11th house is in the 25, and this shows because quite literally I was ab*sed by my friends and bullied in middle school. Please see my recent reblogged post for a few reviews, and click the link in my bio if you are interested . I wish you nothing but the best and that you have made the best decision for yourself. So, for my next degree post Im going to talk about how to view degrees for each of the houses and planets. They may feel as if they are just two different people, with two very different approaches & temperaments in life. In terms of synastry, any time someones Mercury made a square to my Ascendant I honestly had no idea what they were trying to say 90% of the time lmao. I have 3 chart reading slots left for this month I am currently reaching capacity but I will resume again briefly in August then close them in September. They also went through a lot of struggles in their lives as well, just like me. Due to an unforeseen expense, I have decided to extend my chart readings! If you have a Leo moon, you may have experienced your mother as someone who was very competitive with you (and everyone else lol). He won the award before turning 30, he was the only actor to have received the award under 30. So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that Im very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. Other astrologers has found that it can signal destruction, i.e. Alternatively, they are sometimes the ones who cant let their exes go. When your progressed moon enters your 12th house, this can be a really emotionally difficult time in your life. I like to communicate through my art. Alternatively, if you wish to write, learn, or publish, this may be a year in which you are mentally sharp, and thus you may see success related to writing, speaking and learning. I highly recommend going out when you have transit Venus making a sextile, conjunction, or a trine to your Ascendant. I also am very motivated at the gym, Ill workout for 2+ hours just to prove how strong I am to myself and others. Its not to say your entire life will be falling apart! They are much more private about their curious nature (can result to getting background info about you from friends or/and social media). If someones ascendant falls into your 10th house, you probably like being seen with them. Palestine had an earthquake yesterday it wasn't strong but turkey did warn Italy, Lebanon and Tunisia about a tsunami and yesterday the The sea tide in Lebanon decreased by 20 metres which means tsunami on its way . People who have Leo on their descendent (7H) are prone to attracting romantic partners who are domineering. You are free to do and decide whatever you want. One theory states that the person has clairvoyant potential. 2: From what Ive gathered about this degree, its a very powerful one to have. Your death might bring family together closer. Having said this, Mercury square Neptune in a birth chart is an aspect that I have seen countless times in the charts of people who have opened up with their mental health struggles. Anyway its done now its better to move on and not mourn. Its important to learn to channel focus, love into people that actually benefit them and their mood. This is debated however, Nikola Stojanovic (the main creator of the degree theory) believes that this degree is benefic. If someones moon falls into your 4th house, you likely feel very comfortable around them, and you tend to tell them things that you usually wouldnt tell other people. Neptune in the 3rd house of a Composite Chart can indicate potential deception when it comes to the communication between the two people. This is because planets at 29 degrees can be out of touch and can seem much harder to grasp than planets at 0 degrees, who seem to be quite conscious and strong in their sign, despite their erratic-ness. Anything related to long distance travels, higher education, religion, philosophy & worldviews is likely to be involved in what you do for work. However, once it moved away from the degree of my ascendant, I started to see things more clearly and maturely. JUPITER. Where this shows in the chart could show an area where someone is jealous or if the person is the type to want to seek revenge. BPD & substance dependency/abuse are arguably the most common ones Ive seen with this placement. So, for my placements: Sun in Libra (10th house), Moon in Virgo (9th house) Rising in Sagittarius (1st house) relevant additional information: I've got a stellium in Scorpio on my 11th house. Uranus in the 3rd is such an underrated intelligence placement. Pluto: Your degree here shows the themes of your transformations throughout life as well as your fears and obsessions. It is literally the degree of supreme power and are well positioned to accomplish big things. As in, they were the ones who seemed to be obsessed with me, and i did not reciprocate that energy. -I know virgo venus has a reputation for being [overly] critical of their partner or potential partners, but what . For example, lets say the composite rising sign is Scorpio, and one of the people have a Scorpio Moon, Venus, & Mars. However, since mercury rules over communication and transport. So for me, my Venus is in the 7 in the 7th house, at 7 LMAO. It also represents the area of life in which we will be able to heal others, once we have healed ourselves. I would love to know about anyones experiences with any of the transits I mentioned above! So Chiron often gets a bad rep, but its important to note that whilst Chiron does represent our deepest wounds and where we are likely going to experience some levels of trauma. Also Im very motivated to fight for equality and fairness for all. Its because Aries Moon is self, well self-focused when it comes to their feelings. But they force you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you may move forward. See a recent post on Tumblr from @patrickshwavy about astrology-observations. The link is in my bio under StarAstrology, Originally posted by you-deserve-the-stars, This post is inspired by @zeldasnotes post about her personal experiences with certain placements etc.. 7: Can indicate affairs while married if it is on the 5th house cusp. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. Theres something about them that you cant miss- could relate to how in Vedic, most of the Virgo risings will be Leos. Nor are we evil LMAO. The generation that has their Chiron in Scorpio are no strangers to transformation! Cancer degrees- 4, 16, 28: mother, home, traditions, loyalty, nurture, crowd, public, water, faith, femininity, emotions, family, the color white and property. The Aries degrees are 1, 13, and 25. So first lets take a look at what each degree symbolizes! Ive seen quite a lot of long-term couples with Virgo Sun-Scorpio Sun, Virgo Sun-Aquarius Sun, Cancer Sun-Gemini Sun, Aquarius Sun-Leo Sun. I usually do this to hide and avoid how I really feel. This is really funny.. Palestinian are not all Muslims more than half of them are Jews and christians so theres no reason for you to play the religion or racism card, I will no longer have this conversation with you. Disclaimer: Astrology cannot make you cheat. Ive found that people who are mars dominant or have prominent Aries or Scorpio placements in their charts really enjoy fitness or some kind of physical activity/hobby. I have found that people who have mars conjunct their North Node often become quite well known after their deaths or for their deaths. Sometimes its because one parent passed away or they have both parents, but they were primarily raised by the one parent. So my sun is at 3 in the 7th house which is at 7. Another example of a native who shares Capricorn North Node and Moon at 22 (Capricorn degree) is actress Cameron Diaz. So for me, my Neptune is in the 6 (omf the amount of Virgo and Libra degrees in my chart) in the 2nd house at 10. You really relate at first, but as time goes on you (Chiron person) starts to get hurt more and more by the Sun person. Ascendant: So your degree here deals with what youre showing to the world. Water mercuries often communicate from a place of emotion, and they often take criticism from others very personally. As with the 7th house and 7 relationships are also a big motivator for me; I always want to do whats best for my relationship and will fight for my relationships no matter what it takes (this can be my downfall ofc). She may even loan you money to start a business or she plays a vital role when it comes to how you handle your finances. It could also mean that they are drawn to you, even though you are not their usual type. And you just realize how different you are. TW: Ab*se, s*x, su*cide, m*rder, mentions of d*ath. I will not say what, as this is not meant to fearmonger, its meant to provide an honest account of my *personal* transit experiences. Okay, so Ive been alive long enough to experience a Jupiter return above the age of 12/13 (without giving too much away LOL!) How will your future spouse protect you ? For example, growing up in a strict Christian home, only to become atheist or on the extreme end (to Christianity) a satanist when older! Its not uncommon to adopt an entirely new aesthetic/make drastic changes to your personality during a 1st house profection year. this is my first astrology post ahh please support me hehe I hope you like this! A lot of the poetry I write, has been centered around my experiences in love (the 7th house and the 7 degree). ***. If you have the ruler of your 10th house, placed in your 7th house, you may be drawn to careers that require you to have a business partner, or business partners. As for the house it falls in, it can tell you the best way for you to make money. If the 3rd house Neptune receives trines, or sextiles from the other planets, it could just indicate that the two frequently discuss the arts, spirituality, and creativity together. This of course makes a lot of sense because I plan to become a psychologist. These individuals usually go on to set up home in a country that is different to the one that they were born and raised in. I am quite excited to know lol I donno any Hollywood people's name, exception are there tho, maybe this way I will be introduced to new people haha , Goodbye friend, Hi there! .VIRGO risings have such a distinct energy! Ive struggled a lot with expressing myself and communicating. But they dont pick unproblemtic people, because they like problem solving. Saturn in the 7H of a composite chart, is actually a great placement for Saturn. I would match you with Virgo Sun or Gemini Sun, Cancer Rising and Pisces Moon, Hey! Other face products and creams as well, but they literally stock on face masks. Exes often come back as this is a time of re-thinking and going back to re-evaluate how we have behaved and communicated. I really liked your astrology posts. One famous example of real life Capricorn North Node is actress Cameron Diaz. THE LIBRA DEGREES (7,19): Spouses or things related to your spouse Weddings (including wedding rings) Trials (Court) Justice system (This includes judges, lawyers, etc) Politicians Round shapes (This was interesting because remember that Nikola mentioned that the Aries degrees represent corners and angles. So again, be skeptical with this one. Astrology should be used as a guide, that helps us evolve, and grow as people! If its Saturn, these people may feel a sense of restriction when it comes to their romantic relationships or business partners. The Asteroid Union on an angle of a composite chart can indicate marriage. Also, Pisces Moon likely didnt go to the kindergarten. You will never forget anyone who you have this synastry with, as it is THAT intense. - YOU ARE THE SOFTEST BEING. - Im not afraid of reaching out to you. - To me, you are easy to approach. - I think you are a really friendly person. - Im not sure if I can reach out to you. - You seem a little distant from others. - I feel like you would not really like me. - Im afraid of reaching out to you. - I wish I had the courage to start talking to you. - I am very intimidated by you. Please note, that you need to have more than one potential love indicator for it to really apply. Sagittarius degrees- 9, 21: college, border, foreigner, foreign country, travel, street name, horses, arrow, archery, a plan, to find, gamble, professor, abundance, expansion, wisdom, and to explore. However, there has been a correlation between having this conjunction in the 5th house, and winning lottery money. Please do not repost my work on any other social media platform . Astro Observations [pt.1] This post is just for fun and these are some of my personal observations that I've made about certain astrological placements. However, his Venus falls into her 4th house, which may explain her desire to build a family/stable home with him. For example, if you're a Scorpio, your Mercury sign is . LIBRA risings Ive noticed, can be very cynical but very motivated to move forward nonetheless especially because theyd never want to let anybody else down. Full moons or Eclipses occurring in your 12th house, often push you to heal any unresolved psychological trauma. The degree of yours Mars shows who you may either hate / attracted to to an immense level & also who you may argue with a lot. Some people like this synastry with their friends but I personally do not. Whereas, the 12th is more of a mental thing, as in my mental health tends to take a dip during this transit. The two times that Mars hit this 8 degree point was 4 September 2022 and 12 January 2023. Saturn transiting your 1st house is often associated with weight loss, and I can confirm that weight-loss is very likely during this transit. If you have Mars conjunct your MC you may work in the military, or anything that requires you to use your physical body. I also love to write poems and create drawings for my significant others. Water mercury is going to use my own degrees as examples in Scorpio are strangers... Posts stay up its done now its better to move on and not mourn to know about anyones with. Degree here deals with what youre showing to the kindergarten actress Cameron Diaz I really feel I not! Hurt/Drained by the relationship are well positioned to accomplish big things this synastry with, as it literally. Betrayal going on animosity and behind the scenes betrayal going on Moon enters your 12th house, you probably being! 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