the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold: D. . d) all of the above Groundwater moves from areas where the water table is low to areas where the water table is high. The amount of water a material can hold is directly related to the porosity since water will try and fill the empty spaces in a material. e) both a and c, Which of the following landscape features is not common in deserts? a) sand dunes along a beach or in a desert c) wave cut notches and platforms that are above sea level The international standard letter/number mapping for telephones is: Write a function that returns a number, given an uppercase letter, as follows: Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a phone number as a string. Measuring Effective Porosity Effective porosity can be determined at the laboratory scale when sediment and rock samples of a given volume are dried and then the pore spaces are filled with water (Figure 8). The porosity of rocks describes the rocks' capacity to hold water. This information allows the laboratory sample to be recompacted to a similar consistency. We used time-resolved (4-D) microtomographic data to capture the dynamic evolution of the porosity in layered NaCl-NaCl/biotite samples over 1619 and 1932 h of compaction. e) the ash and pumice were hot and became compared, Which of the following is the best example of heat transfer by conduction? d) the amount of stress is greater in some directions than in others, d) the amount of stress is greater in some directions than in others, what causes the stress that forms joints c) for half of the parent atoms to decay into daughter atoms Porosity is the amount (or volume) of void in a rock compared to the total amount of the rock. c) P waves c) the rock broke apart as it flowed b) igneous b) house fires a) rock avalanche closed-cell foam).. pore spaces in the unsaturated zone contain air with no water, there is an unsaturated zone below some rivers. b) sunlight b) daily heating and cooling of the seas, which causes seawater to contract and expand b) a change in the strength of the current BSc (Honours) Geography and Environmental Science. a) well sorted sandstone b) quartz does not weather and so it keeps the granite from weathering c) cement a) ductile behavior Water usually helps to dissolve limestone by forming a weak, carbonic acid. a) metallic bond e) all of the above help define layers. d) sand with well rounded grains, which of the following materials has high porosity and high permeability? a) a line that connects the peaks and valleys of an area Heavy metal contamination of ground water: The Surulere case study. c) lava flows e) continental shelves, which of the following parts of the seafloor are the shallowest ? e) none of the above, A lava solidifies into non vesicular basalt instead of vesicular basalt because: c) most groundwater forms when water on the surface infiltrates into the ground Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) wells are part of a system to take surplus fresh surface water, treat it as required for permit compliance, and then store it in the Floridan Aquifer System (FAS) for subsequent recovery during dry periods. B. Both are related to the number, size, and connections of openings in the rock. not lake, mountains, streams. c) oxidation b) the magnetic properties of hydrogen d) thousands of isotopic ages measured by different methods A. Troposphere, decreases, increases B. b) the relationship between regional elevations and thickness of crust. 3. may lead to contaminations form pollutants, Occurs if water is drawn out of aquifer and replaced with air. b) they can be buried and decay, leaving a cavity in the rock c) commercial lodging for typical hardwoods, such as mahogany e) both a and b, c) the surface area increase as the rock is fractured, what is the common rock that can be dissolved by water and weak acids? a) along the equator In broad terms, how does porosity vary with the grain size of (a) unconsolidated sediments and (b) consolidated sediments? 38. The volume of water needed to saturate the sample is then divided by the sample volume to determine the effective porosity (Equation 6). a) calm waters in a lagoon a) sunlight and photosynthesis b) transform b) the dissolved and suspended load of a river If the rocks have low porosity and permeability, the radius of influence will be larger. Pore spaces may be formed due to the movement of roots, worms, and insects; expanding gases trapped within these spaces by groundwater; and/or the dissolution of the soil parent material. creates limitation on future water supply, reduce use of water by all sectors and encourage recycling of water, the unsaturated zone above the water table, the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area From the following data, obtained at 360K360 \mathrm{~K}360K: (b) determine the initial rate of disappearance of X\mathrm{X}X when the concentration of X\mathrm{X}X is 0.30M0.30 \mathrm{M}0.30M and that of Y\mathrm{Y}Y is 0.40M0.40 \mathrm{M}0.40M. D. all of the above Which of the following is true about how a lake can relate to the water table? b) 5 mill The stream in this scenario is the location with the lowest hydraulic potential, so the groundwater that flows to the lower parts of the aquifer has to flow upward to reach this location. b) very smooth topography as a result of the sedimentary cover Porosity is the percentage of void space in a rock. which of the following best following best explains what a contour line is? less water - lower land c) a 4 billion year age on a rock in Canada d) 100 feet, wind moves sediment by: a) internal processes within the moon a.The sample in Figure 14a has a fairly uniform grain size, so is geologically well-sorted, whereas samples in Figures 14b and c have a range of grain sizes. a) there are more pieces but the surface area does not change c) under normal conditions of burial and heating e) weather it is a permanent or ephemeral stream, d) the velocity and turbulence of the current, which of the following features are generally not associated with mountain streams and rivers? which of the following best explains what a contour line is? Groundwater moves very slowly through relatively impermeable materials such as clay and shale. d) volcanic activity releases Co2 and water vapor that can cause atmospheric warming c) does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts c) waves can erode, deposit, or simply transport sediment d) all of the above, pacific ocean plate moving 5 centimeters a yearhow old will the island rock be when it begins to submerge into the trench It is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids or pore space divided by the total volume. Table 2 Ranges of total porosity and effective porosity values (data from Enviro Wiki Contributors, 2019). -the permeability of the aquifer b) a glacier can move by internal shear and flow d) oversteepening of cliffs or hillslopes during road construction e) a and b only, the term half life represents the time it takes: a. number of atoms in 25.7gAl25.7 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{Al}25.7gAl d) solidification and uplift, Of Earth's four overlapping spheres, which of the following does not involve material above Earth's surface? d) dry wash Aquifer Parameters 4. A soil moisture content of 150 mm/m. C For example, a 10 cm3 cube (10 milliliter (ml) total volume) of sandstone is placed in a beaker filled with 100 ml of water such that the volume reading on the beaker is 110 ml. b) stresses are pushing inward all directions by the same amount d) water cannot erode unless it is carrying sediment water goes to reduce pressure. Confining beds vary in permeability and . d) silicates b) compaction a) forces are pushing inward from all directions by the same amount c) bottoms of lakes d) all of the above Hydraulic conductivity is generally expressed in meters per day. The studied outcrop has a total thickness of about 60 m which was categorized into four microfacies i.e., bioclastic mudstone, bioclastic mud-wackestone, bioclastic . Most of the water on Earth is found- in oceans Porosity- how much water soil can HOLD High porosity- materials that are well-sorted and round Low Porosity- Materials that are mixed and regular Permeability- how easily water can flow or pass through rock or soil Lowest permeability rock- Shale, silt, clay Aquifer- rock that contains groundwater . a) near magma but a shallow levels b) the fault suddenly uplifts or downdrops the seafloor c) width of the beach Groundwater is water that exists in the pore spaces and fractures in rock and sediment beneath the Earth's surface. However, in a material like a gravel, sand and clay mixture the porosity is much less as the smaller grains fill the spaces. A rock with good porosity can hold a lot of groundwater. b) the water table intersect, or is higher than, the surface in many lakes Permeable layers of rock that store and transport water are called aquifers. Water contained under the ground's surface, located in the spaces between soil particles and in the cracks of sand, gravel, and rock; a natural resource and source of water for drinking, irrigation, recreation, and industry. "empty") spaces in a material, and is a fraction of the volume of voids over the total volume, between 0 and 1, or as a percentage between 0% and 100%. c) convergent Ideally, sample structure, the degree of compaction, particle packing, and density would be representative of field conditions, which is referred to as an undisturbed sample. The porosity of rocks may be increased by processes that occur after the rocks have formed. not as high (water more gentle -lower relief), relationship between the height of the stream and the height of the water table, the stream is the surface expression of the water table, what causes cone of depression to be larger, can cause a well to go dry This determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next. c) a piece of California started moving northward up the west coast c) they can be preserved in ancient tree sap b) a change in grain size e) all of the above are ways to form layers, e) all of the above are ways to form layers, Which of the following does not help define layers in some sedimentary rocks? c) hardness c) biosphere d.Porosity in Figures 14a to d are, respectively, 30-40%, 20-30%, 10-20%, less than 10%. a) to observe the changes in the fossil record . Take a look at all Open University courses. a) a change in mineral comp a) a weak current d) prevailing wind direction e) all of the above can be, which of the following is a common metamorphic process? Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on? a) atmosphere Porosity and Permeability Lab Porosity and Permeability Lab The terms porosity and permeability are related. a) curly crystals of frost that form early in the morning b) a line that represents continuous points of equal elevation d) hydrosphere, which of the following is not considered a plate boundary? In some permeable materials groundwater may move several metres in a day; in other places, it moves only . d circulation directions are not systematic a) mid-ocean ridges In a material that holds groundwater porosity a. d) all of the above The water content in the soil at saturation is equal to the percent porosity . If youre new to university-level study, read our guide on Where to take your learning next, or find out more about the types of qualifications we offer including entry level c) Co2 gas from roots c) warm air flowing around the equator due to the Earth's rotation b) oil and gas d) the abundance of ice in the north and south polar regions, c) the position of the hydrogen atoms on one side of the molecule, Vertical intrusions are refereed to as? It is written as either a decimal fraction between 0 and 1 or as a percentage. c) it ends up as sand in rivers, dunes, and beaches e) all of these, Loaning of atoms reflects what type of bonding? In some permeable materials groundwater may move several meters in a day; in other places, it moves only a few centimeters in a century. a) elevation of the land surface near the shore e) all of the above affect potential hazards of shorelines, e) all of the above affect potential hazards of shorelines, which of the following most likely indicates that the sea level has fallen relative to the land? Sign up for our regular newsletter to get updates about our new free courses, interactives, videos and topical content on OpenLearn. Consolidated (compacted and/or cemented) sedimentary rocks, and igneous and metamorphic rocks are usually less porous than unconsolidated sediments (Table 1). a) effervescence c) a rise in sea level during the day because of an increase in storms a) offshore sand bars that have become coastal dunes In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: A. controls the amount of water that can be stored B. determines the composition of the cement between grains and clasts C. does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts D. is constant from one type of material to another. tilting - tower of Pisa An aquifer is a large body of permeable material where groundwater is present and fills all pore space. d) whether water runs off the land or sinks into the ground d) heating occurs in deserts of the American Southwest during summer time a) a hurricane or cyclone is occurring Even so, the packing arrangement will differ, and thus laboratory measurements using recompacted samples provide only approximations of the field effective porosity values. a) the early oceans were salty because comets are dirty snowballs a) 10 meters c) floods from catastrophic melting of ice a) the magma has a low content of gas effects of excess pumping of fresh water wells in coastal area, well could start yielding useless salt water, lowering of the water table around a pumping well b) sulfates Water in the saturated groundwater system moves slowly and may eventually discharge into streams, lakes, and oceans. The top level of this saturated zone is called ground water table. Why is it important to know about porosity and permeability? b) all the rocks were depoisted with the youngest on the bottom a) a pan is placed directly on a burner What kind of boundary is most likely to have volcanoes and earthquakes associated with it e) all of the above are source of material in soil, e) all of the above are source of material in soil, what is the main force involved in the stability of slopes? a) s strong current e) all types can generate earthquakes, What type of seismic wave can pass through liquid? Effective porosity values representing large volumes of earth materials can also be computed from field hydrogeological tracer testing where water containing a solute, dye, or isotope is injected into a groundwater system and its spread is monitored. The volume of water that fills the void spaces is assumed to represent the volume available to flowing groundwater, VI. d) is constant from one type of material to another, a) controls the amount of water that can be sorted, which of the following aquifers require a low permeability zone above it or below it? c) weather sea level has risen or fallen relative to the coast c) contamination introduced into the ground does not move what type of aquifer is an artesian well associated with? c) tectonic subsidence during earthquakes can cause flooding and change local climates c) topography a) very coarse granite pegmatite The area or zone where groundwater emerges from the aquifer. Eventually it emerges back to the land surface, into rivers, and into the oceans to keep the water cycle going. c) weathering of rocks releases chemical elements that make the oceans salty b) quartz rich sandstone Porosity is how much water a substance can hold. holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or . Imagine pouring water onto . with a depth of 150 mm = 0.150 m and a surface area of 1 m 2 ). d) in the subtropics b) sandstone d) Mt. b) cooling and contraction b) mountain belt or island arc The porosity is also lower if the sediment is poorly sorted, because small grains can occupy the spaces between larger grains (Figure 14b). c) a longshore current d) ionic bond, The most important class of rock-forming minerals on Earth is: c) the surface area increase as the rock is fractured a) burial of roads and neighborhoods by lava flow d) continental shelf, which parts of the seafloor have the youngest oceanic crust? 4. leads to saline intrusions 39. In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: a) controls the amount of water that can be sorted b) determines the compostion of the cement between grains and clasts c) does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts d) is constant from one type of material to another. c) limestone Unconsolidated sediments with rounded grains of uniform size (i.e. from confined aquifer d) a rising plume of hot mantle material, Which of the following features is associated with a subduction zone? In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: A. controls the amount of water that can be stored Which of the following aquifers require a low permeability zone above it or below it? b) volcanic eruptions b) rotation of minerals into a common orientation a) contamination moves up the slope of groundwater View document [Tip: hold and click a link to open it in a new tab. The amount of water that a rock can store depends on its porosity, which is the proportion of the volume of the rock that consists of pores: The principal factors that control porosity are grain size and shape, the degree of sorting (a well-sorted sediment has a narrow range of grain size), the extent to which cement occupies the pore spaces of grains and the amount of fracturing. b) scoria cone whose magmas are interacting with groundwater B. The actual speed of groundwater flow (v) is given by: where n is the porosity of the rock. . Figure 14 Porosity in unconsolidated sediments ((a) to (c)): (a) is well sorted, having high porosity; (b) is poorly sorted having low porosity; (c) has angular grains and low porosity; and in consolidated rocks ((d) to (f)): (d) has porosity diminished by cementation; (e) has solution porosity as it has partially dissolved; (f) has fracture porosity. C. This dissolution widens cracks into caves or caverns. a) uplift and weathering what is the relationship between the shape of the water table and the topography of the land surface ? For most rocks, porosity varies from less than 1% to 40%. a) 1 mill The amount of water held between field capacity and permanent wilting . d) all the above, deformation and metamorphism is part of? b) most erosion along shorelines occurs from offshore currents b) grey limestone d) strike-slip d) south America rifted apart from Africa These asymmetric membranes showed that high flux is largely due to their exceptional thinness and porosity (Feria-Daz et al., 2021; Loeb and Sourirajan, 1962). d) gravity a) oceans c) a change in color 6. attract more contaminants . a) burial and tectonic forces b) contamination moves opposite to the direction of groundwater flow X+YZ\mathrm{X}+\mathrm{Y} \longrightarrow \mathrm{Z} e) all of the above are evidence left behind by glaciers, c) changes in the isotopic composition of marine shells, which of the following does not physically loosen rocks on the surface? Access Package: Exploring Geology with CONNECT Plus 1-semester Access Card 3rd Edition Chapter 17 Problem 33MCQ solution now. More specifically porosity of a rock is a measure of its ability to hold a . Which material has . a) controls the amount of water that can be sorted b) volcanic eruption Groundwater exists everywhere there is porosity. d) conducting seismic surveys to investigate rock layers b) Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska 3 Groundwater Occurrence in Earth Materials, 4 Darcys Law, Head, Gradient and Hydraulic Conductivity, Representing Hydraulic Head Distributions, Primary and Secondary Hydraulic Conductivity, The Role of a Water Budget in Formulating Models, Application of Flow Equations (Unconfined Aquifer Flow Between Water Bodies), Example Numerical Application of Flow Equations to a Dewatering Problem, Gradient and Flow Directions in Isotropic Material, Flow Directions at Interfaces of Differing Hydraulic Conductivity, Developing Potentiometric Maps and Cross Sections, Memphis Sand Aquifer, Memphis Tennessee, USA, Unconfined Aquifer in East Helena, Montana, USA, Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow, Next: 3.3 Primary and Secondary Porosity. defined at body of water at that location If groundwater flows naturally out of rock materials or if it can be removed by pumping (in useful amounts), the rock materials are called aquifers. d) construction of dams for hydroelectric power Free drainage occurs because of the force of gravity pulling on the water. e) a rock formed from a coral reef, which of the following is not involved in turning some sediments into sedimentary rock? b) fills However, in some cases, physical sampling methods may increase or decrease the sample porosity. a) as small clay minerals that are deposited in lakes and the sea Groundwater flows at right angles to the equipotential lines in the same way that water flowing down a slope would flow at right angles to the contour lines. what combination of porosity and permeability is best for an aquifer? Yes, water below your feet is moving all the time, but not like rivers flowing below ground. Porosity (how well rock material holds water) is also affected by the shape of rock particles. a) water pressure Measurement of Coefficient of Permeability of Soil 6. c) oceanic trenches c) when an ocean current reverses direction resulting in cooler sea temp in the eastern pacific c) a change in the supply of sediment d) hydrolysis b) large cross beds in a well stored sandstone usually indicate deposition by wind School Florida International University; Course Title GLY 1010; Type. a) Convergent Groundwater is found in two zones. 3. drains rivers and swamps and existing wells The effective porosity may equal, or be less than, the total porosity (n) of the sample (Table 1 and 2). For example, a fine soil has smaller but more numerous pores than a coarse soil. This research deals with the detailed physico-mechanical and petrographic investigations of Early Eocene Margalla Hill Limestone at Shah Alla Ditta area Islamabad that aims to explain its microfacies and engineering properties. d) delta along an ocean or lake -the amount of rainfall The Loeb-Sourirajan RO membrane was developed for seawater desalination using the Preferential Sorption-Capillary Flow (PS-CF) model, and apertures are essential in order to pass . a) mudflows d) all of the above e) all the above, which of the following does not affect the potential hazards of a shoreline ? The total volume of sample is determined by the initial increase volume read from the beaker markings immediately upon placing the sample in the water, Once the sample is fully saturated, the reduction in the volume of water is used to infer the volume of void space. 2. lowers water table A. unsaturated zone- (above the water table) pore spaces filled with air, It is the boundary between the saturated zone and unsaturated zone; Below the water table, water fills pore spaces and can flow; Infiltrating water generally passes through the water table to become groundwater. Strictly speaking, some tests measure the "accessible void", the total amount of void space accessible from the surface (cf. Shasta c) a line that connects all the high points on a topographic map e) none of these, Cali has 2 types of plate boundaries associated with its geology they are ? c) compacted clay The rate of groundwater flow is determined by a variety of factors, including porosity, permeability, aquifer gradient and outflow of the aquifer system. Ground Water Occurrence 2. b) Africa and North America collided to form the Appalachian Mountains a)the magnetic properties of oxygen a) weathered rock and sediment a) a great thickness of oceanic sediment trapped within the central rift a) salty water moving through the deep parts of the crust e) a and b only. This determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next. d) a gradual change in the climate Effective porosity can also be determined by submerging a fully dried sample in a beaker filled with a measured quantity of water and applying suction to draw air out of the sample. gravity and pressure ( so downward, sideways and upward), an area in which water travels downward to become part of an aquifer. Groundwater is water stored inside the Earth's soil and rock layers. by dissolution, such as uid temperature, pressure, pH value, porosity, permeability, and. The cement in consolidated sedimentary rocks occupies what would otherwise be spaces between the grains, so a cemented sandstone, for example, will be less porous than a loose sand with grains of similar size. The program translates a letter (uppercase or lowercase) to a digit and leaves all other characters intact. when groundwater is extracted (overpumping) and the grains are compacted to fill the empty space b) thermal expansion c) deposition and burial c. Cl2\mathrm{Cl}_2Cl2 will have a higher boiling point than Ar\mathrm{Ar}Ar. Table 2 provides an example of the ranges of values of total porosity and effective porosity for a variety of materials. c) ground water c) canyons incised into bedrock c.Given similar degrees of sorting, how does porosity vary with the roundness of the grains? e) none of these, Which of the following would not be considered a volcanic hazard? a) when weakening of an ocean current results in cooler sea temp in the eastern pacific Is drawn out of aquifer and replaced with air ) uplift and weathering what is the percentage of void in. ) none of these, which of the above, deformation and metamorphism part... 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