The exercises of choice are usually solid compound movements (e.g., bench press, dips, squats, deadlifts). This can lead to muscle loss rather than gain. Pics? Im not a bodybuilder, but a month ago I got in a fight with one. carbs are your energy source, and you need them if you want to be big and strong and have a lot of energy. But most people are lazy, in effort and application, wanting someone else to give them all the answers. Mentzer asserted that this form of training was the most effective and offered the best outcome since it causes the least amount of muscle injury. Exhale and bring the dumbbells back to the initial point. Ive been doing HIIT for years. : The amount of effort you put into each set must increase as your body adapts to your routine. I actually think these drugs are a good thing, since most people just don't have the willpower to fix their obesity, but as someone who went from obese to lean, I really resent drug-users (especially obvious fatfucks like Mike) His approach to nutrition in terms of dietary sources was comprehensive. Not everyone needs 1-2 sets every 2 weeksMike never claimed that. Now im training two times a week with a routine promoted in Hardgainer magazine and I look much better. Why? Ive had some success with it but not to the extent above. : Perform only one heavy set for each body part, rather than multiple sets. Fruits: Mentzer recommended eating various fruits every day. Mike Mentzers Heavy Duty workout routine was unique because it was a high-intensity training program that was only performed one day per week. Incline Barbell Bench Press: 5 sets at 6-8 reps each set. In the past five yeats, I have gained more mass and strength than I did in the previous ten years doing all the 3, 4 and 5 day splits that every muscle head preaches. Too long workouts and too many reps only force the muscles to adapt if youre already on roids. Write by: Ergo, despite assertions to the contrary, the emphasis needs to be on increasing the intensity of the exercise, not prolonging the recovery period, which as everybody has acknowledged here doesnt work for steroid-free mortals. MENTZERS 79 SHOULDER WORKOUT Nautilus Machine Laterals | SETS: 1-2 | REPS: 6-9 | MAX WEIGHT: 250 lbs One-Arm Dumbbell Laterals | SETS: 1 | REPS: 6-9 | MAX WEIGHT: 70 lbs The intensity (heavy weight) provides the strike force whereas the volume spreads the damage over the muscle tissue. Mentzer wasnt afraid to express his rather negative and yet very true opinion of the whole bodybuilding industry. I dont know about the extremes of HD Vs. high volume training, but from my own experience I think there may also be a physiological difference for older men. 30 years later after on and off weight training I used HD agian but had to becareful as the older you get the longer it takes to recover. Period. Mentzers dead. So again, you are making yourself look stupid with falsehoods! Mike and his brother Ray used these advanced and super advanced techniques in the summer of 1979 and it resulted in Mike gaining 14 pounds of pure muscle in 9 weeks (while losing fat and at an already advanced level of mass and strength), and winning his first pro show beating the likes of Robby Robinson, Danny Padilla and Roy By utilizing a large number of muscles at the same time, you promote the release of essential anabolic hormones that are vital for increasing strength and muscle mass. Within one year I went from 155 to 180, all natural and I dont fully do HIT like Mike Mentzer but I firmly believe in the 1 working set. Hit is dead. Hold a barbell with your hands using an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width. You keep wasting your time with hit. Ive never seen anyone build a great body with mentzers Hit system. Mike The Heavy 12-14 sets / big body part (3-4 exercises x 3-4 sets) In fact when we discussed it Mike simply said dont get too hung up on it. Load at least 70% of your maximum pushing capacity. He clearly saw mike doing 4 sets for an exercise, 4 exercises per bodypart pyramiding up the weight in a 10-12, 8-10, 6-8, 4-6 fashion. Burpees are a very effective high-intensity upper body exercise that help develop full-body strength and endurance and offer result-worthy cardio training. All. Listening to Arnold about training is listening to somebody who had no clue to what extent in reality the variables in his training affected his success. It consisted of very few exercises per workout, each performed for one set only. Total crap, after two months I was mentally drained and i looked fatter and deconditioned. What a natural bodybuilder does when hes very close to his genetic limit, I dont know. I don't drink any alcohol or any other drugs. But, after months of unbreached progress, he hit a plateau, unable to gain any more, either in size or strength. Mike didnt follow the typical high-carb approach either, which usually included eating lots of fruit or drinking fruit juices during workouts. You can try the following experiment to understand this point. For anyone reading this who is on the fence abouot HIT High Intensity Training Heavy Duty get teh actual HIT book (Amazon has it) and read it, then follow it. 2. He did better than Mike in bodybuilding. Keep your knuckles facing up and thumbs inside. They are doing the I think I am going as heavy as you can. Stand or sit upright and keep your back straight. The fact that you are capable of doing fewer reps per set means that you are capable of doing less work in the same amount of time. Mike was right about finding the minimal amount of exercise to trigger growth. Keep pretending youre 250. I guess itll always work for me as long as Im a human being. Fish (salmon and tuna):Both fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving brain function, and lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Thats true Bro, Somehow, sugar is an ingredient everything on Have you ever wondered how to get bigger arms and why it is essential to have them? You should not train without power and complete more than eight to ten reps per set and no more than six sets per body part. You HIT the nail on the head with this one. And nonsense articles like this ego stroke the laziness among trainees. Youd think after 50 years the hit side would have tons of bodybuilders who trained on hit and nothing else. If you heavy duty training the right way, it works. Further the training partner would act as a spotter for rest pause set as the lifter would add singles with time in-between single rep mini sets. Unlike most believe, Mike Mentzer did warm up his clients with a few lighter weight sets with slow cadence and controlled form with no momentum. This is exactly the message Mike Mentzer promoted! Decades of bodybuilders show that volume is the best for growth. His training style was basically developed from high-intensity The truth is in the middle. So for natural bodybuilders heavy duty program should be the best approach because it provides the most recovery. mike mentzer shoulders. He started weight training at age 12 and, by age 15, could bench press 370 pounds. The majority of bodybuilders of the many decades built their bodies with a good amount of volume. His training style was basically developed from high-intensity exercises founded by Arthur Jones in 1970. If you dont agree thats fine; I cant see the point in going round in circles repeating the same old rhetoric. He used this special type of drop set to build his best-ever physique for the 1980 Mr. Olympia. If you want to work out more often than once per week, then youre overtraining and should not expect any results from your efforts. The reps build fluid in the muscle, not muscle fibers. Protein is a vital nutrient that helps Did you know that 80% of your immune system is in your gut? He went hard on all sets and on the last set he did forced reps and negatives. Blog. 80 degree incline bench press (shoulder-width grip), 4 x 4/2/2**, 3/0/X/0, 180 seconds rest; Hit sucks. Period.. Only on gear will volume really help. Ive been doing HIIT for years. : You must allow enough rest between workouts so that your body can recover from the stress placed on it during its last workout session. 45 years old, 510 tall, 230 pounds with 11 percent body fat. Condensed. However, being brief should not be allowed to interfere with proper warmups, especially as the body response can feel different, workout to workout. You dont need to go to failure to grow. He just kept quiet about it. Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 5 sets at 8 reps each set. Hit sucks, always has, always will. workouts. its virtually impossible not to grow doing HIT correctly! Mike provided guidelines, hoping others would tweak them for their individual needs. There are none. Mentzer began lifting when he was only 12 years old, and by the age of 15, he could bench over 350 pounds. Those HDII techniques are about as valid as Zanes 20 sets per body part. , which have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving brain function, and lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Customize it & u cant go wrong. But as mentioned in the article, it is not for everybody. In other words, when we can no longer complete another rep with good form, then the set is over. Theres no data to back up that claim. Muscle isnt built in the gymthat is when intense exercise will cause micro tears in the muscle; then, during the recuperative phase, the muscles will rebuild themselves. Arnold and his friends were training six days a week, two times a day. If thats not the case, you are either a genetic freak, a beginner or your intensity is not that high. Mike Mentzer is a legendary bodybuilder from the 1970s who won the Mr. Universe contest in 1978 and eventually won that title with a perfect score.. Mike believed that when it comes to training, less is more. He advocated a diet of 6,000 calories per day to gain a pound of muscle each year. Reason why bodybuilders love volume is bc of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Still in great shape and big. Hit has been debunked many times over. 163 pages, with photographs, this is sure to be a classic addition to any body builder's belief system, training, and library. Yates did more powerlifting type training but disguised it as some revolutionary way of training. What he taught worked for me. Perform one push-up, but do not allow your back to sag. Keep your back straight, knees bent, and feet at a shoulder-width distance. Bodyweight Dips: 5 sets x 6 reps (60 seconds between sets). Also, before switching to Heavy Duty training, he was doing regular volume workouts like his rivals. Mike Mentzer was knocked off the top spot by Kalman in the 1977 IFBB M.r Universe heavyweight class by a one-point decision. Greg walked away knowing that hit was a load of shit. Please logout and login again. Not bad considering I am almost 72, but the younger chaps too are all doing well. One work set per workout? He consumed food from the following groups: Mentzer claimed that most beginning bodybuilders need to eat a high-carb, high-calorie diet and that gaining a little fat is important to increase muscle mass for individuals who want to put on 10 pounds. The concept is thought provoking, innovative and is a great mass-and-strength plateau buster.Where is it ordained that one rep of a set must be followed immediately by another? Everyone I see doing mentzers hit are either pencil neck dweebs or fat slobs. Arnie trained 6 days a week twice a day. Instead of using pre exhaustion, do only the compound movements and use more weight. Where are the big hitters? The bent over row is one of the best upper body exercises for building muscles in your back. The soreness after your workouts will be significantly less. However, after a few weeks, you will feel mentally drained. Its dead. Mike readily acknowledged this in his early books, and is the main reason he turned to Rest Pause. They all, do multiple sets. Wheres Mentzer these days. Four weeks between workouts, low rep sets like weightlifters do perhaps. Sadly, he took everything to the other extreme. Heavy duty was that whole too good to be true scam. Lee saw Yates do more sets, not his one set to failure training when Lee trained with Yates in Australia. Although he did not win, Mike made a lasting impact on the bodybuilding world by introducing his Heavy Duty training system to his fellow competitors. Before we dive into Mike Mentzers workout exercises, heres a summary of. Sorry this article is ridiculous. Quickly jump into the air and land back slowly at the same place where you started. Heavy duty at least laid to rest the requirement of 20 sets/ body part. LOL HIT dogma. Mike (along with Casey Viator) worked for Arthur (Nautilus) Jones who trained them using one set.Mike wrote that whenever Arthur turned around he and Casey did a few more sets.. Keep protecting that manhood keyboard warrior. E. the sets after first are all to failure However, there is still some confusion about his exact training routine.. Roids. Buy Arnolds encyclopaedia on bodybuilding. WebFull Body: 15 sets ~ 17 mins BW = 219 lbs Dips 3x8 - bodyweight (30 sec) KB Row 3x8 - 45 lbs (30 sec) Barbell Shoulder Press 3x8 - 70 lbs (30 sec) Dumbbell Curls 3x8 - 30 lbs People who use HIT are known to be liars on forums, but feel free to carry on entertaining, laughter is good for the soul. Trust me. Dont get your info from poorly summarized third person articles that miss many of the important details of the HIT method. He was keen to help those who were gulliable enough to pay him. When I read or hear someone say you can do this as a natural you are not dedicated, you have a lazy work ethic, and you life is full of excuses. A base of compound movements like 30%, and 70% of isolations exercise. G. be instinctive, listen to your body regarding the number of exercises, sets and reps Ive rarely noticed a roid retard ever go to failure on a single set. All hitters are either pencil necked dweebs or fat old slobs. Mike was constantly outspoken when it came to the IFBB and training, as was Robby the two were fiercely competitive towards each other. I still with compound movements, the only isolation exercise I do are Side and Back Lateral raises for the shoulders. In the 1970s, when most bodybuilders adopted low-carb diets, Mike typically consumed 200 g of carbohydrates daily. Mentzer believed many bodybuilders were overtraining, so he emphasized Mike Mentzers Chest Workout. 1 1. Incline dumbbell fly (5 sets, 8 reps) 2 2. Flat barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) 3 3. Bodyweight dips (5 sets, 10 reps) 4 4. Flat dumbbell fly (5 sets, 8 reps) 5 5. Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) Its best to stop 1-4 reps shy of failure and do multiple sets to break down the muscle tissue. Mentzer preached high-intensity exercise once every five to seven days, and every training session shouldnt last more than 20 minutes in order to achieve maximum muscle stimulation. Rest enough and this works. Increasing the recovery periods does work. Seriously, as Mike said, his training methods are the most efficient. Its not an easy protocol. Known to be liars huh. Accueil Uncategorized mike mentzer shoulders. Flat barbell bench press: 5sets at 6-8 reps, Straight arm Pulldown: 5 sets of 5-8 reps, Close Grip cable pulldown: 5 sets of 8-10 reps, Standing barbell shrug: 5 sets of 8-10 reps, Bent over dumbbell raise: 5 sets 8-10 reps, Dumbbell side lateral raise: 5 sets 8-10 reps, Behind the overhead neck press: 5 sets 6-8 reps, Single leg hamstring Curl: 5 sets 8-10 reps, Walking dumbbell lunges: 5 sets 8-10 reps, Cable triceps pushdowns: 5 sets 8-10 reps, 10 Signs Your Testosterone May Be Too Low, 4 Ways Sugar Does Harm To Your Body and What To Do, How To Eat and Train To Get Bigger Arms , New Year Resolution Tips | Guide for Beginners. They Hire Chemists. He also competed against Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane in the Mr. Olympia contest, placing. Ive seen guys train with heavy duty and they all look like they dont lift due to the low frequency of the training. So dont make ridiculous blanket statements based on falsehoods! Be the first one to comment on this story. Last edited by Toenail Juice Z; 16-Sep-2001 at 02:43 Shop eBooks and audiobooks at Rakuten Kobo. No, it really is not. Fri- Legs and shoulders. In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: dcd99c6a07bc182bfefc822e3ccb1bc1, TREN: The Tale of Riki Violino Only $0.99 (Book Promo), Mike Mentzers Heavy Duty Workout Sucks For Naturals. Featured are the six distinct approaches to Mike Mentzers physique obtained through his Heavy Duty training and diet is quite impressive. Lame brain article, its clear you didnt comprehend. It was given a chance by people such as Weider and Robert Kennedy but it failed to deliver what it promised. Mike Mentzer Workout The Ultimate Guide to Building The Mike Mentzer workout is a high-intensity training program designed to help you build. So, if you were very strong and did that Squat workout above, training soon after it would not only be a waste of time, it would be draining you further. WebAwards. This exercise can be done either using a dumbbell or barbell. Ive always trained in a personal progressive pyramidal style with very good results : A. Schwarzenegger was Mr. Volume, and he also was Mr. Roids. Training heavy for 1 set helps more than doing 5 to 15 at medium weight. I legitimately Talk about throwing in the towel! The Golden Horde got a good look at much of their bench with the game well out of reach throughout the fourth quarter. Reason why bodybuilders love volume is bc of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. but a month ago I got in a fight with one. Since its volume that built the best bodies ever, drug free and enhanced. If you account for weights used and time under tension (including negatives, focus on eccentrics,drop sets, and rest pause sets) and actually calculate, an HD workout actually has a lot more volume than a typical 55 workout. 21448 N 75th ave Suite Its versatile; you can use it in a wide range of dishes, from stir-fries to curries or salads. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 5 sets x 10 reps Pec Deck Flye 4 sets x of 10 reps Cable Flye 4 sets x 12 reps Preacher Curl 4 sets x 10 reps Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 sets x 12 reps One Arm Triceps Extension 3 sets x 12 reps Lying Triceps Extension 4 sets x 12 reps Bennett watches as Bautista grinds out machine chest Feb 28th, 2023 ; Answers Herald. Less is more with HIT. Moreover, Mike didnt merely promote training to failure, he emphasised progressive intensity and overload and ajusting ones frequency accordingly. WebMike Mentzer was a legendary bodybuilder who won the 1978 Mr. Universe, becoming the first bodybuilder ever to get a perfect score from the judges. If you reach the upper-limit of your potential and cant add any more to the load and have tried reducing volume and frequency, then you could look at other ways to make training more difficult. Training to failure compromises the cns too much. 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