Mostly Geminis are not ready to be togheter with a Scorpio in the beginning, but the main reason for that is that we dont like to be confronted with our weak spots. The Scorpio man, on the other hand, is deeply sensitive and emotional. This is because when the heart of a Gemini falls in love, its a love that is so deep and so true and so pure that it defies explanation and even the Gemini woman herself cannot understand it. He understands that and goes to doctors appointments with me. They are still married 50 years later and love each other. He is willing to take his time to make sure its a healthy relationship for both of them no matter how long it takes, and that means he does have your best interest at heart. Lots of extreme argument but later we kiss and make up after he promises me that he wont do it again. Gemini Woman and Scorpio Man Zodiac Compatibility, Obsession, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. But i tried, for my kids, because i loved him because i was not a quitter (non gemini trait). When they say they choose you, they mean it. Good luck. And because this is something that most people of any Sign cannot begin to understand, most dont recognize it at all when its right in front of them. Dated a libra, an Aries, a cancer after that, but no one AS A PARTNER was even close to that scorpio AS A FRIEND, I wonder how would it have been if he was my boyfriend. The sex, omg. They cant wait to get back home to see you and talk about your day. Unless she is willing to move on with you and have a serious relationship, its best you move on if you can. Their mental connection will be dependent on their ability to find shared interests. 5. Everything To Know About Wedding Dress Preservation, How To Force Your Pisces Man To Send a Text Response, Scorpio Man & Aquarius Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Sagittarius Woman Bed Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Leo Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Capricorn Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Aries Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Capricorn Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Leo Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Aquarius Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Capricorn Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Scorpio Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Gemini Woman Marriage Compatibility. They dont want anything fake or superficial, so if youre looking for a quick hookup or a fling, you will not get the worthwhile relationship that Scorpio men are seeking. I dont understand why so many people say this combo wont work. Gemini Man with Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility, Gemini Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Scorpio Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs,, Gemini woman scorpio man Gemini | Horoscope Guru Blog Archive. My second love, who I still love romantically, is my soulmate and only I know this. Given their decision-making habits, Scorpios dont get into relationships as quickly as others. Scorpio is primarily associated with the Kundalini (base chakra of the 7 chakra of body) & has 7 signs before it. And a Gemini woman is very indecisive, so she will waver back and forth on her commitment to a Scorpio man. When I became pregnant for him and he didnt want it HE tried the character assassination routine. She then said there was no problem at all & also asked how was it all back at the academy. the icing on the cake is, my first bf, an aquarius, gave me a hard time (to hell with that womanizer)! Yes it is true that most Scorpios can be more intense and have a serious nature. The last 3 stages being the evolved ones. Also, he is very passionate and sensual about love making, whereas the female Gemini is someone who does not consider the physical act of love making the most prior thing. Are you fighting over miniscule things or real challenges? Like anything in life, if you really want it to work then you have to put the work into. he did as me the famous question. One of the things we women want in our men is that they are not easily distracted. Past relationships with different signs-including the signs that (by the book) compliment me, I am honestly flattered with how our signs fit together. Where you Scorps falter is letting people know how great you think you are. If youre wondering, Will a Scorpio man always come back to a Gemini woman? The answer is yes, thanks to his stubborn and devoted nature. Sounds weird huh? I lost mine recently due to a sudden unexpected death and my world has crashed. 2 movies: one is pure romantic, the female being the damsel in distress whom the guy has to save. Wow, this made me cry because I know exactly how you feel as a Gemini woman. EXCEPT LIBRAS xD. An evolved scorp shud be at wolf stage in early 20s, so if u find an older bad scorp, s/he is probably at a lower stage. Since then, we became close friends. and after i broke it off he went away for three months. They dont need to be in a relationship, but once they are, believe it or not, they are just as committed as any other sign. She tests me at first it was to see if I would drop her name, then it was to see if I would go on a date with another woman. im in love with this gemini girl ..but she is always so fidgety.cant seem to understand what she wants. Im STILL sprung. I explained the reason why I avoided him and he understood. Fire signs can be stupid af, but still scorps like them, its bcoz they dnt care. Even if all the feelings were real, she wouldve FORGOTTEN it all next time you meet her. Im a may gemini; my boyfriend of 8 months is a scorpio. They dont go into a relationship lightly, and would rather choose someone serious about it. I know those traits I will probably carry with me to my grave, its just instinct for me. But I guess its more like a dont ask, dont tell type of thing. Anyways this new Scorpio man in my life has really caught my attention. Im creative and love spice and he likes to be in charge, and has this stamina, WOW. I cant even listen to his voice or see his eyes ..not that I just loved him purely but I also always helped him with money I looked after him like a baby. It just is. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 10 Best Colors For a Beautiful Summer Wedding, Guide To Flirting With Cancer Man Through Eye Contact. I can say the intense nature begun the first time you set their eyes on them and hes all you want and need. Hes made it very clear that I shouldnt get the wrong idea when I come visit him, and that we are just friends. They relish the chance to give their all and go into a relationship to its fullest. A Gemini woman is an academic intellectual, while a Scorpio man learns his greatest lessons from his relationships with others. Cancer . Our relationship complemented by marriage is a tender and emotional person, I love my husband Scorpio. I will forever regret spreading all malicious gossip, even tho much of it was truth, but that I should have just kept to myself even with a broken heart He has yet to ever speak to me to this day I have tried to contact him numerous times casually to break the ice so we can talk about things and try to mend things, but he still refuses to acknowledge anything I say at all. He also understands when it seems as though his Gemini woman is scrutinizing his integrity and self control. Although their initial attraction and bond could be strong, ultimately, these zodiac signs are just too different to have a lasting relationship. A person once mentioned this 7stages thing in a live chat to a highly reputed shaman(he also has youtube channel), who gets all the clients from secret societies kind of rich levels & when he read it, he smirked & said oh Im very impressed you know about the 7 stages of scorpio, 1)Spider Im a Gemini sun and a Sagittarius moon. The creature has been associated with wisdom & transformation since eternity. I got mentally frustrated for 15 days after the BLOCK FOR NO BLOODY REASON AT ALL, Somehow that lost msg reached her after 15 days, to which she replied just like always, very casually. A Scorpio man attracts the Gemini woman from the first time she takes a glance of him. He was truly my soulmate, my true love. To them, its becoming the best of friends for a long time, not a short fling. Didnt make it to highschool. I will never forget that night as long as I live. So maybe you could help me out? While a Gemini lady is logical and practical, a Scorpio man is sensitive and intuitive. Now let's look at Saturn, which is about to move to Pisces for the first time in nearly three decades. Gemini woman here, with a scorpio man. Until the next time we see each other. He falls for the Gemini females bubbly charm and intellect, her clever conversations and the delicate nature she gives out. Im just here to learn what or who I may have in my hands so thank you. Please tell her. Positive things you get out of being in a relationship with a Scorpio, when you are open to learn: Geminis are good in communication, but we tend to conflict with ourself in discussions because we change too much. and then she came back, i found out and i thought we were atleast talking or seeing eachother, but after i found out i was pretty bummed off life, like i snapped on her completely called her a whore, then the next day i apologized and i felt like a dick. Im Gemini, 23 years old. And then I became pregnant. I was in a similar situation with my gemeni girl. Whereas, the air element in the Gemini woman makes her intellectual and smart as a person. Geminis are always changing. but the next day, todayis even better.almost in a very eerie way, he knows how to deal with me, and that is aaaaaaahhhhlooot of KNOW HOW cuz us Gemini womeeeennnnn!!!! !>>For the FOUR years we were together he only lasted 30 seconds at a time. A quote that comes to mind is when thinking of Scorpio guys and gemeni girls is: Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart. Sometimes its hard as when we have an argument its in my nature to quickly move on and forget about it and he holds such a grudge, but I know its his personality so you do have to work at it, but dont you have to do that in any relationship? Sadly, no one can be sure if Gemini woman wants to stick around Scorpio man for long or not. It was on Wednesday that I called her cell, she didnt pick up but messaged me that she went to her hometown, to her parents & we then had a normal chat like always. even when shes at partys cuz i know that geminis are iffy about settling down until its the RIGHT partner? (or us I should say) It also helps me let go. Deep down she feels and believes hes the one and if indeed he is then no matter how much she cuts the scorpio man off in the end he will always find her, Why are you sure in the end he will always find her?plsss can you explain? In such a situation, he just needs to understand that it is just her whimsical ways of trying to tell him to back off and let her have some room. We then had deep feelings which developed over time in staying with him and loving his kids who would stay on weekends. I never was the type to be tied down but he made me feel like i belonged to him and i really loved it and it made me turn into this sensitive submissive woman that ive never been. Its just that theyre quick or perceptive. Im a Scorpio man and Ive been in two relationships with Gemini women. 10 reasons why Scorpio men are such a catch. Disregard her behavior. After all, who wants to have a relationship that falls apart after the first few dates? I read this to him and he was wowed at how spot on this was. .. probably abt the career thing or may be smthng else. Will I get married again? It is definitely and absolutely a love that you read about and watch in operas. He was in love with her, and now he needs comforting. Sometimes i found it fun and sometimes i used to get home feeling sad because i needed a soul-mate. However, get him angry and most likely one has to suffer the wrath of his sting. As a woman, we all dream of having this kind of partner. Im a Gemini woman who has only fallen in love twice and both times was with a Scorpio man. If she can reach these levels with him and fulfill his deepest desires she need not worry about infidelity within him. If they have a partner, they are always going to be there for them no matter what. What matters instead is the individual and how he or she thinks and feels. Despite Gemini is attracted to Scorpio in most cases, many claim their long-term relationship won't work. Im a mature Gemini female and my male Scorpio counterpart and I have had a very, very rough road the first year. I had the craving of finding my deeper self and develop myself and I wanted to be smarter and have steady discussions without loosing myself and my opinion. He knows the relationship is over, she said she didn't want to be with him romantically, after all, but . I gathered up all of our hotel receipts printed off every message (48 pages worth) and was going to bring them to her husbands work I was going to force him to swing on me and then demolish him. They arent afraid to make that clear, even if they dont mean to be pushy. Im a Gemini, and Ive found that Ive made quite a few mistakes when it comes to going about being with a Scorpio man. Scorpios are notorious for being stubborn, but they are also willing to admit their faults. Hes the most independent, strong, loving and goofy individual Ive ever met and I cant get enough. However Im shallow as well, just not often. I dont know why Im so attracted and attached to my Scorpio male but honestly I hope it stays like this forever and Im afraid that after him Ill never be able to love again. Scorpios are the type who will do anything they can to keep their partners happy and make them feel secure. They arent the kind of person who jumps into relationships lightly. Thinks that others should cater to him. For sure i know it was mutual. But well worth it!! Ive 2 gemini cousins, both of them have personalities which people usually label as bitchy They arent exactly alike, but the overall gemini nature is there in both. And sometimes it takes a stronger person to realize that. Use the ancient technique of Kundli Matching, to help you choose the right kind of life partner. Or maybe you can try again after a while. this is so nice a lot of websites would tell that i am compatible with an aquarius, leo or libra when in reality i never had true friends under those signs. I am also dating a my third to b exact!!! When we meet your dark side (girl brain), and then the next time we see you, you give us the care free nothings wrong side it comes off as passive-aggressive. By a prue blood ascro kibble . Im going on a year with my Gemini and shes the best thing that has ever happened to me! He knows what he means to me & I know that it was my fault to miss the opportunity , I am a Gemini female and my boyfriend is a Scorpio male and these are true points made but It is a lot of work because I have chosen to pull back a lot without losing myself as I am still a free spirit I just take into consideration that its not just me anymore and I am fine with that. I have very deep dark thoughts often. She is falling for you. They complete each other. I love both of my Scorpio men in ways theyll sadly never know. Public sex is cool and all but only in porn. So I did apologize first, you are reading me wrong. None of that ever occurred. Unfortunately he passed away suddenly, unexpectedly and my world crashed. lol. There has to be a reason they are coming back. He knows what its all about: true love that lasts forever. I truly believe he is my soulmate. The chemistry was so strong it was scary! They know that the time spent with them is there to stay so they dont want to waste it on anything else. We are so similar in so many ways. The only person that ever got me, accepted me for who i was. And enjoy it. Scorpios tend to think long-term, and thats something that should never be taken lightly. And as a Gemini I am more of a butterfly in the wind and I do enjoy my freedom. We got in another and now its been 2 months of nothing. We have a mutual passionate connection, that until now, I never really had the chance to experience. Now assume that theres that perfect mental connect in both scenarios, the damsel understands the hero so well like no one else. What will help you keep your relationship strong? The Scorpio man is determined, and when he knows what he wants, he does whatever it takes to make it happen. Gemini men prefer the journey. She will really admire the strength and the will power that he holds which makes him a successful person. They understand that no one is perfect, and they arent looking for perfection in their partner. Scorpios arent above admitting when theyve made a mistake, or when someone else has a better idea or plan. I love my scorpio man..he Is very intensive, he knows how Im feeling before I knowthe arguments can get pretty intense..but the thought of being without him drives me insane..I love him past our life span on this earth.he completes me, protects and loves me like no other.I love that man!!!! We are also mean, bitchy and cold hearted when we need to be. I would love to rescue her, but she has to show me she is willing to put in some effort to climb out herself first. He will chat with some of his friends, and I usually sit there and draw. Are you and your partner the best SunSign match? He needs consistent sex with his partner to feel loved and secure. The Air Signs, namely Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are very chilled out and light-hearted folks, and do not like getting worked up about things. Love my Scorpio, [] Gemini Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility | Ask OracleGemini Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility | Zodiac CompatibilityScorpio Man And Gemini WomanScorpio Gemini Scorpio and Gemini Compatibility, Scorpio Man Scorpio Man Gemini Woman CompatibilityGemini Woman Scorpio Man | dxpnetGemini Woman Scorpio Man Compatibility []. You are a Scorpio man with a Gemini woman, and I was wondering if you had any advice about getting out the friendzone. No matter how hard it is. A Scorpio guy might hide his emotional nature from others to protect himself, but he is quite vulnerable, no matter how hard he tries to appear otherwise. Hell be there for you, and thats what matters. 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