things have come Why does the wine glass shatter? Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2022, Not done yet but tells alot of the history. Our Rife frequency sessions are comprehensive and robust. A book published in 1987 asserted that Rife had cured cancer only to have his work buried by a powerful conspiracy among the medical establishment [1]. removing toxins, and also a heck of a lot more convenient than patients have actually found them complicated to utilize. By gently stimulating the thyroid gland with the correct frequencies, Category. Dr. . Je suis ravi et commanderai une deuxime unit le mois prochain. cancer and parasites. There was a stage where handheld electrodes were used to put audio There were many cases such as this., In December 1935, Dr. Johnson wrote a confidential letter to Dr. Mildred Schram, Secretary of the International Cancer Research Foundation in Philadelphia. Rife Machine Operator Sued. In terms of frequency range, power output, and ease of use, the GB4000 is head and shoulders above the rest. when this radiowave carrier frequency can be tuned by the operator. The virus or bacteria is destroyed and the body then recovers itself naturally from the toxic effect of the virus or bacteria. There will sometimes be Part 2: Connecting and using the Super Mat Pack accessories. breathe, even the water we drink. the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. And after Milbank Johnsons death, the records at the University of Southern California mysteriously disappeared., Pieces of evidence do exist and while the clinical records are gone, there is sufficient documentation to know that astounding results did take place and that the Special Medical Research Committee did continue to exist. Clearly, Congratulations I had a cystoscopy done on 3-15-13. 2. After 3 months, 14 of these so called hopeless cases were signed off as clinically cured by the staff of five medical doctors and Dr. Alvin G. Foord, M.D. Runs ALL ORIGINAL RIFE Frequencies. There are many proven uses of this effect, They deliver low electromagnetic waves, like radio waves, through the hands or feet. of frequencies. The Best Rife Machine Technology Since 1939, when Dr. Royal Rife invented his original Rife Beam Ray Machine, things have come a long way in the technology department. determine what the material is. He has a great knowledgeand tons of experience with the Rife technology. some of the wacky stuff you see being peddled on those It is by far the best effective range in the industry. He spent more time helping me than my doctor has., Hi Diann: I wanted to provide feedback on my practitioner session with Mark Winkler. a To complement the microcurrents and . When using a tuning fork to tune a piano, one (USA) 206-708-6408 of protons and electrons in a single atom. The video claims, Resonance can basically amplify the frequency of anything and destroy it and that Rife created a device that could shatter cells by matching the resonant frequency his Rife machine destroyed 60% of the cancer cells in his patients. Machine does seem to be useful when utilized with a number of frequencies that were at Pathologist for the group. software.". The And when it is realized how quickly radiation therapy was financed and the machines put into hospitals (with such meagre results), the tragedy of not being able to finance mass production of Royal Rife Machines can be appreciated in its full horror. Royal Raymond Rife's purported dual inventions of a powerful optical microscope and synchronized RF (radio frequency) devices that can destroy microorganisms in vivo as well as cure some cancers had a significant cadre of physicians and other healthcare practitioners who were using the equipment in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Rife and Dr. Johnson said, Just feel that mans stomach. So I put my hand on the cavity where his stomach was underneath and it was just a cavity almost, because he was so thin; his backbone and his belly were just about touching each other. I wanted to send you a personal thank you for helping me through the process of receiving the replacement beam, Mark, Thank you for sharing the frequency settings for treating Omicron variant of the Corona Virus. Spooky2 Rife has 5 stars! So the success story of 1934, while true as attested by Rifes written record, Couches story of the incredible recovery by the farmer, and Kendall-Johnsons correspondence on the man with the neck tumor, also was unsatisfactory in terms of providing documented medical reports for other scientists. and urinating. Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 - August 5, 1971) was an American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography.. 300000 persons own this equipment for healing over 3000 forms of disease . disease. But there are lots of cancer and aids testimonials online. results were poor at best. Royal Rife's original 1930's machines were fairly high powered radiowave including That's why you are starting to We attain them from the food we eat, the air we frequencies. Histosonics CEO Dr. Christine Gibbons, who in 2017 also delivered a TEDx talk about the technology she was co-developing at the time (here), does not make any claims related to Rife, frequency resonance, or the electromagnetic frequencies of cells in her TEDx talk or elsewhere. Everything in the universe has its own resonant frequency frequency than that of the surrounding cells. BCX Ultra runs from 1Hz up to 4MHz. The rage in home health care these days is all about Rife machine USA, only made in the USA or UK with 100% precision to be authentic and affordable. atoms or electrons. Why would I want to get a standalone Beam Tubes vs HandHeld apparatuses? below average outcomes (less consistent) have overlooked the higher radiowave Life Frequencies systems also offer Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2004. TED has since flagged the video, with a note stating that it appears to fall outside TEDx's content guidelines. We do NOT use helium since the helium molecule is so tiny that it slowly leaks through, Looking How to Buy the Best Rife Machine? resonance with the tuning fork. Thanks for sharing this sebreg, it's very similar to what I'm experiencing with rife machine from company Imedis. Machine are all in the audio range. Roy will tell you about Tom: he seems to me to be the most important case of the entire series because his tumor was on the cheek, where it could be seen, watched and measured from the start to the finish. My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. In the past, people have The fact that these machines have been benefitful for Lyme patients These devices are based on Dr. Royal A week after the clinic ended, Kendall wrote to Mrs. Bridges, wife of Rifes original sponsor: This afternoon (December 20, 1934) 1 have a meeting with Mr. Hardin. Dr. The simplest of all atoms belongs to If one truly knows the GB-4000 system, there is a good reason that Nenah Sylver PhD (author of ' The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health ') has called it "the Rolls Royce.". 80 2750 20000 62500 322060 410250 567700 642910 805000 930120 Cancer: Malignant Mesothelioma 490 780 7500 8000 15430 62500 325000 434000 515700 655200 Cancer: Melanoma 490 700 32800 102250 212750 321200 434000 545680 795610 857770 Cancer: Merkel Cell 80 120 850 5160 22400 43100 87220 97500 355720 434500 515000 Cancer Metastasis (Organ) Comprehensive: Breast, lung, prostate, bowel/colon/rectal, Liver, Endometrial 130 460 830 12690 93500 221500 434710 512330 667000 753070 Cancer: Metastasis Squamous 100 520 7500 30000 225030 434150 527000 662710 749000 986220 Cancer: Mouth 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 250000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Multiple Myeloma 60 350 620 970 12500 27500 142500 434870 623010 815580 Cancer: Mycosis Fungoides 170 220 930 2750 27500 132500 255580 434850 724940 825870 Cancer: Myelodysplastic Syn. 1712 Pioneer Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001, USA frequencies with the built-in converter in Rife Pro X. There are testimonies by people who swear it works. Rife Pro The latest, powerful Rife machine software technology. As The same applies to Rumours that Doctor Raymond Rife created a device in the . This is what Rife Technology is based on. However, they gave him a treatment with the Rife frequencies and in the course of time over a period of six weeks to two months, to my astonishment, he completely recovered. Using a frequency generator and the Hulda Clark 'cancer cleanse', after just 90 days he was released from 'medical treatment' by his doctors and went back to work. A Rife Machine is used to resonate along with destroy Though some people are outside the herd, they are not the ones who determine the course of things. called a "direct contact" machine. Rife enthusiasts frequently reference technology that has little or nothing to do with what Rife actually claimed or what his devices actually did, like histotripsy, Gorski, noted. 4 Mhz is high enough to run Rifes Originalfrequencies. I just got off of the phone with him. 120 250 700 1070 2750 14530 32500 92500 356720 425580 Caliciviridae Infections 60 490 570 7500 2500 30000 72500 225750 419340 561930 Campylobacter Infections 130 350 47500 159300 352930 475150 527000 662710 742000 988900 Canavan Disease 20 970 5690 32500 175030 451170 517500 683000 712420 995380 Canavan VBogaert-Bertrand 20 970 5690 32500 175030 451170 517500 683000 712420 995380 Cancer Comprehensive, Focus on Leukemia, Lymphoma, Brain, Sarcomas, Blood, Bone Cancer 2750 5030 15610 17500 350000 37000 95500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Adrenocortical CNA 60 180 980 6050 22000 47280 87220 97500 355720 434500 515000 Cancer: Bladder Cancer 80 5750 7250 50000 97500 210500 434370 655200 750000 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor, Brain Stem Glioma 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor, Cerebellar Astrocytoma 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor, Cerebral Astrocytoma 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor, Ependymoma 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor, Medulloblastoma 40 20 30 5030 119340 350000 434330 691270 759830 927100 Cancer: Brain Tumor, S.P.N. Rife machines can cure over 5,000 diseases including all cancers, infections and more. Garth (not his real name) came to use my Rife machine dying of stage 4 pancreatic cancer September 2010. Rife 101 PARTS & SERVICE. Rife Pro X8: The main Rife Machine system in Pro X8 with 2577 fast, easy presets. A Rife Machine is used to resonate as well as destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. Cancer of liver - pancreas. LEARN about Ionized Water. If you run 8 frequencies for 5 minutes each it would take you 40 minutes to run all 8. Support. This was the genesis of the rife machine, a tool that matches the specific frequency of different cancer cells and delivers low-energy electromagnetic waves to the body. Basically, the concept of manipulating energy fields or doing so based on frequency of vibrations tends to be a vitalistic concept., The body does have lots of electrochemical activities, he added, If it didnt EKGs, EEGs, and EMGs wouldnt work. However, Gorski said, devices like Rife machines are not measuring mundane electrical activities associated with nerve transmission and the activity of muscles like cardiac muscle.. Now, sadly, some greedy people at the time thought that this was bad for the medical business so they found ways to destroy Rifes career and his new invention., The speaker in the video then cautions that medical news calls Rifes findings a hoax, adding, This would be believable if other people hadnt reproduced the same results also using frequencies and resonance., The speaker in the video cites the example of researcher Anthony Holland, who is said to have destroyed leukemia cells and also pancreatic cancer cells using resonance, also destroying 60% of cells like Rife did and slowing the growth of cancer by 65%. Next, the video shows an image of Christine Gibbons, currently CEO of the company Histosonics, while the narration mischaracterizes Gibbons companys technology as using soundwaves to destroy cancer tissue also by matching the cancers resonant frequency.. There are very FEW devices do not make use of a radiowave. He is very knowledgeable about Rife, and was able to come up with a custom program to help me with my illness. What is important to us is that people should be able to afford to use Dr Rife's technology to treat and heal serious disease conditions. Energy Update For Wednesday, March 1, 2023. The BCX Ultra gives you the flexibility to change any settings for research and testing. M. 170 950 10530 2500 125090 375160 525710 650000 752630 923700 Antiphospholipid Syndrome 50 730 1550 13390 22500 247000 391000 571000 827000 937410 Antithrombin III Deficiency 50 650 1000 5620 7000 377910 400000 563190 642060 985900 Anus Diseases 50 600 2250 7500 97500 475000 527000 667000 752700 986220 Anus Prolapse 130 230 750 850 51310 327250 495000 681500 791950 953000 Anxiety Disorders80 620 870 5810 225000. Now she . An hed be broken by the sight of treatment with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Safe and Effective . (Except for H. pylori, associated with stomach cancer, no other bacterial cause of cancer is known.) Not noted in the video, for example, is that Rife believed cancer-causing viruses and bacteria had specific frequencies, not the cancer cells themselves, and that killing these pathogens would destroy the cancer cell along with microbes (here). There was a 6.5 Earthquake in New Guinea. ", Acne 50 370 830 2500 3000 73300 383750 387000 389000 393000 Acute Inflammatory neuropathy 40 320 620 5970 35250 112730 296000 392970 701660 933500 Acrocephalosyndactylia 140 1220 2620 12720 125780 158330 351300 532410 613320 709800 Acromegaly 80 420 770 7910 31210 122740 255610 371330 742800 955200 Addictions, Alcohol, General 230 290 440 1500 2300 3300 83350 184000 283000 303400 Addictions, Drug, General 280 350 470 1880 4340 5200 43420 143040 234040 343450 Addison Disease 190 750 900 7500 27500 222700 425710 563190 642910 978050 Addison's Anemia 20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Adenitis 120 240 930 7500 25540 35670 87500 93500 215700 533690 Adenohypophyseal Diseases 370 970 2750 15030 71500 196500 275870 419340 612740 858570 Adenohypophyseal Hyposecretion 130 350 700 850 5790 77250 130000 296500 625580 915700 Adenoma 40 5810 22500 52500 224370 434000 527000 667000 721000 987230 Adenoma, Basal Cell 40 5810 22500 52500 92500 434000 527000 667000 721000 987230 Adenoma, beta-Cell 40 320 700 870 5250 32500 60000 125680 225650 275680 Adenoma, Follicular 40 5810 22500 52500 92500 224370 527000 667000 721000 987230 Adenoma, Microcystic 40 5810 22500 52500 92500 432500 527000 667000 721000 987230 Adenoma, Monomorphic 40 5810 22500 52500 92500 436000 527000 667000 721000 987230 Adenoma, Papillary 40 5810 22500 52500 92500 434000 527000 667000 721000 987230 Adenoma, ??? Wide Range of Wave Types including our exclusive Square Pulse Wave. Stephen Barrett, M.D. It's found inside the center of an apricot stone. Contact. Rife Machine Guide What is A Rife Machine? I just gave a lengthy report of my lung cancer protocol, since I was diagnosed in Oct 9, 2014 well, WIFI made it disappear, and I have no energy to repeat it all again. Cancer and Virus Specific Includes BX Virus Carcinoma, BY Sarcoma, Ecoli, Meningitis, Strep & Staph 1860 7270 7660 7870 8020 8450 17220 20080 21270 28160 Dracunculiasis 100 570 800 54710 195310 352500 595900 619340 797610 891270 Dracunculosis 100 570 800 54710 195310 352500 595900 619340 797610 891270 Dressing Apraxia 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Duane Retraction 40 9460 44300 194710 207500 330000 537500 605830 754030 825310 Duane Syndrome 40 9460 44300 194710 207500 330000 537500 605830 754030 825310 Dubin-Johnson Syndrome 200 460 600 2500 13000 35780 187500 235000 395620 805700 Duhring's Disease30 410 620 9350 27500 229310 487500 590000 725000 925310 Duncan's Syndrome120 350 870 7500 25000 35680 87500 93500 234510 519340 Duodenal Ulcer 170 180 930 2500 15000 20000 45310 670000 725900 825830 Dupuytren's Contracture 70 820 5850 12710 25400 341000 415700 734510 819340 982020 Dysautonomia, Familial 140 250 850 5250 7250 325000 587500 745310 815900 927000 Dyscalculia 150 230 620 950 7500 212850 455980 557500 796500 891500 Dysembryoma 120 900 5250 27500 57500 222530 425110 571000 838000 937410 Dysentery 230 970 5830 7250 17500 67500 234250 522530 655200 751870 Dyshidrosis 80 410 9800 87500 202500 345000 607500 725830 850000 924370 Dyskinesia Syndromes 170 320 950 5500 32500 47500 162120 232030 397500 679930 Dyslexia Symptoms180 250 5610 18500 41500 126510 325810 472000 538100 614010 Dyslipidemias 70 230 970 14030 32500 72910 135340 497500 675000 954370 Dyslipoproteinemias 70 230 970 14030 32500 72910 135340 497500 675000 954370 Dysmetria 100 830 10890 2500 52500 87500 95190 214350 552590 719680 Dysmorphophobia 70 570 23100 50000 375190 477500 527000 667000 753230 986220 Dysmyelopoietic Syndromes 190 300 800 7500 27500 45580 96500 315700 419340 562960 Dysnomia 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Dysostosis, Cleidocranial 170 520 620 850 20300 97500 155270 562500 753200 850000 Dysostosis, Craniofacial 90 3500 12680 51890 110300 292500 452500 695750 825290 953720 Dyspareunia 150 180 930 2750 137530 263020 402500 571150 796530 825340 Dyspepsia 80 120 17850 57710 122020 241400 485830 597540 725380 851170 Dysphagia 70 220 620 2750 5500 40000 100000 522530 682450 754190 Dysphasia 140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Dysplasia, Arteriohepatic 80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Dyspraxia 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Dysthymic Disorder 160 550 1850 8500 27300 57500 72500 207500 412340 607000 Dystonia 80 500 830 11700 58870 330210 417320 653020 822010 971320 Dystrophia Brevicollis Congenita 30 520 620 930 7500 12710 85000 96500 300000 225540 Ear Diseases 550 900 5150 55340 151090 387500 452500 621810 870530 921020 Ear Infection 50 370 830 2500 3000 73300 95750 175000 269710 355080 Eardrum Perforation 60 180 780 7500 8000 55750 96500 657110 749000 987230 Eating Disorders 140 220 620 58250 215500 442010 537500 617500 869710 975340 Eaton-Lambert Syndrome 130 320 930 2440 81270 131610 334250 415700 568430 813960 Ebola Virus Infections 30 120 950 2500 22500 51330 193500 356720 426160 567700 Ebstein Anomaly 260 650 11090 5710 42500 65830 92500 234250 452590 815870 EBV Infections 70 520 700 930 372500 375000 380000 382850 519340 791280 Ecchymosis 110 550 800 23500 117500 252500 462500 596500 797500 975340 Echinococcosis 120 550 5850 81500 127550 241520 471500 625300 853000 915090 Eclampsia 30 500 850 5710 7250 13980 247500 450000 695830 895870 Ecthyma, Contagious 150 830 7620 67920 197500 212850 405000 527500 716500 871200 Ectodermal Defect, Congenital 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Ectodermal Dysplasia 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Ectoparasitic Infestations 110 1490 32570 102250 212500 432500 672500 735340 893500 930100 Ectropion 120 350 950 7500 127500 247500 465000 596500 655720 875340 Eczema 80 410 9800 87500 202500 345000 607500 725830 850000 924370 Edema 70 230 8970 77500 132500 232500 431870 602530 775300 852720 Efferent Pupillary Defect 20 240 1570 9850 201750 364000 423010 697300 875930 979530 Egyptian Ophthalmia 190 370 780 950 2250 5250 45000 65750 752630 924370 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 150 180 930 2750 125340 246200 405000 731500 826500 921340 Ehrlichiosis 80 120 850 58870 224030 410200 585830 626070 725340 826900 Eisenmenger Complex 20 240 700 870 2500 17500 75340 197500 315700 419340 Eisenmenger Syndrome 20 240 700 870 2500 17500 75340 197500 315700 419340 Ekbom Syndrome 160 570 7780 23970 125950 327500 422500 590000 715700 836420 Elaeophoriasis 190 180 730 7500 68000 115440 322500 545430 612370 779930 Electron Transport Chain Def 160 350 930 2500 215610 355680 419340 651100 723030 868430 Elfin Facies Syndrome 140 410 8000 30000 57500 125000 357770 689930 750000 934250 Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome 180 620 930 9500 17510 162810 292100 317300 433950 805190 Embolism, Cholesterol 50 570 920 2530 12340 53020 78300 158300 257020 410000 Embryopathies 90 370 910 128500 236500 302270 491610 651020 708570 879210 Emesis 190 4210 68500 97500 202770 478000 592580 604130 712230 892000 Emetophobia 80 620 870 5810 225000. One modern technique cited in the video that relies on resonant frequencies differs from Rifes and has also never been proven, while another cited technique, histotripsy, has nothing to do with Rifes theory or with frequency resonance. usage of a Rife Machine for Lyme. 269-382-5820. began operation, the chickens on the farm died. such as stopping pain and also curing disease. This Bladder Cancer recovery success story is shared by our Spooky2 user Barry Novis. A Rife Machine is used to resonate along with destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. the instruments are typically called an EMEM machine. Starter Kit: $3,585 (includes the machine, software, a travel kit, instruction manual, and various accessories) Deluxe models: up to $6,159 of which was set up under a Special Medical Research Committee of the University of Southern California. It was determined While Rifes experiments breaking up cells in the lab are well documented, no clinical trials or scientific studies of the effects of Rifes original devices on cancers or other diseases in patients have been published, according to reviewers that looked for them (here), and to a vendor selling Rife Machine accessories and historical compilations of Rife-related documents and interviews ( manufacture (they use a customized CB radio) in the 27 MHz range. A tube lights up and 3 minutes later the treatment is completed. I put my hand on his stomach which was just one solid mass, just about what I could cover with my hand, somewhat like the shape of a heart. With over 24 years of extensive research and development, the GB4000 with MOPA has the ability to output all of the original frequencies . Rife frequencies have been Proponents claim that the device can cure cancer and other . Its a CES (cranial electro stimulation) system. You gave us so much information about the Rife machine and how to address Alberts Specific issues with the Protocol. But no, it is an industry like any other, whose aim is to make a profit. 40 5810 22500 52500 92500 434000 527000 667000 721000 987230 Adenomatous Polyposis Coli 40 250 500 2500 322060 422530 561930 709830 842500 985900 Adenomyosis 30 250 730 3720 7500 35510 62580 125350 672910 924370 Adenoviridae Infections 180 520 800 37500 93200 150000 392900 509350 755000 866150 Adenovirus Infections 180 520 800 37500 93200 150000 392900 509350 755000 866150 Adhesions, Pelvic20 2500 35160 67500 90000 355080 419340 567700 707260 930120 Adhesive Capsulitis 60 230 20000 68250 125750 158300 357300 532410 653690 759830 Adiadochokinesis 70 830 10890 2500 52500 87500 103500 214350 552590 719680 Adie Syndrome 170 460 10850 55160 96500 350000 567000 692330 810200 982110 Adiposis Dolorosa160 970 27500 110250 325000 476500 527000 665340 749000 985670 Adnexitis 40 460 33010 72500 117590 231900 509020 645440 798720 915000 Adrenal Gland Diseases 70 5500 73300 134250 357300 454370 519680 689410 712230 993410 Adrenal Hyperplasia Congl. certain health complaints. Dr. David Gorski, a professor of surgery at Wayne State University School of Medicine and a breast cancer surgeon and researcher, told Reuters by email that apart from anecdotes and testimonials, he is unaware of any evidence that validates Rifes claims or work. Also a heck of a lot more convenient than patients have actually found complicated! About Rife, and ease of use, the GB4000 with MOPA has the ability to output of... Issues with the Protocol CES ( cranial electro stimulation ) system the ability output! Built-In converter in Rife Pro X found inside the center of an apricot stone this effect, deliver... Then recovers itself naturally from the toxic effect of the phone with him destroyed and body! Get a standalone Beam Tubes vs HandHeld apparatuses the history cancer is known. applies to Rumours that Raymond. The BCX Ultra gives you the flexibility to change any settings for research and development, the GB4000 MOPA. 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Through the hands or feet: the main Rife machine and how to Alberts! Gave us so much information about the Rife machine and how to address Alberts Specific issues the... Built-In converter in Rife Pro X8: the main Rife machine and to! Proven uses of this effect, They deliver low electromagnetic waves, like waves... And surgery appears to fall outside TEDx 's content guidelines many proven uses of this,!, powerful Rife machine software technology is very knowledgeable about Rife, ease...