A: PUBLIC FINANCING WILL BE A PART OF IT. Q: What is the biggest issue in your districtthat you would like to tackle if elected to the Jacksonville City Council? For one, I believe we need to be investing more into community policing, prevention and intervention efforts. A: For almost 20 years, I have served on the Jacksonvilles Mayors Disability Council working with different city departments and community partners to resolve issues that impact the community. Weather update: We hit some record cold temperatures last week in Seattle, and it doesn't look like things will change anytime soon. See how candidates answered questions on issues from education to public safety to . Do you support continuing this level of funding for JSO? Its quiet and shaded. A: We need to focus on the crime, your property taxes, and high JEA bills. A: The Confederate Monuments is a reminder of how divided WE are as a City as it relates to HATE, A: The Taxpayers should decide how their dollars should be spent, A: Race should not determine a human beings ZIP code, A: The Earth belongs to God, adapt through research and education, A: Transparency and Accountability of Dollars spent. etc. Improve our permitting process to reduce builder costs time is money. Im open to cross training corrections and patrol officers to open up options for each to voluntarily accept over-time work as needed. We can unify. Monday was the deadline to request an absentee ballot, but to see a sample ballot or find your polling place, go to the Oklahoma . These lessons have guided me throughout my life, and they have led me to a career in the fire department, where I have had the opportunity to help people and my community in their time of need. I also looked at murder statistics (Over 1000 in 7 years). , which wouldve brought a pair of towers to 145th Street in Harlem containing 458 affordable apartments, because of fears that it wouldve accelerated gentrification of the area. Currently I work as an Electronics Technician on Kings Bay Naval Base. I will host monthly community meetings, provide my cell phone number to citizens, and return calls and emails within 24 hours. Q: Tell us about yourself What job/jobs do you hold besides City Council? Let's take a . Between them they have given us 3 grandchildren and they represent the 6th generation of Jacksonville citizens for our family. The Tampa City Council elections on March 7 could. Let's take a look at what council members are planning. More importantly, I have experience working in coalition to effect change. However, I do not feel under any circumstance the full burden of stadium renovations should fall on the taxpayers. A: I do not agree with continuing this level of funding for JSO. I am addressing the crime issue in District 9 by relying on the residents who are reporting their concerns to my office viaemail. Sawant's election leads have narrowed over the years. A: Storm resiliency is a top priority! There are many quality of life issues that need to be addressed in District 6. We cant enable them. This would primarily focus on streamlining and creating efficiencies in the zoning and permitting process. All new housing projects should include a certain percentage of affordable housing units, and the city should conduct an audit of city-owned property not in use to see if it could be used for conversion into affordable housing units. In Ward 5 which encompasses southwest Oklahoma City largely between Interstate 44 and S Santa Fe Avenue Councilman David Greenwell stepped aside to make way for four candidates to run for his seat held since 2011. Unfortunatelyparts of Jacksonville are still dangerous because we keep electing legitimate losers, little men, and selfish politicians over and over. Full stop. A: Rental and purchase prices are controlled by the open market and supply and demand. A: I am a man of integrity; this is something that our City Council district hasnt had in over 16 years. Additionally, I believe in the importance of transparency and accountability in budgeting and would support measures to ensure that JSO is using these funds effectively and efficiently. Q: Last years city budget included a record $545.27 million for the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office. This is the biggest case of my life, helping my home. Here are a few ideas in no particular order: A: Jacksonville has recently hired a Chief Resilience Officer (CRO) who is currently working to develop a comprehensive strategy to assist us in preparing for and adapting to climate change issues and flooding. A: My entire family and many of my friends live in Jacksonville, specifically in District 8. We have the means to reduce the effects of climate change in Jacksonville, we just need leaders who care to do so. This can include updating building codes and zoning regulations to account for increased flooding, investing in green infrastructure and natural coastal defenses, and promoting sustainable land use practices. A: The City Council should work collaboratively with climate agencies and the federal government to propel equitable and proactive solutions that address the cause and effect of climate change through advocacy, education, and community involvement. drawn backlash from more moderate Democrats for opposing the One45 rezoning. A: We need a comprehensive approach to crime, which among other topics, would consider the following: A: Theodore Roosevelt National Park is very special. We have to be vocal about the lack of civility and corruption. Service on these boards has helped me better understand local government functions and learn how to best serve the public interest. We deserve a leader who is honest, transparent and responsive; a leader who wants to serve the people; a partner who will listen and not be afraid to stand up and fight for what is right. Earlier this month, Kagan, who fiercely opposed the changes to his district, switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican and launched a bid. It has been three years, and we have yet to have the first community input meeting. I think a lot of us have been raising the alarm on these headwinds for quite a while., But, I mean, I have always been focused first and foremost, on constituent services and being responsive 24/7, he added. A: City Council and the Mayors office hired a Chief Resilience Officer and she is doing a great job atnot only taking inventory of our greatest needs but also looking to the future of the growth weare having in the city and making sure we build and develop our parcels accordingly. The big takeaway here is that seven of the nine council seats are up for election this year, four of these positions are wide open with no incumbents. Will they run for re-election? City investment needed in left-behind neighborhoods to achieve parity to well-maintained neighborhoods relative to:Infrastructure, Cleanliness, Environmental remediation and protection, Code enforcement and zoning. Its where I have spent most of my time and its suffering. A: This season, the Jacksonville Jaguars have managed to be one of the only things to truly bring this citytogether. I graduated from William M. Raines High School in 1978. THE NEW SHERIFF MUST DO A TOP TO BOTTOM AUDIT OF POSITIONS AND REALLOCATE PERSONNEL FOR BETTER COVERAGE AND SERVICE. A: Except for 8 years, I have lived in Jacksonville my entire life and on the Northside. I work for General Electric as an Inventory Specialist. I have lived for 41 years in Southwest Jacksonville. A: I support removal of Confederate monuments located on public property. Here's What to Know, Honor of a Lifetime:' Mayor Lori Lightfoot Leaves Complicated Legacy After Losing in 2023 Chicago Mayoral Election, Election Results: See How All 50 Wards Voted in Chicago's Aldermanic Elections. The answer was an overwhelming 83% of the panel saying NO, subsidies do not generate positive ROI for taxpayers. A: I am an entrepreneur which involves RealEstate. Changes like this could be like trading members of the Ramones, or switching up members of the Scorpions. The Confederate monuments have become a distraction to the important business of government and the image of our city. She had a 12 percentage point lead in 2015, and a 4 percentage point lead in 2019. I want to assure voters Im not running for a new career, self-gain or a plaque on the wall. However many people are frustrated with the lack of accountability and transparency in our local government. Two award winning documentaries resulted. There is a large tennis community in Jacksonville and surrounding areas that would support an annual tournament. If you dont know it, enter your info here and then click View Sample Ballot to see which candidates are running to represent you. We must find a way to keep officers that Duval County taxpayers have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in training. Clearly, Duval County needs a comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. We will then force the city to go after state and federal dollars to subsidize this housing. A: Growing up on 21st and Phoenix, I learned two valuable lessons: that good things come to those who work hard and that it is important to take care of your family and community. A: Since 2019, I have evolved my perspective regarding the monuments. Ive advised young elected officials, advocated for quality and affordable healthcare, fought to protect our environment, and supported families facing cancer. After the festival's former organizer decided to drop Bumbershoot in 2019, a new group of organizers called "New Rising Sun" stepped up and took the reigns. We have the ability to dredge ocean floors with massive machines to keep sea level current, then doing a number of things with the dredged materials. Our new resiliency officer is underutilized and not given the resources she needs. A: I should remain in office because I am focused on doing the work the residents ofDistrict 9 need to make their everyday lives better. A: Investing in the infrastructure and drainage all around Jacksonville will help. It is essential to look at the past performance and the proposed deliverables to date, operational cost, and where allocations of funding are most needed to reduce crime and develop crime prevention initiatives in the most intensive neighborhoods. A: First and foremost I am a wife, mother, and someone that never thought they would be running for political office! A: There are so many great places here in Jacksonville. One where perhaps the true history of Jacksonville (even the difficult parts) can be preserved. A: I believe that public safety is a top priority in building a safe, welcoming, and vibrant city for all of our neighbors. The 5th and 6th Wards, with retiring incumbents, have 11 candidates each. A: THIS WILL BE A HOT TOPIC MOVING FORWARD. I would want to see better accounting before I would support tax increases. Ok ok the Timucuantrails nearFort Caroline. A: When I am elected I will be 100% dedicated to the citizens of District 7. Tel. I also own Power Foundations, which drill and pour foundations for powerline poles and Volt Utilities, which specializes in power lines. The Midland City Council is the City's legislative body. The goal is to eliminate these liabilities completely in due time. A: As a Conservative, I will be councilman that fights for Mandarin and the citizens, not Downtown special interests. WE WILL BE ANNOUNCING MORE ENDORSEMENTS SOON. In respective District 7 and 9 races, Democrats Quetcy Lozada and Anthony Phillips prevailed over Republicans James Whitehead and . We also need to end civil asset forfeiture here as well. I believe that the public needs to be able to see the actual return on their previous investments before making any decisions on future funding. Beautiful district 7 is over 40% non-white, a community I have served and sat in living rooms with after their children were murdered. There must be a concentrated effort to get this issue under control, while simultaneously adopted real legislation that would boost officer pay and benefits including sign on and retainer bonuses. As a result, I regularly seek out opportunities to learn how to be a better lawyer, leader and father. As Vice President and Operations Manager of the S Corporation and LLC, I researched and implemented an organizational structure that allows my husband and me to become real estate entrepreneurs who invest in single-family, high-quality, and aesthetically pleasing, low-income housing. Oklahoma City's city council election is Feb. 14. My education includes a BA in Political Science and a MA in Instructional Design & Technology from UCF. VIEW MEETINGS: Watch live and archived Council meetings via Civic Webcast. A: Only the individuals that own TIAA Bank Field should pay for TIAA Bank Field. I dont care if they vote monument by monument or vote on the underlying racial, inequality or hate-filled messages many of these monuments were designed to convey, but I personally dont support having them on public property. Jacksonville City Council races set for March election 2023 ELECTIONS Field for Jacksonville City Council elections set, with some races already decided Hanna Holthaus Florida. The taxpayers could easily let the city know how it wants their tax dollars spent. We must do better than that, which is why I called for the remaining American Rescue Plan funding $73 million to be used for the affordable housing crisis instead of going into reserves. The challenges we face are NOT insurmountable. Since some may herald these figures as historical heroes, we can provide access to them at privately owned and maintained spaces. My plan to fully fund the police was adopted by the TRUE Commission. A: Im the Founder and President of an electrical contracting business that I built from the ground up 33 years ago. They also have a working group that is reviewing current city programs and policies to recommend needed adjustments. An enviable quality of life in our city will create a progressive economic growth environment and benefit all Jacksonville taxpayers. Thats the only way I vote on these hundred million dollar deals. Having said that, this city needs to create a clearly defined policy of what is acceptable, and what is not. A: My Happy Place in Jacksonville is with family, at my or my sisters house, playing Scrabble, card games, or Monopoly while eating great, home-cooked food. General Election. Q: What experiences in your life have prepared you for holding public office? However, I also understand that some taxpayers may be concerned aboutthe use of public funds for the renovations. Ill leave no doubt left after my time. A: New medium- and high-density housing must be built in accordance with the comprehensive plan. Since President Biden took office, Republicans in Congress have often accused him and his administration of wrongdoing, but they had no real power to demand documents or compel testimony. The recent economic challenges have only exacerbated this issue. A: Fully funding law enforcement is a top priority, but it is not a standalone solution. Is it related to unstable housing or lack of home support? I moved to Jacksonville 11 years ago to work for Everbank right after they went public. And I will always be committed to protecting the quality of our air, water, and native ecosystems. We can solve this problem if we are willing to stand up to those who simply want buildings for those who have significant budgets. Some medical facilities in Seattle are taking steps to mitigate the impacts of commonly used anesthetics on the environment. Thats not affordable to many. Wherever the police is NOT present should be filled with concerned citizens with the freedom to guard themselves, which has always proven to be successful. A: CITYWIDE, CRIME IS THE BIGGEST ISSUE. Denver's City and County Building. District Nine hasbeen neglected for almost a decade due to candidates moving into it just to get aseat on the Council. This neglect has come to a stop, because I see every daywhat is happening and believe that District 9 will be better. It's a big election year for the Seattle City Council. Even the former Sheriff essentially said everything looks like a nail through JSOs lens as a hammer. Almost everyone in the City Council and mayors office the last 2 decades should be ashamed. like a to establish a new state agency called the Social Housing Development Authority that would be charged with preserving and building high quality affordable housing across the state. A: I am a candidate for City Council District 1 (Arlington.) A: 1) Relief for our residents is needed immediately. For many years I have watched leaders not follow the law and make what appears to be back room deals without proper public input. I promise the voters that this is a major, major concern for me. Q: What is the biggest issue in your district that you would like to tackle if elected to the Jacksonville City Council? A: Crime is the biggest issue on top of voters mind across this city, including in District 8. Specifically the Riverside Park and the Midnight Sun store is where id frequent often before going into Sun-Ray Cinema! I grew up and have always lived in North Florida. A: As a landlord, I know property taxes and insurance rates drive up the cost of housing. With this sort of Northwest weather, I predict a lot of minor (and major) impacts on the roads out there, so be very careful. I have managed large organizations, and have successfully grown a small business here in Jacksonville. To do that, we need to invest in three key areas: our infrastructure, our neighborhoods, and our people. https://www.data-z.org/state_data_and_comparisons/city/jacksonville, Heres where Jacksonvilles mayoral candidates stand on key issues. I have said it over and over, before I owned Folio Weekly and after. I am prioritizing expanding opportunities for new farmers and improving land use in Jacksonvilles urban core so we can all utilize our citys resources and enjoy its natural beauty. The hopelessness in the poverty-strickencommunities, etc. I am open to finding a dedicated funding source to address affordable housing that prevents or reduces homelessness. Im running to be the voice for the people that elect me. Crime, Congestion, Overdevelopment, and improving our Parks are just a few. But they wont. The mayor won some changes to the laws last year, with a last-minute push by Hochul to make more crimes like those involving guns and repeat offenders bail eligible, yet he didnt get the so-called dangerousness standard that hed lobbied for. We have a need for over 700 law enforcement officers currently, plus 50 more each year to accommodate our future growth. I maintained my Jacksonville, Florida residency. Also body painting, a feature on art cars, and a Miss Hot Pants competition, which is exactly what it sounds like and such contests were apparently happening in a lot of US cities back then. We all want to live peaceably in our respective communities regardless of our zip code. During my 30 years of active-duty service in the U.S. Army, I was the City Mayor and City Manager for an Army City of 17 bases in Germany. A: I run, so I find new and creative ways to get a good workout. I drive to Jekyll Island, Georgia, spend a few nights, and run the Sydney Lanier Bridge. The City Council adopts the City's annual operating budget and capital improvement program. The 2023 New York City City Council elections will be held on November 7th, 2023, with primaries occurring on June 27th, 2023. Additionally, the council could also consider working with non-profit organizations and community groups to identify and address the root causes of the lack of affordable housing, such as stagnant wages and rising cost of living. Its also flood victims and people who just want their children safer, like I do my own. However, I believe that my background in construction and development, combined with my experience in banking and finance, gives me a unique perspective on the challenges facing our community. I also own a phlebotomy school. [1] Click here to learn more about the city's mayoral election. A: City Council should stop approving development projects in areas where it is obvious flooding will occur. Love, and democracy, will be in the air this Valentine's Day. The priorities of the citizens of District 7 will be my PRYORities once I am elected. Florida is a closed primary state. A: I do not agree with the presence of Confederate monuments on public property. A: Overbuilding is a problem. It will help the entire city. v. Streamlining the permitting process for affordable housing developments to reduce costs and accelerate the construction timeline. I have established relationships with City officials and know how to get things done. Investigate whether or not some of the Downtown Investment Authority programs encouraging Downtown residence would be appropriate in other parts of town. Review and implement where appropriate the recommendations made in the City of Jacksonvilles Special Committee on Critical Quality of Life Issues report published in December, 2022. Major concern for me to accommodate our future growth are frustrated with the comprehensive plan reduce. 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