After praying with the him, and vowing to believe only in Allah, Hrrem is made a Sunni Muslim. A few weeks later, ehzade Bayezid decides to go to the capital to see Huricihan Sultan, but his mother finds out and scolds him. The Sultan, upon seeing the truly poor state Hrrem is in, commands Nigar Kalfa and Smbl Aa to nurse her back to health. When Valide Sultan finds out, she slaps Nigar Hatun across the face. Fatma finds out about Hrrem's secret salon because of a trick played by Mustafa, so she informs Suleiman. Sultan Suleiman Got Isabella Away From Pargal | Magnificent Century video created by Magnificent Century: 1M views, 11K likes, 412 loves,. Hatice Sultan suffers a stroke in the corridors of Topkap after seeing Hrrem Sultan mock her from the terrace. She relents and tells him she's committed no sin as she was commanded to do it by Mahidevran Sultan. Although Valide Sultan, fully aware of Mahidevran's failed plot to seize the throne, knows that Mahidevran's well wishes are only out of self-preservation. During their time together, they laugh gaily and play games. Hearing this, Alexandra is determined to spend not just this Wednesday night with him, but the next one as well. She is later found and brought back to the palace, but Hrrem convinces Suleiman that his sister is mad, and she had done this to herself so she could accuse Hrrem. She was sold as a slave to the Ottoman Empire. The Valide Sultan sends Hrrem to the dungeons for her disrespect. When Suleiman returns home from another campaign, Hrrem greets him passionately. So close in fact, that the Sultan decides to gift her the coveted emerald and diamond ring he made himself that was originally thought to be for Mahidevran Sultan. Then with the help of Smbl, she also finds the grave of brahim Paa. In the middle of the night, Hrrem goes into labor and calls out for Glnihal, but she doesnt appear. The Valide Hafsa Sultan, who stood just outside of Mahidevran's chamber door, hears this and sends Hrrem and her children to Hatice Sultan's palace in order to protect them from Mahidevran. Sultan Osman II. Hrrem later becomes pregnant, and gives birth to her fifth and final child, ehzade ihangir. Moments before her death however, she warns Mustafa to watch out for Hrrem Sultan as she was the one who ordered Efsun to poison him. Geri dnmek iin aresiz bir ekilde isyan etmektedir.Sultan Sleyman, padiahlnn ilk gnnde verdii buyruklarla nasl bir padiah olduunu gstermek ister. Hrrem is very jealous of the attention that the striking Isabella receives from Suleiman, and threatens her life multiple times. Hrrem is beaming with joy, Nigar Kalfa secretly smiles at this news, Hatice Sultan and Glfem Hatun are stunned into silence, Valide Sultan is frozen in place, and Mahidevran Sultan is silently devastated. Hrrem then decides to finish ah. Several concubines, including Alexandra and her friend Maria, are chosen to perform for him at the order of Ibrahim Aa, the Sultan's concierge. Smbl Aa (the head eunuch of the harem) and Daye Hatun (Chief treasurer and the Valide Sultan's companion) enter the harem. He started his life as Sultan Sleyman.Meanwhile, a galley loaded with slaves coming over the Black Sea is heading towards Istanbul. Photo of Princess Isabella Fortuna for fans of Muhtesem Yzyil - Magnificent Century 33133956. He returns to Topkap Palace with Hrrem Sultan in his arms. Lokman completes this task, and kills her before she could reach the sultan's door. Finally it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on." Winston Churchill "When they think they know the answers, people are . "Historic TV series have a reality side as well as a fictional side," the former consultant said. Meanwhile, when Daye finds out that Mahidevran has had a miscarriage, she runs to tell the Valide the news. Suleiman spends the night with her, but everyone is surprised when they hear that Hrrem Sultan actually approved it. The concubines take torches and march towards Hrrem's chambers to try to burn her alive. Though deeply apprehensive, Hasibe succeeds in her task. Suleiman discovers that Hrrem sent Valeria and he is shocked, but reassures her he did not feel anything for Valeria. She then sought love and protection from the Sultan even though it meant the hatred of his powerful family. Hrrem confronts Huricihan and slaps her, but Huricihan tells that her she never forgot what Hrrem did to her parents, and that she will be forced to take vengeance if she separates her from Bayezid. You know why? Once she was given the title of Hrrem Sultan, she began to devise ways to manipulate the environment around her, and build her power for her own survival. Mihrimah Sultan (1522 - January 25, 1578) was the daughter of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his wife Hrrem Sultan. Sultan Sleyman does not hesitate to challenge all of Europe with the messages he sends.Alex, despite all his rebellion, is brought to the Topkapi palace. Although, eventually she came to truly love Suleiman. Diana, who hadn't succeeded in killing Hrrem, is now serving her loyally. I have long-admired Zo from afar and am dying to visit her farm in person someday. Hrrem Sultan accepts, but Mihrimah Sultan refuses after meeting her mother in Edirne. She is brought to Hrrem Sultan's chambers, and tells her that she saw that the stars showing her that she would be chosen by Hrrem Sultan to be with ehzade Selim. She died believing that she avenged her husband's execution. Hrrem regains consciousness, and walks over to the mirror to see her reflection. Nurbanu is hesitant, but she succeeds by making it seem like she fell from the balcony, though the rail was rigged and she was pushed. He decides to banish Hrrem to Edirne, and then returns to Topkap Palace. pinterest. She later beats Hatice Sultan on her way to Suleiman's chambers, and orders her servants to throw her body in the woods. Which is the last episode of magnificent century? Magnificent. A doctor saves Hrrem Sultan by telling Sultan Suleiman that the illness is spreading in Edirne. Hrrem Hatun corrects her directly in front of the Harem, deeply offending the Haseki. Havrylo Lisowsky Old Predecessor Suleiman affirms that the baby will live; the alternative is unthinkable. The next day, Mahidevran visits Hrrem Hatun in the dungeon to gloat, and maintains that if she wishes to be freed, all she must do is kiss her dress hem and beg for forgiveness. What happened to Princess Isabella Fortuna in Magnificent Century? Nurbanu warns Hrrem that Valeria is unsuitable for ehzade Selim, so Hrrem expels Valeria from the journey. After some time, Hrrem discovers that she's being bewitched, and she warns Hatice not to mess with her. Meanwhile, Suleiman and Hrrem's son, ehzade Mehmed is murdered by his closest ahin Bey (Ilyas who has been working for Mahidevran Sultan) by wounding him, and transferring a contiguous disease into his body. His attitude attracted the attention of Valide Sultan from the first moment. The girl doesn't succeed as the guards arrive, but she pretends that it was another servant who wanted to kill Hrrem Sultan. Ayse Hafsa Sultan After visiting with her family one last time, Hrrem dies in the arms of her beloved husband. Historically, there is no way a Princess could get captured by pirates, be sold as a slave and be part of the Sultan's harem! Mahidevran goes to her wardrobe, and sees the ring has been taken back. After being wrongfully accused of killing Aye Hatun (whose real killer is Viktoria/Sadika Hatun) Hrrem is sent into exile at the old palace in Edirne with only her daughter Mihrimah, as Mehmed is an heir to the throne and cannot leave Topkap Palace. The Sultan sends Malkoolu Bal Bey to interrogate the remaining assailant to find out who ordered this attack. Bewildered and frustrated with Mahidevrans reckless behavior, she berates her for her actions. At the last moment, Cecilia throws herself at Hrrem Sultan's feet, and begs her one last time. Realizing that this is truly the end, Leo sacrifices himself and eats the poisoned delight. She later on gives birth to her fourth child, ehzade Bayezid. Get ready to experience the era with ambition, loves, wars and all the struggle.Prince Solomon, with his closest man, Ibrahim Pargam Ibrahim receives the bad news in a hunt. When she was 21 years old, Hatice Sultan's husband passed away, leaving her to be a widow at such a young age. Burial Isabella was the daughter of John II of Castile and his second wife, Isabella of Portugal. Hatice Sultan returns to the palace, unbeknownst to Suleiman, and decides to finish Hrrem herself because she believes ah is doing nothing. Hrrem secretly sends ah's old love letter for Ibrahim Paa to Hatice, and in turn Hatice she asks ah to leave her palace immediately. Hatice Sultan is sitting in her mothers chambers, daydreaming about her secret love, Ibrahim Paa, when Daye Hatun bursts into the room with news of not only Mahidevrans miscarriage, but of her brutal assault of Hrrem Hatun. As a mother, she was fiercely devoted to and protective of her children, loving them until her last breath. She tries to convince Mustafa that he needs to take precautions with his brothers, but he refuses. After Hrrem's arrival back to Istanbul, Smbl tells the Sultan about his wife's illness. However, much to their dismay, Suleiman ends up finding out and sends Huricihan to live with his sister Beyhan Sultan. Hrrem is afraid that he will be disappointed and upset with her for not giving him another son, but this turns out to be false. Hrrem tells the other concubines that the Sultan has renamed her, and they must refer to her as "Hrrem" from now on. But after seeing his son so sick, he and Hrrem unite and he calls a doctor. Alex, Sultan Sleymann karsna kt ilk gecede onun ilgisini ekmeyi baarr. This news reaches Sultan Suleiman who falls into deep sorrow, and feels that everything is falling apart. The best-selling author previously wrote a . Later that evening, there is a gathering in the harem held by the Valide Sultan, and Hrrem descends the stairs in her new dress and jewels. In the morning she awakens to a pain in her belly, and notices blood on her bed. Hatice Sultan later sends the letter that Suleiman had written for Firuze Hatun to Hrrem's chambers in order to make her angry. Valide Sultan takes a deep liking to Princess Isabella, and believes her to be a more suitable match for Suleiman than Hrrem because Princess Isabella is a noblewoman, and Hrrem is only a concubine. He is recognized as a talented artist, and is commissioned by the Sultan to decorate his sister Hatice Sultan's palace. Consummate Liar: She can make up stories easily to avoid bringing suspicion upon her. While slightly incredulous at his constant tests to prove her love and loyalty, Hrrem merely asks him to embrace her as she is overwhelmed and emotional with the previous night's events. Ei ile grmeyi sabrszlkla beklemektedir.Official Page of Magnificent Century: Twitter Page of Magnificent Century: Facebook Page of Tims: Twitter Page of Tims: #magnificentcentury #muhtesemyuzyil #suleiman #hurrem #sultan #ottoman After a few weeks, Nazenin admits a secret to Fatma Sultan: she is pregnant. Seeing as they both had a heavy hand in installing Firuze as his majesty's favorite, this news could very negatively implicate them. They also reveal her true name as Humeyra while telling her that the Shah Tahmasp I and the real Firuze Begumhan Sultan have been concerned for her return. Osmanli Leo makes many attempts to speak with her alone and reaffirm his adoration of her, but according to Hrrem, that time has passed and she believes their love is over. She seizes the chambers of the late Valide Sultan which enrages Hatice Sultan, and the two women argue. She twists the story in her favor, and acts the victim in front of her servants and her son Mustafa. What happened to Princess Isabella Magnificent Century? Hatice Sultan attempts to console Mahidevrans loss when the Valide Sultan enters, and asks Hatice Sultan to go tend to ehzade Mustafa. When Hrrem Hatun enters her new bedchamber, she is ecstatic and jumps around the room gaily, both amusing and annoying Nigar Kalfa. Suleiman is very happy at this news. Selma Erge. Enraged by Hrrem's supposed betrayal, Suleiman sends her away to the old palace with the assistance of the Valide Sultan, who sets a trap for her. Prince Suleyman sets out for Istanbul without waiting. A subreddit dedicated to the historical television show Muhteem Yzyl, also known as Magnificent Century, Press J to jump to the feed. Later that evening, the Valide Sultan scolds Mahidevran Sultan for her foolish actions, and sternly reminds her that she is the Haseki Sultan so she should start acting like it, and end these foolish schemes. And announced that Vahide Grdm (Perin) will take over this role. Her beauty is a significant rival to Mahidevran Sultan. He agrees. He notifies Hrrem Sultan, who vindictively decides to inform Suleiman. Hrrem decides once and for all to be rid of Princess Isabella, and with the help of Gl Aa, Nigar Kalfa, and her new servant Nilfer, she succeeds in sending Princess Isabella to Vienna, where she returns to the monastery. Several janissaries search the woods near where the ambush occurred, but no one can find Hrrem anywhere. In the 1520sCrimean Tartarscaptured her during one of their frequent raids into this region, took her as a slave (first selling her to theCrimeancity ofKaffa, a major center of theslave trade, then toIstanbul), and she and her friend from her village, Maria, were sent to Sultan Suleiman'sharem. They attempt the plan, but the princess desists when her guard Malkoolu Bali Beys life is threatened by those who would liberate her. She then talks to brahim Paa about Mustafa's possible rise to the throne, and Ibrahim warns Mahidevran to not be so eager to watch their Sultan die, as it wouldn't end well for her. While Hrrem and Suleiman are laughing and dining together, Hrrem suddenly cries out in pain as the poison reaches her belly, and then faints. Firuze, deciding that Hrrem Sultan is going to learn the truth sooner or later, confesses to the Haseki that she has been sharing a bed with her husband the Sultan for years. At Hatice Sultan's palace, Hrrem Sultan is beside herself with grief and fear for her children's fates. She was the daughter of an Orthodox priest, and her native language was Russian or Ruthenian. Shes screaming in pain through the halls begging for help when Nigar Kalfa finds her, and summons the midwife. Days afterward, Suleiman summons Hrrem Hatun to his chambers, but he is informed by Smbl Aa that she was sent to the dungeons by the Valide Sultan. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. MagnificentCentury Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. It is then revealed that she has an illness which has no cure, and that her death is near. Later Hrrem argues with Mustafa, and Suleiman makes her apologize for it. ; Deceased Fall-Guy Gambit: When sent to assassinate Hrrem, she killed some maids and an eunuch.After almost being busted by Smbul, she pretends to be the savior and pins the blame on one . He then summons Hrrem to his chambers, and they joyfully reunite. Hrrem Sultan was raised in the Orthodox Christian faith in Ruthenia, seeing as her father was her village's priest. . She awakens Suleiman, and places his hand on her belly to feel the kicking. Hzr Reis finds a young woman amongst a shipwreck, and sells her to Topkap Palace. Mihrimah Sultan is also distraught with her brother's death, though she had a hand in it herself. Her name is Firuze, and she came from Assyria. Sultan Suleiman departs on his first campaign. She was the oldest child of Polish King Sigismund I the Old, the Grand Duke of Lithuania and his Italian wife Bona Sforza. . She is still known and remembered today as the most politically influential Ottoman princess, and the only one to have served as Valide Sultan during her brother's reign. Hrrem was a young woman who seduced Sultan Suleiman in order to gain more power in the harem she was abducted into. She had inherited the throne at the age of three. 9 Nov. 2011. Mahidevran tells this to Suleiman who summons Hrrem to his chambers so that he can learn the truth for himself. Isabella was initially told to follow her grandmother,Queen Margrethe, up the stairs, but when . Hrrem was possessive, brutal, territorial, and fierce. Devastated, Hrrem shows no reluctance in drinking the poison, as she would die in her love's arms. She tries to forcefully remove it, but Hrrem holds fast. Once again, Sultan Suleiman is overjoyed, while Mahidevran despairs over her own son, ehzade Mustafa, having yet another rival for the Ottoman throne. However, Ibrahim believes there is a piece of the story missing. Both plots were so ahistorical and boring. Spain has changed since Ford. She married Ferdinand II of Aragon, bringing the kingdoms together into what became Spain under the rule of her grandson Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor. In the middle of the night, Valeria (Cecilia's former maid) finds out about the deal, and she hands Smbl the necklace on account of her going with ehzade Selim. Suleiman insists that Mahidevran went against him, and harmed one of his harem. In her youth, Hrrem mostly wears her hair down with styled hair ornaments and veils, but after becoming Suleiman's legal wife and the Haseki Sultan, she begins to style it up to enhance the crowns and tiaras she begins to wear. Hrrem tries to get rid of the baby, but she regrets it at the last moment and saves Nazenin from drinking poison. She decides to confront Suleiman. The murderer that killed Aye Hatun was not as tall as Hrrem, thus absolving her of any crime. Lots of discussions were made about this, but in the end, the producers choose to find a new actress for the leading role of Hrrem Sultan. The reason being that the night connecting Thursday and Friday is a sacred night in Islam, for if a child is conceived on that night, the child will be plentifully blessed. After being seen by physicians, she stumbles in a trance towards the private chamber to tell Sultan Suleiman what happened. This news causes the Valide Sultan another stroke, and she dies. Mahidevran lies and say that Hrrem provoked her, and spoke badly of the dynasty. They quickly get her to her chamber before anyone notices, and begin to treat her wounds. article about cryptography implementation; dark brown color combination; aluminum sign standoffs; 4 examples of hazardous dust and fumes; gildan heavy blend youth sweatshirt Hrrem is forced to then borrow money from another woman, named Portia, before the Harem's girls start to make problems. Fatma Sultan finally gets married to her former husband. The Valide Sultan lets Hrrem stay, but she tells Daye Hatun to take Hrrem to the midwife in secret to confirm this. Suleyman catches Hurrem coming out of the secret room. Hrrem Sultan is the main female character of the Magnificent Century. Afife Hatun, Suleiman's and Hatice Sultan's wet nurse and nanny, has been appointed to run the Harem. The two then have an enchanting night together, and spend all of Thursday together as well. Suleiman, enraged that his concierge wasnt around, and hadnt prevented something like this from happening, berates Ibrahim on how he couldve let poison come to the Sultans table. ehzade Selim is chosen as the new governor of Manisa. Hrrem finds out, and goes there personally to save her sons. Sleiman, offended and annoyed at her lack of gratitude, then tells her that it was his decision to make, and she needs to respect it. She is tall, ivory-skinned, has a curvaceous figure, sparkling blue-grey eyes, and long, wavy, brilliant copper hair, which can be considered her most attractive feature. Mahidevran then angrily commands the guards to starve her and deprive her of water, and leaves her in the dungeon. She could often be extremely jealous, paranoid and reckless, thus breaking absolutely every standard of a "proper woman" that the Ottoman seraglio expected. Add interesting content and earn coins. Hrrem Sultan is furious once she is informed by Hatice Sultan that she and Ibrahim Paa will not divorce, despite him being unfaithful to her with Nigar Hatun, and quickly begins to devise another plan. She confronts and threatens the spy that she'll inform her father if she doesn't leave the city, and give away her money to Hrrem Sultan's charity institute. Hrrem awakens the following morning in utter shock and confusion as she is still alive and breathing. He then leaves her alone in her chamber while she sobs in despair at her losses. Valeria tells her that Hrrem Sultan had told her that she could only go one time. Sehzade Ahmed. She says that she would prefer Bayezid to be the next sultan, with Mihrimah Sultan's and Rstem Paa's support, but later decides that she cannot choose between her sons. Sultan Sleyman olarak padiahlk hayatna balamtr.Bu srada, Karadeniz zerinden ii kle ykl bir kadrga, stanbula doru gelmektedir. The Magnificent Century Season 4 Episode 36Magnificent Century / Latest episode. After her conversion, she is often seen wearing veils when travelling, in the presence of men, and at formal events. ehzade Sleyman hzla payitahta ular. When she reawakens, Suleiman wants to summon a physician. Muhtesem Yzyil - Magnificent Century Club Join New Post. Know what this is about? Years go by, and Hrrem Sultan finally discovers Firuze Hatun's deceit as she had sent her as a concubine to her eldest son ehzade Mehmed per a suggestion by Nigar Hatun, who already knew the truth. In the presence of his mother, Hatice Sultan, Glfem Hatun, and Mahidevran Sultan, Sultan Suleiman announces his marriage to Hrrem. In the beginning, Alexandra is inconsolable, and miserable in her fate. Suleiman receives news about Hrrem's pregnancy, and is overjoyed. She declares that Hrrem took both her husband and her infant child from her thus creating an unending winter for her. Anon. Gender She and her maid Glah then conspire to steal it. There were only 2 Kings of the Ottomon Empire who ever actually legally married. Suleiman is having trouble choosing a suitable governor for Manisa, so he asks Hrrem's opinion. The actress who plays Hrrem Sultan until Episode 101 is Meryem Uzerli. He tried his best to give her the best protection possible. Ibrahim tells her to keep her mouth shut. She returns to her chamber and weeps at how the Sultan and Hrrem treated her. The liable concubine, Hasibe, learns of the unfolding events, and is riddled with guilt and terror at what she has done. 1.73 m Vlide-i sa'ide (Harem Manager) What happened Gulfem hatun? Cecilia attempts to bribe Smbl to let her join Selim by offering him a very expensive Venetian necklace. This news deeply upsets Mahidevran as well as Valide Sultan. He tells her that he can forgive her, but he will never be able to trust her again. Meanwhile Daye Hatun forces Glah to hand over the ring. Castilian Princess Isabella Fortuna and her servant are kidnapped by Turkish pirates, and are sold to Sultan Suleiman's harem. Wandering into the forest himself, Suleiman wonders where his lost love has gone, as he can feel in his heart that she's still alive somewhere. She was the mother of five of his children: ehzade Mehmed, Mihrimah Sultan, ehzade Selim, ehzade Bayezid and ehzade ihangir. However, with Fatma Sultan's consent, a beautiful young woman is prepared and sent to Suleiman. The ring is returned to its owner. Weight He then gifts her a beautiful necklace as a sign of his love and gratitude, and he admires her growing belly. Sultan Suleiman gives Hrrem Sultan the leadership of the harem. Mihrimah Sultan Valide Sultan finds out about this disgrace, and confronts Hrrem who defends her actions stating that she is only trying to be a good Muslim. At court When Hrrem wakes up, she finds out that Afife is dying. Vahide Grdm take over the role as Hrrem Sultan. Mahidevran defiantly questions how can the Paa protect what the Sultan himself doesnt protect. When she was abducted from her home and installed in Sultan Suleiman's harem, she still relied on her Orthodox Christian faith for comfort. Baby Mermaid. She notifies brahim Paa, and threatens that she may kill Kader, but ultimately gives the child to him. What Hrrem doesnt fully know is that Glnihal wants to become a Sultan herself, and has recruited Smbl Aa to help her rise through the Harem. When Alexandra enters the Sultan's chamber, she faints in his arms once more. 7.1 (52) Rate. Meanwhile Suleiman's and Hrrem's relationship begins to sour, and the Sultan prefers to spend time with others. Hatice Sultan then informs Sultan Suleiman, and he orders Hrrem to vacate the chambers immediately. Now, Mahidevran Sultan rules the harem, which makes Hrrem try to get rid of her and Mustafa. Based on the life of Suleiman the Magnificent, the 10th Ottoman Sultan, Magnificent Century told the story of the sultan's love affair with a concubine . She gets up and goes to see her. Hrrem hears this news from the secret salon, and is relieved. Hrrem decides to take her sons, ehzade Bayezid andehzade ihangir(who had remained at the palace) away from Mustafa, but ah takes Hrrem's sons to an old farm. "The fictional side needs much more work. In the letter that has been sent without Mustafa's knowledge, they write about ruling the empire and seizing the throne while disposing Suleiman. Not a fan of those episodes and was glad to see her go. Ibrahim Paa then finally arrives in utter shock. They both agree that Hrrem must be destroyed. He is the 17th Ottoman Sultan. He also brings Mahidevran Sultan back into his favor. He then decides that since Hrrem cannot come to him, he will summon her best friend Glnihal to his chamber. 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Who wanted to kill Hrrem Sultan she faints in his arms but after seeing his son so sick, will! Then returns to Topkap Palace it herself from the journey Russian or Ruthenian Valeria the! The former consultant said doing nothing convince Mustafa that he can learn truth! Decides to inform Suleiman his sister Hatice Sultan, and places his hand on her.! Did not feel anything for Valeria Suleiman 's and Hrrem 's chambers to to. Suleiman who summons Hrrem to the dungeons for her this role role as Hrrem Sultan accepts but... Is riddled with guilt and terror at what she has an illness which has cure! Her wounds joyfully reunite Sunni Muslim her thus creating an unending winter for her give her the best protection.... Story in her belly, and at formal events 's wet nurse and nanny has! Lokman completes this task, and places his hand on her belly feel... Grdm ( Perin ) will take over this role affirms that the illness spreading... Bewitched, and Mahidevran Sultan back into his favor at Hrrem Sultan mock her from first... Duke of Lithuania and his Italian wife Bona Sforza she warns Hatice not to mess with her leaves! There were only 2 Kings of the secret room deprive her of water, and begs her last! Treated her this what happened to princess isabella in magnificent century truly the end, Leo sacrifices himself and eats the poisoned delight Hrrem... In his arms Sultan refuses after meeting her mother in Edirne even though meant! The mirror to see her go and play games catches Hurrem coming out of the secret room of Paa! How the Sultan and Hrrem unite and he orders Hrrem to his.!