His masonic ritual, The Most Holy Trinosophia is a jewel and can be a great help in fashioning a path of spiritual development. This book not only carries the Ascended Masters Understanding of the I AM, but is charged with Saint Germains Ascended Master Consciousness and the Ray of Light and Love from His Heart which is the Ascended Masters Feeling and Comprehension of Its full Power, forever Self-sustained. to the outer world until now. Printer-Friendly. The Saint Germain Movement is a religious organization, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with a major facility just north of Dunsmuir, California, in the buildings and property of the Shasta Springs retreat. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. present hour that the Great Ascended Masters and Legion of Light have let the Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. When he predicted eventswith eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, only royalty will be left. Saint Germain replied, Not even royalty. His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room, when He radiated the Theosophists consider him to be a Mahatma, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Adept. Lisa is also an author marketing and platform building consultant. I AM the purity God desires. His eyes were like sun-filled blue skies that were deeper than all space. As high priest of the Violet Flame Temple on the mainland of Atlantis thirteen thousand years ago, Saint Germain sustained by his invocations and his causal body a pillar of fire, a veritable fountain of violet singing flame, which magnetized people from near and far who came to be set free from every binding condition of body, mind and soul. Then, Keith would speak in the voice of the person his ectoplasm appeared to be. But aside from Saint Germains political impact across Europe, his stature in the mystical and spiritual world is where his lasting influence was most felt. To understand the man, one must dig deep into the many aspects of one of humankinds most cryptic, yet influential spiritual entities. After contemplating this lecture, please leave your reflections and insights for others. St. Germain is a Guiding Light for the Initiate to Follow. Ranked as one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, we are renowned for our attentive and personalized service and, the iconic style of our various hotels and restaurants. The "I AM" Teachings - Saint Germain Teachings. They do not need to be physically present to teach others. Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra I doubted it, I sought that on which the universe rests. Like when an important relationship ends or a loved one passes away. Germain a most important person for all those on the Christian path. She taught many of her students to channel these same masters. -Saint Germain Take two or three minutes morning and evening, focus your attention upon the Heart Center, and accept Beauty, Youth, and Strength. world was given us over a period of thirty years, that it might be accomplished at Bacons natural scientific perspective led the world into materialism, not spirituality. Since according to Theosophy, the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius". We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. In 1881, more than 100 years after Saint Germains reported death, Madame Blavatsky wrote, [a]t long intervals have appeared in Europe certain men whose rare intellectual endowments, brilliant conversation, and mysterious modes of life have astounded and dazzled the public mind. This legendary encounter resulted in a series of books, which Ballard said Saint Germain dictated to him and are known as the Saint Germain Series. Saint Germain on Alchemy Lecture By Elizabeth Clare Prophet This video clip is a preview of the 2-DVD Set,Saint Germain on Alchemyby Elizabeth Clare Prophet. For the next year, whenever I could get time off from the 101 Air Borne Rangers, I would visit Ellen at her beach house or at the main house on Eagle Island in Wilmington, North Carolina. He was gone, and there was no place to hide as we were in a meadow with no trees except around the far edges. Sometimes numerous beautiful crystals were in a special hand-made container that showed that they were a set that related to some initiation that St. Germain (Keith) had put her through in the past. Saint-Germain is one of the many Spiritual Beings of high vibration who are assisting our planet and those who dwell on her as we continue to move through these changes towards our Ascension. The Earth, as a whole, is now going through this process collectively. Ascended Masters have revealed. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Nothing came into print without Bacons permission and additions. Dee and Francis Bacon knew each other quite well, and Shakespeare knew Francis Bacon equally as well. Ellen wanted to see, feel, and touch the spiritual world, which is what we call in neoanthroposophy spiritual materialism.. Mysterious Painting Reveals Initiation of Christian Rosenkreutz. There are usually seven masters incarnated at any one time in history. He is the great sponsor of freedom's flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice and opportunity. [17], Also see the article "Talking to the Dead and Other Amusements" by Paul Zweig, The New York Times, 5 October 1980, which maintains that Madame Blavatsky's revelations were fraudulent. THE thirty-three Discourses contained in this book were dictated over a visible Pageant. So it was no surprise to me when I first met Ellen at her beach house in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina that she would have in her possession some of the gems and crystals that Keith claimed were apported from his mouth, ears, and eyes. I dont agree with everything in the book, but it does take a step back and see the bigger picture. an international spiritual organization dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, Count Saint Germain is one of the Ascended Masters, who include: Among the others who report mystical encounters with Saint Germain include, Guy Ballard, founder of the I AM Activity, , who claimed he met Saint Germain on Mount Shasta in California in August of 1930. This small yet highly charged book brings ancient teachings of the Far East into the I AM Teachings that were given by the ascended master Saint Germain to Godfre Ray King in the 1930s. He says this, "my special interest has focused on America and the expansion of freedom for all. [14](Theosophists regard "the Master Jesus" and "Christ" as two separate and distinct beings. Dees fame as a mathematician, cartographer, scientist, astrologers and navigator made him the singular Renaissance Man of England. Saint Germain's spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, and his task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. Quality: Freedom, Alchemy, Justice, Diplomacy, Transmutation Believed to have been born in 1710, many claims he was of Portuguese descent, perhaps from a Jewish family. Ellen believed everything Keith had told her, and I felt no obligation to correct her blind view to spiritual materialism. I do believe that the Masters of Wisdom and the Harmony of Feelings and Sensations (as Steiner calls them) are certainly real and do incarnate in human bodies. I witnessed both become St. Germain in the blink of an eye. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. Sometimes I wonder if I didnt go on that hike with him as my life has unfolded in the most amazing journey that one can imagine. The Chart of the "Mighty I AM Presence" is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each one's own Individualized Presence of God. is said to be linked to several secret societies, from, , Saint Germain returned to France during Louis XIVs reign as a confidante of Marie Antoinette, who was acquainted with the Counts reputation as a mystic and prophet. Ellen and many others were outraged at the trumped up charges against Keith, but despite their support of Keith, he was a different man when he left Walla Walla, so Ellen thought. We often overlook the importance of. Each person was shocked and amazed and became a believer immediately. [1][2][3] In the Ascended Master Teachings (but not in traditional Theosophy), the Master R, or the Master Rkczi, is a separate and distinct being from St. Germain. Francis Bacon was fully aware of Dees library, as were all the royalty. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Not for thousands of years have the True Inner Instruction and Use of Germain then had numerous incarnations as a martyr. The cyphers of Francis Bacon are found in many works and consistently show his influence over the printed word in English history. She lived in a castle on her own island. She had an extensive library of the public and secret teachings of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse, all of which she made available to me in return for my agreeing to consider her offer to reinvigorate the Aquarian Foundation after Keith came back from prison. The Chart of the Mighty I AM Presence is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each ones own Individualized Presence of God. The collection was large and represented years of paying Keith for each new gem that was part of a crystal eucharist or a new covenant that was being initiated by the masters, according to him. The moment your attention is upon your Great Source of Life, the Mighty I AM Presence, that very moment your Ascension has begun! Postal code (s) G0L 3G0. The "I AM" Teachings - Saint Germain Teachings The Mighty "I AM" Presence GOD IN YOU. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.[9]. We overseeand ministerto the "I AM" Activity community in America and throughout the world. Gemstone: Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine They were both intrigued by his teachings which are still somewhat secret and quite developed, much like another spiritualists I would meet during this time through EllenElizabeth Clare Prophet of the Summit Lighthouse. Where is a beginner to start on this important path of inquiry? Several Theosophists and practitioners of alternate esoteric traditions have claimed to have met Saint Germain in the late 19th or early 20th centuries: Many groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called a Master of the Ancient Wisdom or an Ascended master. On the sabbath of the seventh ray, you greet the Master of the Aquarian age: Saint Germain, friend of old, I am honored at thy presence here! St. Germain can help each of us on our path to the spiritual world because he has climbed the path and found his way home. However, many believe that was the only the first of his many incarnations, including that of Ascended Master.. She delighted when she pulled out jewelry boxes full of apported crystals from Keith Rhinehart that supposedly came popping out of his mouth in her presence. Light and Sound Ray in our home during 1932 by the Ascended Master Saint Dee writes in the introduction to one of his works that he wishes to usher in a New Age that synthesizes science, art, and religion in a Universal Reformation. Dee and Kelly had spent a short while with Rudolf II in Prague, who gathered the most interesting people of his days to his court, including astrologers, alchemists, philosophers, and artists. Well-traveled among the aristocracy, Saint Germain, with his quick wit and intelligence, wielded. Well-traveled among the aristocracy, Saint Germain, with his quick wit and intelligence, wielded great influence politically, which also caused him to be seen as a provocateur. What is known is that Saint Germain possessed great personal wealth and a wide-reaching knowledge which included mastery of most European languages, the arts, music composition, and virtuosity as a violinist. Sometimes Keith would say something, then go into trance and say that what he had just spoken came from this or that master. Not only was I reading all of the Aquarian and Summit Lighthouse materials and teachings, I was also visiting the Edgar Cayce Foundation regularly which was not far from Fort Bragg. After being arrested (and later released) in England in 1743 as a Jacobite spy, Count Saint Germain fled England and moved to France, establishing himself as a central figure in Louis XVs court, where he was appointed a diplomat. Only fragments of the real understanding of the I AM Presence have been given When we think of healing we often think of taking medications, receiving treatments, or long courses of therapy. Francis Bacon has been called the greatest mind the West ever produced and is known as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. But Elizabeth felt completely self-sufficient and needed no other clairvoyants to help her as she claimed the masters worked directly with her; although, I saw no evidence in this. And least you dismiss this story as preposterous, Keith was tested many times under tremendous scrutiny for his ectoplasm feats and was not found to be a charlatan, at least for these manifestations. First printed in 1670, the book includes a picture of the Polish Rider, Rembrandt's famous painting at the Frick Collection in New York City, which is said to be of Sir Francis Bacon, AKA the Comte de Gabalis, or the Count of the Cabala. The most lasting myth surrounding Saint Germain is his status as an Ascended Master, with many who claim to have encountered him over hundreds of years. I was stunned. No one knew where he lived or anything about him. . Welcome toGermain Hotels. When we met, Ellen was in her seventies. Their influence spans generations; their impact resonates long past their physical lifetime. Elizabeth Clare Prophet did the same with her St. Germain teachings that she channeled. Count Saint Germainsbeginnings are as enigmatic as the life he lived. I was shocked and turned to the mystery man who had disappeared as quietly as he had arrived. disappearing and reappearing throughout history, masterminding world events. Others tracked his birthplace to the Italian village of San Germano, which explains the name he was most commonly known as Count Saint Germain. And, for those that read my writings, you know that my chosen path, after many years of study, was and is anthroposophy, or as we express it now-- neoanthroposophy. I explain by that art, the soul with the womb of a Mother, Make its home, take it away, and as a kernel. Elizabeth produced a tremendous amount of channeled material from all of the masters. He laughed again and spoke words that sounded like bells ringing: There are many mysteries you have yet to uncover in this forest, Douglas but you will.. According toone source, Saint Germain returned to France during Louis XIVs reign as a confidante of Marie Antoinette, who was acquainted with the Counts reputation as a mystic and prophet. 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