Or is it better to harvest the whole plant once it has flowered? You too can join the ranks of tobacco plant enthusiasts and with some luck and planning, your efforts may be rewarded with a homegrown cigar! Low and behold, I have 2 tobacco plants growing, which surprised me as the cigars I buy are aged. It improves with age so long as it does not dry out. they were small, but still over 6' high. [1] 2 Pick leaves that are a pale-yellow for drying. This process is all done quickly. For some, growing tobacco is an absolute obsessionand its easy to see why! When the plants reach maturity, they'll set flower heads at the top. First time grower. Fire-cured tobacco is hung in large barns where fires of hardwoods are kept on continuous or intermittent low smoulder and takes between three days and ten weeks, depending on the process and the tobacco. Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! That being said it is taxing to spray the leaves so often. Answer: Yes, but as it has a root ball the size of a football, you'll need a large tub. tobacco enthusiast on September 16, 2014: Luther 2 the b8g ribs can be Removed! Just to clarify Im not trying to cheat my way out of setting up a kiln. We are happy campers even though we haven't grown it yet. Question: Is it possible to grow tobacco plants in a pot rather than a garden? Love it. I'm attempting to grow 3 varieties of tobacco: a Tennessee dark air cure, a Samsun Turkish and Perique. Email Us | (888)366-0345 Account Login Create Account. Death to all bullfrogs, bumptious bureaucrats and politicians!! The essential pieces for fermentation is 120 degree heat and humidity. Hi - What are your thoughts on smoking unfermented tobacco. Start the tobacco seedlings no sooner than 4 weeks before the spring night time temps are 50 degrees or so. Sun curing can be done by setting the leaves in the sun for a week until dry. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Answer: If it works for you, keep doing it. Many thanks. I've had some specific varieties that were not particularly good until 18 months, In theory, could I just chuck my jars in say the hot water cupboard? I actually think I am on about or coming up to my 6th year smoking my homegrown bakky. i think il try the box with water in and a towel on top after iv dry the tobacco this year.. only using a heat pad. If it's warmer, that's even better. As for the number of plants to be self-sufficient in Baccy for my pipe? chop up the leaves and smoke 'em. The ultra dry leaves sucked up the alcohol (not too much or u get a soggy mess) and became pliable again. If pile of tobacco is big enough, and insulation is as good as it is inside the foam cooler, wouldn't there be enough heat generated by fermentation process so that no external heat will be required? im in manchester uk.. i have tried drying in about 4 diffrent places now over 2 years .. i dried that lot in the loft so there was temp fluctuation. Do you ferment leaves for smoking tobacco? All I can think of is fire hazard!! WISH ME LUCK FOLKS THE GOVT DAMN SURE DOESN'T ASTHEY WATCH THERE TAX DOLLARS EVAPORATE. James' book The Heirloom Tobacco Garden and i've been excited to try his method using jars. Question: How long would tobacco take to grow in a tropical climate like Australia? You may need to stand on something to do it! on Step 6. Take what you pay a week for smoking (probably around $50). Do I have to ferment the leaves at all? You might try planting cabbage amongst the 'backy to deter the cabbage butterfly; I intend to this year. During the fermentation, there are several aromatic stages: Hi we live in sunny Bay of Plenty and want to give it a go. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 11, 2014: Great stuff John, (We're in for a long summer, my banana plant set its first bunch a month ago, although the stalks are still all brown with dead and wind battered leaves; and the raspberry canes are budding) Please keep us posted on how you're going. Then I put the buds into 1 qt mason jars to cure. Question: What do you think of using a humidifier to keep some moisture in the air while curing? If this seems a. little tricky here, it is. Would also be interested to read the article you mentioned on distilling but can't find it? . I am thinking about trying this year for the first time. Answer: You can spray the leaves with a mister using rum, port, dissolved honey or whatever takes your fancy to both flavour the tobacco and help it burn. When the flowers die off each will form a green pod which will slowly turn dark brown. Place the trimmed buds into some type of airtight container. -An extra week or two of fermentation beyond the 4th week wouldn't hurt. Pinch them out as well. The best temperatures for growing tobacco is 68 to 86 F (20 to 30 C). Gonna have a couple of acres there, so can plant heaps, and better growing conditions. Well heres hoping! mayb to much nitrogen locked in the leaf what do you think, Reply I suppose most guys go 1 to 2 months, but my philosophy is, if it's not on fire in my pipe, why bother taking it out of the kiln. The seed will have adapted to your environment. Great victory by the AllBlacks! The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 15, 2014: [img]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm292/biguran/s[/img], GOT it, Prilep 66, oriental fom macedonia, and i love it, has a taste like diped in honey, TY Mr. TOF :), im getting some cured orientals prilep 66, will try and let you know. - "Keep it simple, and if it works don't fix it!" How broad it can be. Feed a thin tomato stake (or something similar) through these slits so that when you hold the stick horizontally, the leaves hang down about an inch apart. But the future looks a lot more brighter. If they show signs of yellowing before this, pick them straight away. Thank you so much for putting up this site. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on July 30, 2014: Drying- Three months will do it, less if you give a bit of a boost with a slightly warm oven. Remember these are monstrous plants that are supposed to reach 7' tall, if you can provide a minimum 5 gallon pot, lots of full direct sun and water, your plants will flourish! Thin the seedlings as soon as they're big enough, either by placing individual plants into four-inch pots or about a dozen into an ice-cream container. x3' high lined with 1 1/2" styrofoam 3 100w heaters in bottom controlled by cookerstat,fed in moist air from a humidifier.Humidity 80% temp 120/130.Cured leaf for 4 weeks. Since yous have given me some ideas i will give you a fact. You don't have to fork out another $2.50 for seed. After they've gotten established, you can water less often. The best way to do this is pictured on step 1, hang leaves to dry and let nature take its course: Gather your harvested green leaves, use a zip tie at the stems and bundle into 1-4 leaf bunches, (be sure to allow air between the leaves, if the leaves stick together, they will mold). For the Jars, the pump alone is $65 for the jars. So how do you raise the delicate little darlings? Here in New Zealand, nothing much seems to bug tobacco, either from above or below ground. (Probably a lot better off as fewer additives to the final product and they're a damn' sight richer). Wow what a hub I started growing this summer only 3 plants thoe they are 6feet I'd say they now have Pritty pink flowers I harvested around 50 or so leaves hung them on nylon 1 month ago they are turning nice and golden I have them in my garage where I go for a quite smoke and stear at them only but wondering what they are going to be like I'm glad I came across this hub it has put my mind at ease a little and also given me some great ideas, Because of the heart problems i'm moving to Central Hawkes Bay to be with family. From your pictures, your plants were very immature, their growth stunted mostly due to the small pot size. This is typically the culprit. Great sense of humor, and great information - good tips! You will need to make a platform inside the boiler to keep the leaves out of the water. Im growing in ohio, where the difference betwixt winter and summer is almost nonexistent. You get the picture. Canadian Virginian plant, so I've not looked back. Question: I've grown plenty of tobacco except I've always just microwaved the leaves or in the oven to dry and smoked the plant still green. And I always unplugged the light when leaving the house. This would be those with the traditional mason jar design. Answer: You could try packing small lots at a time in vacuum-sealed plastic bags. They'll turn dark brown and eventually start to split. Adding moisture to cure is not a good idea, the bud should be dried properly first. Within two to three months of picking a healthy green leaf, it would dry to a complete dark brown, and if even touched it would crumble into a million shards. Answer: Most of my friends who grow tobacco just dry it before smoking it, so no, don't bother. Fermentation is the limiting factor for hobbyist!3) Finally aging which we are all familiar with, which includes factory storage and storage in a humidor. You'll have lots of them. I'll send this information to him. Question: Can I make alcohol from tobacco leaves? There's no smell of nicotine looks and the taste is like dried grass. 3 years ago. and still have some tobacco from afew years ago. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 21, 2014: Here's some info that i copied and pasted from this hub a couple of years ago. I have been advised that I must ferment to improve the flavour, but more importantly to remove the ammonia which is pretty bad for you. Let the flowers bloom and die off. Tobacco starts from shockingly tiny seeds and grows a million fold into a 6-7 foot monster in just about 5 months. You are using an out of date browser. The place else may just I get that type of info written in such a perfect way? Put jar in kiln. Bottom leaves have been harvested from the rear plants. Taking the focus away from tobacco congratulations once more! Trying my hand at growing these babies indoors.wish me luck :). 11 years ago How do you know your tobacco will be ok for cigarettes, but not for cigars or vice versa? Answer: I've never bothered fermenting, and nor have any of my friends. The bought stuff has additives to keep it going, such as saltpeter (potassium nitrate, the main ingredient of gunpowder). and all so i listened to my mums idea of putting it between news paper which was silly thing to do, it stuck to the sheets of paper and when mouldy! Will have to look into this further but this has certainly been of great help to start-off. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on June 07, 2014: Sorry mate, I can't help you there, I've no experience at this rather covert way of growing bacci'. They were small plants, about 2 ft (60 cm) high when winter hit. Thanks in advance. After drying the leaf, should it be re-hydrated or something. to avoid harsh taste one step of curing process missing - fermentation. i will try outside next year just abit worrie about things eatting them .. the slugs around here seem to have a nicotine addiction. After all, cigarette butts soaked in a bucket of water was an old way of making insect spray that my parents and grandparents used. I can't be bothered, think up a few for yourself. Information I will be collecting: I've found this setup makes the temperature get much too high, (due to the excellent insulation of the cooler, the cooler gets cumulatively hotter and hotter). Question: Any advice on growing tobacco in buckets? Aging and curing tobacco helps the leaves get rid of their herby flavor and makes them taste more desirable. I planted a few seedlings in February one year as an experiment. Thank you for posting this. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. If you're not in a rush, take your time and pick the leaves as they come ready. He constantly kept preaching about this. Also worked very well last year on fully dried tobacco. Well, short of dynamiting them, running them over with a ten-ton digger, searing them with a flamethrower, or soaking the stuff in weed-killer, tobacco pretty much looks after itself. I have 4 that I cycle between curing jars to monitor humidity in the jars. Although I may not be identifying the ammonia as released from tobacco leaves correctly. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. Spray water, port, rum, honey dissolved in any of the aforementioned, or pretty well any consumable liquid. Answer: It's fine, (If you want to speed drying put some leaves in a VERY low oven for an hour or more until they are dry enough to suit). Question: Is planting tobacco summer (start of January) ok? Keep in a cool, dry place out of direct light. He left the element on about 150 C for a few days. 50% of these commercial growers cure for between 7 and 14 days. Cut a thin slit through the center of the stem on each leaf using a utility knife. You'll know they're ready for use when theyve turned dark brown and the edges of each leaf are curled. If you over-do it and it gets too brittle a fine mist from a cheap hothouse mister should fix things. Misting it with Vodka or Rum (or some other alcohol including Port) and letting it dry may help, as well as imparting a nice flavor. on Introduction, https://www.cigarworld.com/education/tobacco-411/curing-and-fermentation/. This year i ordered from Victory Seeds and they have a much wider variety. Add the parts, tools needed to create the lids so they're air tight, medical grade silicone lines, manifolds, check valves, RH hygrometer, the grommets alone cost $50 for 10 (with a minimum . They'll need temperatures of 75 to 80F to germinate. Thanks a lot, Yes i have read your article and gave very good things ty but one question is pesticides can i use them on the plant's and will i get sick from it. When you cure [organic] Cannabis buds, youre breaking down compounds in the resin into new compounds. On one end you want to keep the leaves from getting soggy to avoid mold and decay, and at the other end you want to keep the leaves from becoming dry and brittle without moisture, fermentation not will occur. Hanging Tobacco Leaves for Drying 1 Dry tobacco in the fall for the best results. I better still be alive for the first finished product lol. Luther, get a plant mister (little pump up spray) for a few dollars at a garden centre or two dollar shop and use it to spray your dry leaves. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Is that a constant 50c or would it be averaged over a 3day or so cycle? Also, in the images above you can see the vent holes I cut in the top and bottom of the coolerI have since plugged them up to hold in the humiditythere was too much ventilation going on. A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! I simply chopped it (2mm) and mixed in some pure vanilla essence (or chopped vanilla beans) and a little citrus zest then compressed it into a jar. Virginia tobacco, the stuff of commerce, is one of the hardiest plants you'll ever grow. You could also try spraying with a mister (one of those cheap mist sprayers that you can get from garden supply shops) Just remember that you want the leaves to dry, not go mouldy. As good a way as any Rhett, nothings written in stone - adapt, innovate, do it on the cheap; that's what it's all about. Its been about 6-8 weeks of drying. some plastic corks to keep the purple basket out of the water - filled the purple basket with the tobacco and put quite a thick bit of plastic over the top the plastic has been stretched and taped in place.. it has all been cleaned because this sort of condition breeds mold. The tobacco color should also change to a much darker hue of brown. Doing so removes excess plant material from your nugs, making drying much faster. Otherwise, just bite the bullet and buy an extra box of matches. You don't mention this stage, what are your thoughts on fermentation? We use cookies to make wikiHow great. I borrowed from the butchering industry and got a bunch of J fish hooks, strung them on some fishing line and use that for drying. Thanks for sharing! I just wondered whether the hot water cupboard would be a better spot as opposed to fairly consistent room temp in a living space. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on April 04, 2014: Thanks for your comments, I use HubPages, as per heading; free to use, just join up. Also, thank you for this article. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on January 21, 2016: Hi Hops, beer and 'baccy go together mate, have a top New Year too. References. BTW the leaves held by the old bloke in the article's photo grew in a temperate climate in spring and summer.They're pretty average bottom leaves (the higher you go the smaller the leaf) We get light frosts in Winter. Harvesting: Fully grown leaves (and no, It's not me!). Is there a trick to keeping tobacco alight? I have smoked for over thirty years and have been growing tobacco for two seasons. If you're in NZ get growing folks , and good luck. Thank you very much ---just so hard to get the seeds in SA Government screws all of us here ---BUT I can, and do grow my own weed and get very good crops too! Wear sterile disposable gloves and fill each jar about of the way full with your dried and trimmed buds. Question: Would you mind if I adapted your excellent work here for use in the UK? this methored did not work the tobacco turned to compost in a few weeks.. to much humidity.. the way i would change it is having the inside tray highter and only puting a cloth over the top so air can escape.. i only put a small hole in the top and this was not enough. Spread the leaves out so they're at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart to give them plenty of space to dry. -Air cured Tobacco leaves, Seeds with growing instructions are available here : Havana tobacco seeds are good for making cigars, particularity cigar wrappers because of the broad leaves, flavor and smooth appearances once cured. If you get problems then sort them out with humidifiers or what have you. In fact, each capsule has dozens of seeds, so one picking of ready seed-heads is more than ample unless you have several acres you want to plant out. I'm doing it with potatoes. 5 Steps to properly drying & curing cannabis Drying Weed (Steps 1-2) Marijuana strain trimming Step 1: Trimming your buds To dry your buds, you first need to trim them. Answer: I remove the stems because they're woody and would produce lumpy tobacco. If you need more seed google King Seeds in Katikati, (I've a link in the text). Almost magically, theyll regain their pliability with a little moisture. Also without an insulator, there would be a lot of heat loss, you would need higher temps than a psudo greenhouse.The cooler method traps in heat, but because the seals are not air tight there seems to be a lot of air exchange going on. Much faster above or below ground it simple, and better growing conditions no, it is buy. 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