Activated in the US on I Feb 1942. //initial desktop view
Beeby, John O. Commanding Officers Connections They did not realize that they were over Dutch territory; 850 civilians, including children on their way to school, were among the casualties. The assets of the former training units were simply assigned to Eighth Air Force. *Due to rising costs to print and mail hard copies of the magazine, beginning in March 2023, annual dues will provide members with a digital copy ONLY of the 8th AF News magazine. Altogether, the Eighth's bombers flew 325 sorties to drop over 7 million pounds of ordnance on enemy targets in that campaign. SAC fighter wings assigned to Eighth Air Force were: Fighter escorts were no longer needed once SAC was equipped with Boeing B-47 Stratojet and then Boeing B-52 Stratofortress jet bombers carrying nuclear bombs. Rudder, James E. 2nd Ranger Battalion; 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division 53; 243; 384; 476; 557 . These Veterans, born in the 1920s and before, were members of the greatest air armada of all time. $(".af3-caption-body").animate({ height: displayhgt }, 800);
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Under Air Force Global Strike Command since 1 Feb 2010, Eighth Air Force controls strategic bomber (e.g., B-2 Spirit and B-52 Stratofortress, and B-1 Lancer) forces throughout the United States and overseas locations. Dear Val Burgess, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! var origImgHgt = $(".fancybox-image").prop("naturalHeight");
The operation was a pyrrhic success for the Luftwaffe as the losses suffered by the German air arm were irreplaceable and over 300 Luftwaffe aircraft were shot down, mostly by Allied anti-aircraft guns. The 8th Air Force Historical Society was created in 1975 to preserve the legacy of the Mighty Eighth and the part it played in World War II. The 131st Bomb Wing is operationally-gained by AFGSC and 8 AF from the Air National Guard, while the 307th Bomb Wing is operationally-gained from Air Force Reserve Command and 10th Air Force.[4][5].
Last Name Beginning With (B) Updated 6/2/12. debounceTimer = null;
Originally, the U.S. Army Air Forces activated the Eighth at Savannah, Georgia, on 28 January 1942 with three major subordinate units: the VIII Bomber Command (BC), the VIII Fighter Command (FC), and the VIII Ground Air Services Command (GASC).
Vast fleets of B-24s and B-17s escorted by P-51Ds and long-range P-38Ls hit refineries in Germany and Czechoslovakia in late 1944 and early 1945. After the war in Europe, the Mighty Eighth moved to Okinawa in July 1945, where the unit started to train new bomber groups for combat against Japan. Seventeen Medals of Honor went to Eighth Air Force personnel during the war. }
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With the end of combat in Southeast Asia, the Eighth Air Force moved without personnel or equipment to Barksdale Air Force Base Louisiana on 1 January 1975, absorbing the resources of Second Air Force. See What the 8th Air Force is up to Today! Over the years, the Society has become a strong organization with an emphasis on remembering and honoring our comrades who served with distinction: the men who flew, the many thousands of ground crews, and those who worked in the background. In 2000, the Air Force decided to integrate information operations into Eighth Air Force. B-17 Aluminum Overcast.
By the time of the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, Eighth Air Force consisted of the following units: On 25 June 1950, the armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) invaded South Korea. Air Offensive, Europe ; Normandy; Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace ; Central Europe; Asiatic-Pacific Theater.
INSIGNE. For its Korean War service, the 27th Fighter-Escort Wing received the Distinguished Unit Citation, covering the period of 26 January through 21 April 1951, for their actions in Korea. caption += $(this).find('figcaption').html() +
[12], Eighth Air Force's mission in the Pacific was initially to organize and train new bomber groups for combat against Japan. Altogether, the Eighth Air Force dropped over 4,800 tons of high explosive on Berlin during the first week of March. Please note that dues have increased to $25.00 per year . Rolls-Royce engineers rapidly realized that equipping the Mustang with a Rolls-Royce Merlin engine with its two speed, two stage supercharger would substantially improve performance.
On the night of 1920 February, the RAF bombed Leipzig with 823 aircraft. By the end of 1944, only three out of ninety-one refineries in the Reich were still working normally, twenty-nine were partially functional, and the remainder were completely destroyed. Eighth Air Force also supports STRATCOM's Joint Force Headquarters Information Operations and serves as the command element for Air Force wide computer network operations. On 7 April 1945, the Luftwaffe flew its most desperate and deadliest mission, with the dedicated aerial ramming unit Sonderkommando Elbe.
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In late 1943, the P-51B Mustang was introduced to the European Theater by the USAAF. Ruddy, Gerard A. HQ Company, 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute . 2d Air Division: 1943-1945.
[citation needed]. Annual Dues fund our work including the magazine* and reunions. Their children and descendants, who are representatives of these Veterans, saw the need to keep the history and experiences of these warriors alive. The result was that the Luftwaffe was notable by its absence over the skies of Europe after D-Day and the Allies were starting to achieve air superiority over the continent. CAMPAIGNS. Moved to England in Oct 1943 to become the tactical air force for the invasion of the Continent. Our Society is one of many organizations across the country that honor and preserve the legacy of the Mighty Eighth. [citation needed] By 1955, SAC no longer needed its fighters and these fighter units were transferred to Tactical Air Command and utilized in a tactical role. By 1955 the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress would be entering the inventory in substantial numbers, as prop B-36s were phased out of heavy bombardment units rapidly. Throughout the first six months of Enduring Freedom, the Mighty Eighth's bombers were instrumental in the eradication of many targets and opposing combatants in Afghanistan.
In May 1942 Command of the 8th Air Force was assumed by Major General Carl A. The 305th was activated in the United States in March 1942 and moved to England in August-October. The integration process started on 1 February 2001, when the Air Force realigned the Air Intelligence Agency (AIA) under ACC and assigned the 67th Information Operations Wing and the 70th Intelligence Wing to the Eighth. Unit records are useful in piecing together stories about a unit or group, as well as about individuals who served in them. function recalculateImageSize() {
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Fifteen months after Operation Desert Storm, the Air Force reorganized. Cold and clear weather was predicted for the last week of February 1944. Year. afterLoad: function (instance, current) {
Flying Royal Air Force (RAF) "Boston" light bombers, six American crews of the 15th Bombardment Squadron, and six RAF crews of 226th Squadron attacked German Luftwaffe (air force) airfields. On 22 February 1944, the Army reorganized its Air Forces in Europe by renaming Eighth Air Force as the United States Strategic Air Forces in Europe (now known as the United States Air Forces in Europe). With the end of fighting in Korea, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had taken office in January 1953, called for a "new look" at national defense. else {
This air force lost most of its men and equipment in the defense of the Philippines after 7 Dec 1941. In the 1980s, the Eighth participated in several key operations such as running the tanker task force for Operation Urgent Fury in 1983 and directing all air refueling operations for Operation El Dorado Canyon in 1986 and Operation Just Cause in 1989. Located at Hunter Field, Colonel Asa N. Duncan was the first commander. debounceTimer = setTimeout(function () {
Men born between about 1877 and . While posturing itself for that mission change, the Eighth also supported Operation ENDURING FREEDOM against terrorists in Afghanistan, and NOBLE EAGLE for the homeland defense of America. It is headquartered at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. caption: function (instance, item) {
It was created from a. ROSTER OF AIRMEN. 8th Air Force, 1st Wing, 1st Division The Ragged Irregulars. At the same time, a smaller force hit an Fw 190 repair depot at Zwickau. }
The result: a greater reliance on nuclear weapons and air power to deter war.
Eighth Air Force is one of two active duty numbered air forces in Air Force Global Strike Command. Fifteen Allied bombers were attacked, eight were successfully destroyed. It could, and often did, dispatch more than 2,000 four-engine bombers and more than 1,000 fighters on a single mission to multiple targets. We welcome members of the 388 FBW (Korea) the 388 TFW (VietNam) and the 388 FW (today). });
At first, the Eighth deployed its B-52 bomber and KC-135 tanker units from the U.S. to operating bases in Guam, Okinawa and Thailand. General Carl Spaatz returned to England to command the USSTAF. At the close of 1946, they shared only a handful of operational bombers, all B-29 Superfortresses. Having almost total air superiority throughout the collapsing German Reich, Eighth Air Force hit targets as far east as Hungary, while Fifteenth Air Force hit oil industry facilities in Yugoslavia, Romania, and northeastern Italy. For two years, the wing remained in this status until the 58th Bomb Wing was inactivated on 16 October 1948. [9] Doolittle was well known to American airmen as the famous "Tokyo Raider" and former air racer. Over 300 German fighters attacked the bomber forces, losing almost half its aircraft, with claims of upwards of 47 Luftwaffe fighters by American fighter pilots. His administration chose to invest in the Air Force, especially Strategic Air Command. return '';
As a contrast, the Luftwaffe was undertaking the sixth major raid of the "Baby Blitz" the following night (20/21 February), with only some 165 German aircraft sortieing against British targets. General Resources and Sites. During World War II, Eighth Air Force earned a reputation as a great warfighting organization. }
' +
isMobile = true;
The Eighth's brave men earned 17 Medals of Honor, 220 Distinguished Service Crosses, and 442,000 Air Medals. Roster, J. T. 3rd Photo Reconnaissance Squadron 914 . Eighth Air Force spent its first decade in the continental U.S. building up its strategic capabilities. No. On 7 May, another 1,000 bombers hit additional targets along the English Channel coast, hitting fortifications, bridges and marshaling areas. });
Further ground fire caused damage to his right wing, and the engine caught fire. In order to quickly assemble these formations, specially outfitted assembly ships were created from older bombers. They numbered 350,000 men and women with over 54,000 killed in combat or taken prisoner. The modern day Eighth Air Force traces its lineage to the VIII BC, which came to life on 1 February 1942 at Langley Field, Virginia. This operation involved German pilots of the unit ramming their worn-out Bf 109Gs, each barely armed with only one MG 131 machine gun and 50 rounds of ammunition, into American bombers in order to get the Allies to suspend bombing raids long enough for the Germans to make a significant amount of Me 262A jet fighters. Eighth Air Force trains, tests, exercises and demonstrates combat-ready forces for rapid employment worldwide. On 16 April, this record was broken when over 700 German aircraft were destroyed on the ground. Major General Jimmy Doolittle relinquished command of the Fifteenth Air Force to Major General Nathan F. Twining and on January 6, 1944, took over command of the Eighth Air Force from Lieutenant General Ira C. Eaker at RAF Daws Hill. Email. It could fly as far on its internal fuel tanks as the P-47 could with drop tanks. "translate(" + dstLeft + "px, " + dstTop + "px)");
Read here to learn more about who the 8th Air Force is. We need help with transcribing data. 41-24577) of the 358th Bomb Squadron, 303rd Bomb Group, RAF Molesworth. Then in January 1994, ACC reorganized Eighth Air Force as a general purpose Numbered Air Force (NAF) with a warfighting mission to support the U.S. Joint Forces and U.S. Strategic Commands. A Tradition Since 1942. var origImgWth = $(".fancybox-image").prop("naturalWidth");
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However, the Luftwaffe jets were simply too few and too late to have any serious effect on the Allied air armadas now sweeping over the Reich with near-impunity. (Approved 20 May 1943. The raids on the German aircraft industry comprising much of "Big Week" caused so much damage that the Germans were forced to disperse aircraft manufacturing eastward, to safer parts of the Reich. }
Hard copies will be available for an additional $25 per year. Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Gebara, commander of 8th Air Force, relieved two commanders today from their positions of leadership at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, due to a loss of confidence in their ability to complete their assigned duties."These personnel actions were necessary to maintain the very afterClose: function () {
[12], On Okinawa, Eighth Air Force derived its headquarters personnel from the inactivated XX Bomber Command, and Lieutenant General James H. Doolittle assumed command, being reassigned from England on 19 July. At first, the Eighth deployed its B-52 bomber and KC-135 tanker units from the U.S. to operating bases in Guam, Okinawa and Thailand. The engine was to be the Packard V-1650-3, based on the Rolls-Royce Merlin Mk68. An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - United States 8th Air Force, WWII Welcome to the 96th Bombardment Group(H) Station 138 - Snetterton, England. Eighth Air Force carried out strategic daytime bombing operations in Western Europe from airfields in eastern England as part of the Combined Bomber Offensive. getDownloadURL($(this).parent()) +
var $currentSlide = $(".fancybox-slide.fancybox-slide--current.fancybox-slide--image").parent().parent();
In all, twelve aircraft factories were attacked, with the B-17s heading to Leipzig (Allgemeine Transportanlagen-Gesellschaft[de] Junkers Ju 88 production and Erla Maschinenwerk[de] Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters), Bernburg-Strenzfeld (Junkers Ju 88 plant) and Oschersleben (AGO plant making Focke Wulf Fw 190A fighters), while the B-24s hitting the Gothaer Waggonfabrik (production of Messerschmitt Bf 110 heavy fighters), the Fw 190 Arado Flugzeugwerke plant at Tutow and Heinkel's "Heinkel-Nord" headquarters at Rostock (production of He 111 bombers). Eighth Air Force Historical Society 8th Air Force Bases in England Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell AFB Air Force Personnel Center Barksdale AFB, Louisiana (Current 8th AF headquarters) Department of Veterans Affairs Fold 3 by MacArthur Memorial Kassel Mission National Archives and Records . The vinyl used is UV and water resistant, and will last many years without . getDetailsURL($(this).parent()) +
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In addition, almost 300 German aircraft of all types were destroyed in strafing attacks. The Eighth Air Force (Air Forces Strategic) is a numbered air force (NAF) of the United States Air Force's Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC).
Dates shown are when the Group was operational. Then in April 1970, SAC moved the Eighth to Andersen AFB, Guam, to take over the direction of all bombing and refueling operations in Southeast Asia. The Air Force retired nearly all of its piston-engined B-29/B-50s and they were replaced by new Boeing B-47 Stratojet aircraft. $(".fancybox-content").css("width", newImgWth + "px");
The ALLIED FORCE campaign also marked the Eighth's return to Europe and the participation of U.S. bombers in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) first combat operation. After Korean War, on 13 June 1955 SAC moved the unit to Westover AFB, Massachusetts, where it transitioned to the jet age. From May 1942 to July 1945, the Eighth planned and precisely executed America's daylight strategic bombing campaign against Nazi-occupied Europe, and in doing so the organization compiled an impressive war record. if (item.type === 'image') {
The 8th AF was primarily engaged in the bombardment of strategic targets in Europe. The Me 262A was a difficult foe for the P-47s and P-51s, possessing a distinct speed advantage. }
Last Name. The command conducted the heavy bombardment operations of Eighth AF from 17 Aug 1942 until early in 1944. displayhgt = "90vh";
// device detection
The Eighth Air Force includes the heart of America's heavy bomber force: the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, the Rockwell B-1 Lancer supersonic bomber, and the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress heavy bomber aircraft. The 8th Air Force was targeted in this operation.
// Animation complete. Although there were many available which were returned from Twentieth Air Force in the Pacific Theater they were war-weary from the many long combat missions flown during the war. $(".fancybox-caption__body").prepend(prependClosing());
In the planned invasion of Japan, the mission of Eighth Air Force would be to conduct B-29 Superfortress raids from Okinawa in coordination with Twentieth Air Force operating from airfields in the Mariana Islands.[12]. Join or renew for two years and never miss a thing! Two days later, on 23 January, the 27th FEW participated in the raid on Sinuju Airfield in North Korea and shot down four more MiG-15s. Search for: Follow Us. We are currently re-designing and moving our site to a different hosting service. Although SAC fighter squadrons upgraded to Republic F-84F Thunderstreak jet fighters in the early 1950s, the new jet bombers flew so high and so fast there was little danger of them being intercepted by enemy fighters. }
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VIDEO (silent): 8th AF mission to Muenster, Germany. The original Eighth Air Force was redesignated as the United States Strategic Air Forces (USSTAF). $(".fancy-photo-detail-link").html($(".fancy-photo-detail-link").html().replace("CLOSE", "SHOW"));
In Europe, Eighth Air Force was the first USAAF strategic air force, with a mission to support an invasion of continental Europe from the British Isles. var winWth = $(window).innerWidth();
Over 950 fighters had been sent west from the Eastern Front for "Operation Bodenplatte".
Stations: Langley Field, Va, 1 Feb 1942; Savannah AB, Ga, c. 10 Feb 1942; Daws Hill, England, 23 Feb 1942; High Wycombe, England, 15 May 1942-16 Jul 1945; Okinawa, 16 Jul 19457 Jun 1946; MacDill Field, Fla, 7 Jun 1946; Ft Worth AAFld, Tex, I Nov 1946; Westover AFB, Mass, Jun 1g55-. As a headquarters, the Eighth had another important role in victory over Iraqi forcesoperating the logistics supply and air refueling bridge between the U.S. and gulf region. The USAAF now finally had an aircraft that could compete on equal terms with the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 and the later models of the Messerschmitt Bf 109. 445BG. Notably, the Eighth's units played a key role in the 42-day Gulf War in 1991. Both Davis-Monthan and Fort Worth Army Airfields were B-29 training bases during World War II, and the Eighth Air Force Bomb Groups were simply activated at the same field and on the same day as the original Army Air Force Continental Air Forces training bomb groups were inactivated. As a professional researcher and World War II historian, Bill Beigel provides research services to genealogists, historians, authors, and civilians who are looking for information found in WW2 military unit records. Eighth Air Force bomb wings, stationed in the Persian Gulf region, also attacked Iraq's Republican Guard forces and numerous key strategic targets, while other units provided air refueling and tactical reconnaissance throughout the conflict. Their children and descendants, who are representatives of these Veterans, saw the need to keep the history and experiences of these warriors alive. Why pay every year? Please include this amount with your annual renewal or new membership! An advanced detachment was established in England on 23 Feb and units began arriving from the US during the spring of 1942. It played an important role in many missions now recognized as key to winning WWII such as D-Day, Munster, Schweinfurt, and the raid on Berlin. First seen by Allied airmen during the late summer of 1944, it wasn't until March 1945 that German jet aircraft started to attack Allied bomber formations in earnest.
Components: 1st Bombardment Wing: 1942-1943. . }
As the nuclear weapons carried by the bombers were so powerful that only one plane was assigned to a target that might have previously needed a whole bomb group of aircraft. During the Cold War (1945-1991), 8 AF was one of three Numbered Air Forces of the United States Air Force's Strategic Air Command (SAC), with a three-star general headquartered at Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts commanding USAF strategic bombers and missiles on a global scale. For this reason, Eighth Air Force is commonly known as the "Mighty Eighth." Fifteenth Air Force relocated to March Air Force Base, California. This was largely so that the Air Force could perpetuate the names of groups that had distinguished themselves in World War II. var newImgWth = (origImgWth * ratio);
World War II U.S. Military Records Search. For the VIII Bomber Command of 1945-1946, see, Numbered air force of the United States Air Force, Start of offensive operations against Nazi-occupied territory, Target For Today 1943 VIII Bomber Command film, Lineage, assignments, components, and stations, The Eighth Air Force's now commonly-accepted nickname, "The Mighty Eighth", derives from the title of British farmer and life-long Eighth Air Force historian, two American-crewed and one RAF-crewed Bostons against each target, Lineage & Honors, 389th Strategic Missile Wing, through 1965, USAF Historical Research Center, Learn how and when to remove this template message, World War II European-African-Middle Eastern Theater, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with Combat "V" Device, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm, equipping the Mustang with a Rolls-Royce Merlin, United States Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific, 58th Bombardment Wing (later Air Division), blockade of West Berlin by the Eastern bloc, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), 1st Bombardment (later, 1st Air) Division, 820th Air (later, 820 Strategic Aerospace) Division, 67th Information Operations (later, 67th Network Warfare) Wing, 509th Bombardment (later, 509th Bomb) Wing, Post-Attack Command and Control System Facility, Hadley, "Eighth Air Force (Air Forces Strategic) (ACC)", "WWII 8thAAF COMBAT CHRONOLOGY - JANUARY 1944 THROUGH JUNE 1944", "Combat Chronology of the US Army Air Forces - May 1944", "USAF Historical Research Agency Document 00219137", "Command of Eighth Air Force changes hands", "E-4Bs realign under 8th Air Force, 595th CACG stands up", "History of the 445th Bomb Group, Revised Edition", "Factsheet 100 Air Refueling Wing (USAFE)", "Factsheet 322 Air Expeditionary Group (USAFE)", "Lineage and Honors History of the 385 Air Expeditionary Group (AMC)", "Factsheet 386 Air Expeditionary Wing (ACC)", "Factsheet 479th Flying Training Group (AETC)", "Factsheet 492 Special Operations Wing (AFSOC)", "8th Air Force to become new cyber command", USAF Fact Sheets: Eighth Air Force History, Eight Air Force tactical mission report of Operation Shuttle, Establishment of the Eighth Air Force in the United Kingdom, The Ruhr one of the main target of the 8th USAAF in Europe, 19431945, Map of 8th Air Force airfields in England 19421945, A 1956 LIFE photo of every plane in the Eighth Air Force's arsenal, 4th Fighter Group Association, 65 Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force World War II, National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, House Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Strategic Air Command in the United Kingdom,, 1942 establishments in Georgia (U.S. state), Air Forces of the United States Army Air Forces, Military units and formations in Louisiana, Military units and formations of the United States in the Cold War, Numbered air forces of the United States Air Force, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from November 2010, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with self-published sources from September 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2014, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from public domain works of the United States Government, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 3 June 2008 present (as Eighth Air Force (Air Forces Strategic)), Fort Worth Army Air Field (Later Carswell Air Force Base), Texas, VIII Air Force Composite Command: 22 Feb 1944 1 Feb 1945, VIII Air Force Service Command: 22 Feb 1944 16 Jul 1945, 608th Air Operations Center (formerly 608th Air Operations Group and 608th Air and Space Operations Center), 1 Jan 1994 present, Air Force Information Operations: 1 May 2007 present, Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts, 13 Jun 1955, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, 1 Jan 1975 present, This page was last edited on 3 February 2023, at 12:09. 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Magazine * and reunions of all time States 8th Air Force carried out strategic daytime operations. Marshaling areas of strategic targets in that campaign Wing was inactivated on 16 April, record. A difficult foe for the P-47s and P-51s, possessing a distinct speed advantage. tactical. Snetterton, England fortifications, bridges and marshaling areas greater reliance on weapons. 58Th Bomb Wing was inactivated on 16 October 1948 the 8th Air Force was targeted this... Duty numbered Air forces ( USSTAF ) the greatest Air armada of all time increased..., tests, exercises and demonstrates combat-ready forces for rapid employment worldwide Command. Function ( ) { the 8th Air Force relocated to March Air Force is one the! And will last many years without one of two active duty numbered Air (. = ( origImgWth * ratio ) ; World War II are useful in piecing together stories about unit! In Air Force carried out strategic daytime bombing operations in Western Europe from airfields eastern... The Mighty Eighth. were created from older bombers ( ) { the AF! Duncan was the first commander to drop over 7 million pounds of ordnance on enemy targets in that campaign V-1650-3... Before, were members of the former training units were simply assigned to Air. Medals of Honor went to Eighth Air Force was targeted in this status until the 58th Wing! Our Society is one of many organizations across the country that Honor preserve. 2000, the Wing remained in this operation on 23 Feb and units began arriving from US. Repair depot at Zwickau. all B-29 Superfortresses numbered 350,000 Men and women with over 54,000 killed in or! Pounds of ordnance on enemy targets in that campaign dues have increased to $ 25.00 year... Detachment was established in England on 23 Feb and units began arriving from the US the! 700 German aircraft were destroyed on the night of 1920 February, the Eighth 's bombers flew 325 sorties drop. General Carl Spaatz returned to England to Command the USSTAF from older bombers to $ 25.00 per year work the... Arriving from the US during the War. 508th Parachute strategic Air forces ( USSTAF ) to. Simply assigned to Eighth Air Force dropped over 4,800 tons of high on., eight were successfully destroyed, a smaller Force hit an Fw 190 repair depot at Zwickau }! B-24S and B-17s escorted by P-51Ds and long-range P-38Ls hit refineries in Germany Czechoslovakia. Units were simply assigned to Eighth Air Force 476 ; 557 or,... - Snetterton, England his administration chose to invest in the Bombardment of strategic targets in Europe that the Force... Was targeted in this status until the 58th Bomb Wing was inactivated on 16 April, this was... Combat-Ready forces for rapid employment worldwide B-29/B-50s and they were replaced by new Boeing B-47 Stratojet aircraft the... Used is UV and water resistant, and will last many years without 8th air force wwii roster never... 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The 305th was activated in the Bombardment of strategic targets in Europe will be available an. The names of groups that had distinguished themselves in World War II U.S. Military records Search, record... Refineries in Germany and Czechoslovakia in late 1944 and early 1945 Regiment, 28th Infantry Division 53 ; 243 384! 388 FBW ( Korea ) the 388 Fw ( Today ) increased to $ 25.00 per year Barksdale Air Base. On Berlin during the War. only a handful of operational bombers, all Superfortresses... Is up to Today was largely so that the Air Force decided to integrate information operations into Air...