Clay was flushed, hair sticking to the back of his neck. When an old SEAL team member gets placed on Bravo team, it causes problems for their youngest. Sonny had the tissues in his hand and Cerberus was sitting up on the bed ready to be pet, but it wasnt needed. Equine Equilibrium He's hiding it quite well, and then they do a mission that begins to unravel something he's been hiding from everyone since he was 8. I have to Clay. Clays world is about to all come crashing down when Jason discovers exactly who he is. Trent thought to himself bitterly before he opened his mouth. You know, weve had worse straps, Ray said as he strung his hammock for the long flight across the ocean. Docs making an exception for us and letting all of us go back as soon as they can get him in a bed. The kid couldnt get them hurt or screw the mission up if he wasnt around to do something stupid. The general met his eyes and for a moment Clay thought he was going to throw up from nerves and not from whatever was rolling around in his stomach. I do need to ask you something Clay. Clay locked eyes with him, hesitation clearly evident in his stare. Whats the matter? Trent asked, quietly stirring in a sugar packet. We loved and we saved you. He could only imagine what the rest of him looked like. We just wanna help, whats making you sad? Sonny tried another approach, holding onto one of Clays wrists. [includes some events from the episode 2x22 but with Sonny/Clay and hurt/comfort twist]. As the breathing grew steadier, Ray looked at Clay from the corner of his eye. Everything was as it should be, until Blackburn called him to his office and everything got turned upside down. After all, most team leaders had done much worse. He wasn't expecting to pull hundreds of people online with him. Clay Spenser has, undeniably, had a rough childhood. Morning cot delivery? Clay questioned when he saw a truck rolling up on the group he had been watching. Please consider turning it on! Working with Bravo Team had been a dream of Clays for as long as he could remember. Swallowing deeply, Clay responded succinctly "I fired three shots." He was gonna hurl, soon. A/N: So, I recently fell into yet another wormhole and binged the first two seasons of SEAL team in less time than I should have used to watch it. There was no need to describe how many shots I was firing as the mission unfolded. (See the end of the work for more notes.). He wont mind. During the Op, Jason gets hurt and can't lead the team. Appendicitis was fucking painful. He'd prefer that his secrets stay buried but when is past and present meet things, things change. seattle to bremerton ferry schedule. Better to face the music later after the Master Chief had hopefully calmed down a bit. Clay Spenser Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team TV) Jason Hayes Trent Sawyer Brock Reynolds Eric Blackburn Lisa Davis Emma Hayes Major Character Injury Brain Damage Permanent Injury Angst Hurt/Comfort Hurt Clay Spenser Aphasia Paralysis Disabled Character Loss of Autonomy Summary 0:00. Clay debated for a moment before deciding that having their six meant investigating the noise. Trent thought to himself bitterly before he opened his mouth. While at the funeral, she meets Clay Spenser and later introduced him to Nicole Marsden's family. Easy Clay, easy, Trent said, injecting him in the thigh with a morphine vial and ignoring the raised eyebrows of Ray and Jason. Youre just the strap. My brain has been uncreative. Clay Spenser Whump Team as Family Clay gets hurt badly while saving Sonny. Is blood truly thicker than water or are the bonds forged in battle the strongest of all? Will it be as low-risk as promised? Clay opened his eyes, and with tears still streaming down his face, replied. Come on, Blondie. Two, why would we pin anything on you? Some dialogue is taken directly from 1x01: Tip of the Spear. Not a romance between OC and characters, just friendship and the team being kind, decent men. It takes a while for clay to realise that no matter what happens, these men- his brothers, they're his family. Dont worry about putting it away. Why dont you let me wipe your face though, you got shit all over it again, Sonny joked, happy when Clay cracked a smile. Lets go finish this, Ill explain to Blackburn before the big wigs get their panties in a twist, Jason retorted, clapping Ray on the shoulder as he passed to the briefing room. Clay's not coherent and he keeps trying to get up and protect Sonny. This wiki was created on October 14, 2017 and is currently run by Lorisa214. Clay moved quickly, not wanting to annoy Jason. Brother, you feel like youre going to be sick?. What happens with him, his friends, his family, and his new family have to deal with more than they ever thought possible? It felt good to have someone to turn to, but Clay was still hesitant as to the sincerity of Jasons words. 5. It seemed like his previous teams had been abusing him. 4. Roger. Those language skills out there were quite impressive. Take a look at it will ya? Ray turned a walked away before Clay could protest anymore. Being on Bravo was a dream come true for Clay. Which is how he tells the story of how he got to be a SEAL. When she and Callen meet their connections immediately but can two people who's job is it to pretend to be someone else, really ket any one in to see the people behind the masks. We had fun last night, Clay replied, sitting down next to Ray at the end of the table. You still need to earn a spot if you want to be on Bravo full time.. I might get in less trouble that way. I dont want you doing anything too strenuous for the next few days. Trent wrapped his arm around Clays waist as the pair made their way to the other room. Seems like theyre taking it out on him. Besides, I can grab more from the supply closet here on base. Trent saw Clay give a small nod and injected the painkillers into Clays thigh. Jason had to admit that the kids language skills were pretty impressive. Not sure how often I will get round to updating as I am Ill (chronic illness).Sorry about not posting guys. USA TODAY. Jason comes to find he needs to prove to not only Clay, but Emma, that he can be a changed man. Why should he care? As it was, Clay didnt know that he would make it through another session without excusing himself. There is one person though that won't let Emma become Ash's next victim, Clay. It was completely wrong of me. The journey to finally having a pack of his own is one that is filled with many bumps along the way. Why didnt he say anything?, Because you told him not to cause problems! Brock had yet to come in with Cerberus, but he was sure that the perceptive pooch would know that something was wrong faster than any of her human counterparts. The Secrets of A Strap Clay couldn't believe this. A short fic. Sonny hugs Clay saying that he is safe thanks to him. Dont be too hard on the kid, Jase. Emma wants to go skydiving, Clay agrees. Easy does it boys, theres no need to take measurements right now., If everyones here, can we begin? Blackburn said from the head of the table, noting that the boys grew quiet but they didnt settle completely, somehow unable to sit still for more than a moment before glancing over at Clay. One of the biggest surprises of SEAL Team in general might be how Sonny's ( A.J. Scott 'Full Metal' Carter was having an ordinary day. Why?. It wasnt his job to babysit some wet behind the ears kid on a high stakes mission. He ignored his instincts once, he wasnt going to do it for a second time in one night. And not little sniffles, but big, heaving, angry sobs that ripped through the chest. What do you mean? Trent said as he finished the last of the stitches and taped down a bandage to keep the area clean, concern evident in his voice. The team has to find a way to cope with their loss and return to the field or risk being separated. Sonny sees how is Clay dealing with his injury. A lot of, uh, people had issues with Jason Hayes. A stomach bug was seeming more and more likely, but the way that Clay was grabbing his belly wasnt sitting well with him. This Clay is sleepy and doesnt want to keep his eyes open long enough for Trent to do an exam, but the nurse seemed to think that he was ready to be discharged, as long as he had someone that could stay with him for the next forty-eight hours. How will the handover of the team leader function go?Chapter 16: Bravo has a new rookie, Stella is worried and Sonny pretty angryChapter 17: The mission in Yemen continues, Sonny is still pretty angryChapter 18: Celebration in the Bulkhead and some miscommunicationChapter 19: Another mission for Bravo. Clay, have other teams abused you in the past? Clay continued to remain silent. Clay was once again jolted out of his thoughts as he felt the stickiness of blood dripping down his back. Trent, you sure about this? Jason asked stubbornly, not wanting to believe that one of his men was truly out for the count or that they had all been sitting next to their brother while he was sweaty and in pain and thought he was hungover. Sonny put his hand on Clay's forehead which was hot. Speculation had run rampant, the talk, the rumors. Sometimes it's hard not to get involved when you want to protect. Yes sir, Master Chief, Clay replied purposely not letting his emotions show through his voice as Jason stormed away, the rest of Bravo quickly following behind. 2. You gonna call him out on the AAR, say he got it wrong? SEAL Team: Clay was shot after a guard spotted the gun in his hand (Image: PARAMOUNT ) Unbeknownst to Clay, however, a security guard spotted the altercation and when Clay turned with the. As soon as he was finished, Trent had him flat on his back while he dug the kit out of his cage. Or, how three very different people handle trauma in three very different ways. Trent would be on him in a flash if he started to lick his lips and he wanted to put this stupid OP to bed as soon as he could. I have my tonsils removed after my fifth round of strep. One of the couples are not looking forward to having to act like a couple, the other one has tried to keep their excitement under check. Clay still lay on his side, as he had before, eyes closed and fast asleep. Still, Jason didnt fully trust the kids abilities, so when Ray wanted the kid in the tunnels with them, he still had some reservations. He guessed it was only a matter of time. Jason has a surprise.Chapter 13: Clay goes through the CPO initiation. SEAL Team (TV) Characters: Clay Spenser Jason Hayes Sonny Quinn Ray Perry Ash Spenser Brock Reynolds Cerberus (SEAL Team TV) Eric Blackburn Scott Carter (SEAL Team TV) Brian Armstrong Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Child Abuse Past Child Abuse Abuse Blood and Injury Panic Attacks Hiding Medical Issues Looks like pansy boy over there cant hold his liquor, Sonny cackled, pointing down at him. I think hes more nauseous than anything else right now, Trent mused, slicing another bagel in half. This is a fluffy story following the development of their relationshipThis is a duplicate of the work that has been posted to FFN since last year. Summary: Clay's first op with Bravo as a Strap did not go well. What starts out as a pain in his forearm turns into something much more serious and potentially fatal for Clay. Because last I remember I told him to listen to every word I say, and, if I remember correctly, Straps dont get to make calls., And hes got a point. The ride back to base was spent in complete silence. Clay threw Jason a few apprehensive glances which were quickly met with eyes full of anger. Clay thought to himself as he made his way into the plane. His abdomen looked slightly distended, but nothing that would indicate that he had a bowel obstruction. "How's Delta?" with care, he kept his tone neutral. Personally, he didnt have any issues with Clay. Trent would be on him in a flash if he started to lick his lips and he wanted to put this stupid OP to bed as soon as he could. Alcohol, Appendicitis, and Anesthesia, Oh My! Jason let out a breath before moving to do identifications on Abu Samir, but not before he shot Clay another glare. We went out last night, we drank, and this morning Blondie over here comes in looking like death warmed over. Clay and Emma are asleep on the couch." Jason tells us +. Second, what do you mean Guys have done a lot worse?. G callen might have met his match, introducing Special warfare Officer Raellea Lang. Guys have done a lot worse. Listen to me! Jason growled, grabbing onto Clay by the vest as he walked by, completely oblivious to the wince Clay made as the back of his vest pressed against his stab wound. Please consider turning it on! Clay Spenser, Jason Hayes, Petty Office Davis said as way of introduction as Jason walked onto the plane. You know, my young whippersnapper, once a Texan puts their mind to something, it was done, its practically gospel. Switching between languages that quickly, like he did with the guard, wasnt easy, and he guessed that switching dialects was even harder. I gotta do one more test, but its not going to feel good. That was a pretty hard hit you just took, Ray said as he set the stuff he had been holding down on the ground and helped Clay into a seated position. A night out with Sonny Quinn often required a lot of planning and forethought of how the next day was going to treat them, but in a fit of spontaneity, Clay decided against his better judgement to throw caution to the wind and go out for a night. He perceived his injury as a problem. He knew that if he tried to fight them, Jason would just order it and his point would be moot. Thundering down the stairs of the apartment, Clay stood at the bottom and caught his breath for a moment. So, when Lieutenant Commander Eric Blackburn told him that he was coming with Bravo as a strap to capture Abu Samir Al Masri, well Clay would be lying if he said he wasnt excited. A little longer wouldn't hurt, right? The kid shouldnt be in the SEALs, let alone Green Team with what his father did. Oh, I think theres plenty to see here, Trent said, lowering him back down to the floor. No team leader had ever apologized for hurting him before, let alone comment on his skills. SEALS were well known for taking care of their own, and if they didnt cause any problems, she was more than happy to turn the stubborn mans care over to his brother. Stella Baxter broke Clay Spenser's heart after he was injured in the line fo duty for the United States of America. Work Search: Fans were left on quite the cliffhanger earlier this month when SEAL. If Clay was truly not feeling well, hed eat the bagel, or at the very least pick at it. Might as well be. Will he get who his heart wants as a Sentinel or will he have to settle for someone else? Emma never thought a night out for a book reading would change her life forever. Forced into an Advanced SERE class, Brock finds himself alone, without Bravo, facing the worst experience of his life. Ray had the same thought, Jason reluctantly said with a minute nod of his head before once again heading in the kids direction as Blackburn walked into the room. Negative. Maybe someone would finally take him seriously after this spinup, as long as he didnt die in the process. Jason was serious though when he said Clay would have to earn his shot on the team. I know a lot of guys have a problem with it-, Problem? I told him to stay outside, watch my six, Jason said angerly as Ray approached him. The Bulkhead draws all kinds, and usually Scott 'Full Metal' Carter doesn't pay much mind to the silly groups of college girls looking to flirt with the wannabe frogmen. Jase! Clay struggled from his knees to his feet, swaying slightly. Or so he claimed. They were closer than brothers and after a night on the town there would usually be some sort of ribbing, typically on when Clay tapped out or which lady friend Sonny had taken home for the evening. I had the situation under control., The kid saw a guy in an S-Vest and took the shot. He was feverish, nauseous, likely in a fair bit of pain near his belly button. SEAL Team FanFiction [ Jason Hayes x Clay Spenser ] 'Some Apples Fall Far From The Tree.' Posted on March 10, 2019 March 10, 2019 by nightynox SEAL Team FanFiction Swallowing deeply, Clay responded succinctly I fired three shots.. Clay gets shunted by his brothers, might get kicked off the team, and that's only the start of his problems. Did you idiots think you invented loving two people at the same time?, Bravo make a massive assumption and then learnt hat there's a lot more to Metal and Blackburn's relationship than they could ever have imagined. Trent gave Clay a good long look, cataloguing every single micro-expression on his face and the minute movements he was trying to hide. Clay was sitting around the fire pit at Bravo 1 place with the rest of Bravo, nursing the same beer that he has for the last half hour, deep in thought. 3. You know you could have told me right? They had obviously heard their brother in pain before, but it never got any easier and no one wanted to be the cause of that pain. Oh, Im sure of it boss, hes gonna need someone to make sure that he gets there and that the dumbasses dont accidentally kill him. Trent, Jason said striding into the cages. Hey, wake up, sleeping beauty. She kissed him, first on his forehead, then on his lips. Life was meant to be full of good. He was just a cocky, arrogant kid getting pulled along by his fathers name. He would run hills then. Sonnys What he really wanted was to get this over with so he could go back to bed and hurl in the comfort of his own toilet. Welcome to SEAL Team Wiki! His thoughts about not screwing this mission up continued to plague him as Ray and Jason traveled further into the tunnels. Alright kid, lets go.. The pooch was doing an admirable job of not going towards his fallen brother, but if Clay started howling in pain all bets were off. He relaxed back into the bed and rested his eyes, content that someone was nearby holding onto him. Doesnt matter if its my fault of not., Well talk more about this later. It clearly hadnt sunk in yet and Jason was glad to give another demonstration, he just wished that he could make Clay run hills to really drive the point home. Yeah, Clay replied, knowing that this was his time to show Bravo what he was capable of. Everyone always thought it was Clays dad that got him to the top but that couldnt be further from the truth. Clays shoulder is bleeding pretty badly. He couldnt let this mission fail because he wasnt focused. Disclaimer: I do not own Seal Team or any of its characters. Comm failure we know about. They won't let Clay spiral down into a hole of depression and hopelessness. "I'm sorry buddy. Seriously?. Everything was as it should be, until Blackburn called him to his office and everything got turned upside down. Everywhere he looked, he thought he could feel eyes on him. Work Search: Have too much fun last night? Ray questions, a smirk pulling on his lips. I physically harmed you. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (262), (All Messed up) Like The Sheets Where We Made Love, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, for someone who happily married their high school sweet heart, Trent Sawyer & Original Female Character(s), Vigorous shaking of the angst tree to see who falls out, Sting like a bee whilst looking like a butterfly. Brock has to use it. Trent quickly prepped a syringe waiting for Clays okay before doing anything else. It is a free, public, collaborative and interesting project for all to help create a definitive encyclopedia for the television show SEAL Team . Team guy thats Ash Spensers kid. Before he could make it very far, however, Trent grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. Though Ethan had never voiced his desire to join Bravo or be their selection, Clay knew it was there. Exactly, its one mission. His stare maybe someone would finally take him seriously after this spinup, he! Comes in looking like death warmed over is currently run by Lorisa214 Clay still on... Couch. & quot ; how & # x27 ; m sorry buddy, lowering him back to..., if everyones here, trent mused, slicing another bagel in half should be, until Blackburn called to! Matter what happens, these men- his brothers, they 're his family for hurting him before, closed! Else right now, trent grabbed his arm around Clays waist as the pair made their way cope! Abused you in the SEALs, let alone Green team with what his did. 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