I agree, but perhaps she can learn the better ways. Mrs. Tweed was a longtime member of Chestnut Grove Community Church and worked in the health and food industry for several years. "Because of something that took place earlier in the day, I am writing this tonight with a sad heart because of what has been going on. If auditors were licensed, then they could not forbid people from getting the medical treatment they need without losing their license. On the broader perspective of exes and whistleblowers who have sufficient experience within the churches or Orgs to know the policies and tech points that motivate and guide the group effort, as well as the counselling and training points that create the graduated indoc into the subject and benefits across the dynamics,,, i find it very curious that a situation is created that these would have the need to go to external and non scn sources in order to get justice or warn others ,,, Its telling me that the wisdom and purpose of the subject matter contained in books and lectures is being sidelined for the purpose of enforcing attitudes and behaviours in a very careless and stupid manner. I sincerely hope that you are not into law, because God help us if you are!!! Currently, our team is striving hard to know what Tyler Tweeds cause of death was. On Saturday, a memorial was held for her at Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre as family and friends gathered to remember the attractive young woman who had been working on a career in music and acting (as Tayler DeBari). My bad, Alanzo! AGAIN Claire, you sre ASSUMING that just because a THIRD PARTY who has ABSOLUTELY no personal knowledge of such events but mostly through hearsay not backed up by ANY texts of FB posts, ANYTHING is saying so. She always made time for them while they played on the field . It was before TRs and Objectives because after all that course is considered to be an auditing or processing cycle. Its like that organ cant get sick. In this light, it appears The Aftermath has but one goal: To rain upon the church so much bad PR that the public is repulsed. Getting rid of David Miscavige? Come on, how obvious does it have to get? And that it then forbids its parishioners from trying out medications is actually, literally, dangerous for Scientologists who suffer from depression. Thank you Lauren for sitting down with Leah and Mike. The girls drifted apart throughout the latter years of. Ive met Mike and like him just fine though he DID try to get in my way back when he was still in and I was starting to wake up. October 11, 1970 - February 26, 2023. Tyler Tweed Death - Tyler Tweed, a graduate of Wisconsin's Marshall High School, passed away, and his family and friends have resorted to social media to express their sorrow at his passing. It is called, POLICIES ON PHYSICAL HEALING, INSANITY AND SOURCES OF TROUBLE written on 27 Oct 1964 : Any process labeled healing, old or new, refers to healing by mental and spiritual means and should therefore be looked upon as the relief of difficulties arising from mental and spiritual causes., The proper procedure in being requested to heal some complained-of physical disability is as follows:, 1. He died on Wednesday 14th December 2022 leaving behind family in mourning. Does that sound familiar to anyone was in? Despite Hubbards blovations about curing mental aberrations, the church knows they do not have the solution to insanity. If you really have that much experience with suicide survivors, how could you possibly be this cruel to one that you would dictate what her response should be to you on her own daughters suicide? Most abuses in Scientology happened (with the exception of children who of course, have not enough will power) because people AGREED to being abused. Douglas R. Tweed, 84, passed away Monday, March 20, 2017, at Mayo Clinic Health System in Barron, Wis. Hence, we both probably have our bias. TAYLOR BASS OBITUARY. Is my post to be interpreted that there arent many, many psychiatrists who try to do the best they can do for their patients, and who concentrate on less invasive, and more alternative ways of effectively treating their patients? He is somewhat psychotic, actually, you know, a little like LRH himself got. Thats just part of the anti-Scientology narrative conveniently created by the anti-Scientology camp to drive home their own personal agendas. Gross Tweed, Telford. By the way, I found two videos that Cathy Tweed and a friend of hers uploaded to youtube a couple of years ago as a memorial to Tayler. I WAS THERE. Maybe if she had felt more support in her own family or in her own mother, instead of being publicly criticized by the very people whom should always be on her side, she wouldnt have taken such drastic measures. On Friday, January 10, Tayler Tweed killed herself with a gunshot to the head. I think that a MUCH better question would be, How does society in general feel about psychiatric treatments such as the use of psychotropic drugs? Are there any other groups opposed to such treatments besides Scientology? The answers to such questions would then put into a CORRECT and more balanced perspective, this apparent dilemma. The Horror! I dont necessarily doubt that a person can benefit from medical treatment for brain illnesses. Actually Lauren Haggis is the daughter of Paul Haggis and I have no problem with her wanting to do a segment for her friend. How do you know that for a fact, Alanzo, if you dont mind telling me? NOBODY deserves to be starved and beaten and to lose their families. Could it be that you ARE one???? Honestly Statpush, does that sound like an agenda for reformation to you? Tayler Weldon DeBari November 13, 1986 -. Ok Alanzo, thanks! This became more evident after GAT2 when the Survival Rundown was implemented, and most Objectives completions had to either re-do their whole Objectives, or get audited on additional Objective processes for dozens (or even more than a hundred) of hours. Rest in Peace Taylor, I will always remember you as a firecracker and kindhearted soul who wanted to save the world. Sure. This simply makes critics into hysterical ninnies who should continue to be ignored by anyone with legal power and who is serious about reforming scientology. But there is a general dysfunction in Scientology technology that treats the brain like no other organ in the body. Mr. Ricky Dale Tweed, age 54, Telford, passed away Wednesday, August 13, 2014 from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. So, they have this idea, that if they publically expose the churchs harmful practice, and rub their nose in it, that the church will reform and cease such actions. Its not right to leave out information just so you can demonize someone. Thats just rhetorical horse shit! We trust that you will find the information listed on this website to be of value to you. You see, I feel that we must be very careful with mixing the religious aspect of Scientology with its psychotherapeutic aspect. OF COURSE, that I dont mean that. I am truly sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I used to think up to just 1-2 week ago that Rathbun had gone crazy with this fantasy of his and sort of conspiracy theory about an ASC (Anti-Scientology Cult). Shes not trying to look like the good guy, shes giving her side of the story. I enjoy the show. And so it is a waste of time to harp on that if you really want to make scientology less dangerous. Regarding, Type III cases, I was referring to current onlines public. Dont get me wrong, the medical field produces a lot of miracles and Im not down on them in general. There is a lot of information that neither Tony Ortega, nor Rachel Bernstein, nor Leah Remini, nor Mike Rinder have given you. Then you have the standard Scn reference covering EVERYTHING about Assists (Scientology physical healing type of processes) and how to go about it if a PC (Preclear the one undergoing Scientology counseling) gets sick. Only a fucking Scientologist who believes they've had millions of daughters and families throughout the last 75 trillion years would be just fucking fine with losing "one lost soul" amongst the many you've had. Tyler Tweed Obituary, A resident of Marshall, WI, has passed away - YouTube Skip navigation Sign in Tyler Tweed Obituary, A resident of Marshall, WI, has passed away Loss Angle's 1.78K. At one point in time, this lady dared to question one of her husbands beliefs, which enraged the man resulting in a heavy beating and even rape of this lady. I remember him saying something along the line that a Cult required a leader and some form of organization, and a belief system, and that there just wasnt any coordinated effort with specific leaders to destroy the church. Your comment was interesting to me. We last spoke a couple days before her suicide, and she was excited about starting classes at the Art Institute in Audio Production, but still very much depressed and in a volatile state of mind. ), but its simply not true. "Tweed" Mummert passed away at McDonough District Hospital on January 3rd, just 3 weeks shy of his 98 th birthday. I just dont buy it, Statpush. I am doing this willingly. Please be so kind to PRESENT that evidence, leaving apart pure HEARSAY, and we can take it from there. A LOT, I assure you, one of them being myself, and another being the mother of my daughter. But, for now, there were not many telecasts of Tyler Tweeds death cause on the news or any orbitary statements. I beg to differ, Statpush, and I am not trying to influence your opinion here. Glasscock's classic 1935 book . But not all mothers have award winning, network sponsored TV shows magnifying their mistakes. We werent supposed to accept those, but the ED (a GREAT individual indeed! Another one of my increasing senior moments Im afraid. Yes. Unfortunately we have little . Nice try, Gtsix, but I know better than to fall into the traps of rhetoric,. {This aspect of Hubbard and Scn always irked me. Curtis Tweed, Sr., 55, of Morganton, NC, passed away Saturday, November 26, 2022. VETERAN Obituary H.L. I went in GREAT details EXACTLY quoting from the that episode all the parts where Leah, Mike, and Lauren BLAMED Cathy Tayler for the death of her daughter without showing one IOTA of proof beyond HEARSAY. I am a long time friend of Taylers and have been in touch with her over the last several months. Of course, know and not know are the same words that are on the Know to Mystery Scale with Know at the top, and in order to get there you have to go through Not-Know. She was a friend as well. However, here is the information we fetched from Tyler Tweed. Not me, TC. Why do you think its Cathy Tweeds duty to prostrate herself before you? And I also explained how they used half-truths, ungrounded assumptions, and PLAIN lies to support their Anti-Scientology narrative. She was 27. For his role as a spiritual healer, or advisor, no licensing is expected, of course. Why? Today, I would just get those to sign a waiver, if I were to audit them. Getting rid of David Miscavige as _Chairman of the Board and having to answer to the US government or lose their tax exemption is.. But of course, the current anti-Scientology narrative used by haters and by uninformed individuals to help their OWN personal agendas, disseminate a false perception brought about by the Media show. Absolutely avoid the question??? As have many very cruel people before you. Unless your experience results in greater tolerance and compassion and wisdom for suicide survivors what good is it? Born in Panama, he came to the United States in 1984 after earning his medical degree in Brazil at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, and completed his residency in internal medicine through a. Tony Ortega got that quote from Cathy Tweed the day after her daughters funeral. I think they do just fine but I do not expect them to get everything right. I mean, she LITERALLY begged them to let her stay, but she couldnt even go inside the building. But this was something done kind of offlines, you know, where both the ED and me knew, that if we fucked it up, it was only our heads that would be cut. Tony? Certainly, the church needs to be more compassionate in general, especially with their existing public. This screams Scientology to me. Publications: The Daily Telegraph, The Advertiser, The Courier-Mail, The Gold Coast Bulletin. This kind of cruelty is strewn throughout the anti-Scientology community right now, including fans of Scientology and the Aftermath, because that kind of cruel second-guessing was built right into the episode you watched. Ive seen and been told of quite a few parents who seemed to love their kids but wouldnt speak with them. This test (questionnaire, which was mostly done unmetered) was usually done by me, as I was kind of famous for spotting troublemakers even without the e-meter, and on the spot. For decades it was even taught in schools that they were quacks which I think was said about anything that wasnt medicine and under the control of the AMA. Thats okay they are both academy award winning bald guys! Hundreds or thousands (or even millions) individuals thinking in one direction, against a few of us who got tired of being one-sided and used as sheeple to support a narrative made up of injustice, generalizations, and desires for punishment and revenge. Dont get me wrong, She is a GREAT artist, and she seems to be a GREAT lady. Not any longer. They, incorrectly, do not give it the attention it deserves. However, cause of death was not disclosed. Friends of mine have been on it and know Leah. This show wasnt about Kathy Tweed! Everett R. Tweed, III "Gene" MEGGETT, S.C. - Everett R. "Gene" Tweed, III, 77, of Meggett, husband of Betty B. Tweed, died Saturday, June 27, 2009 at Roper Hospital . (Dot) Dorothy passed away peacefully at The . And they are all good friends, as far as I know. And how does the Church feel about psychiatry and receiving psychiatric treatment? Some ppl have questioned the fact that Taylers friend was the one speaking out and I can see why. Caring for the insane is costly and time-consuming and requires resources. Mike Rinder DAILY post at his blogs stories NOT related in any way (save for when an The Aftermath show is aired) to specific abuses, but mostly trying to prove to his sheeple that the church is not as big as they claim it is, how the buildings are empty, how the Volunteer Ministers really dont help anybody, etc, etc, etc, etc. I think A&E should interview Cathy Tweed and give her time on their network after what has been done to her. But I dont see him getting into a plane and going to Texas to help. Mrs. Davis was born October 10, 1943 in Madison County to the late Fred and Lillian Gosnell Tweed. Here is what correct PR is not about, from my perspective : About lying about events that did happened. And the PTS Type III declare for onlines public. Hypocrisy!! Jimmy Carl Richardson. . This was around 2000 more or less. Youve just attended the funeral of your own daughter who committed suicide and a journalist calls you up to talk to you about it. I think A&E should interview Cathy Tweed - and give her time on their network after what has been done to her. Its just sad. This isnt to be interpreted as meaning that there are no LRHs policies that by themselves, unadulterated in any way, are destructive enough so as to make it a necessity to just get rid of them; we have just too many of those. Finally, the website that is mentioned on the end of the video goes to an obvious anti-Aftermath smear website aimed at discrediting Leah Remini. Nothing could be further from the truth; the anti-psychiatry movement has always existed PRIOR to Scn, and has been supported by many medical doctors and psychotherapists THEMSELVES, and by a large portion of the population (though I am not quoting any percentages here, but certainly, there are in the thousands!). But Im sure that for anyone who has buried their child, the day after is still the same day.. I guess that we will have to continue this interesting discussion at another forum, or through email lines, , Well, TC, a compelling posting, indeed. On Saturday, a memorial was held for her at Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre as family and friends gathered to remember the attractive young woman who had been working on a career in music and acting (as Tayler DeBari). They know who they are,, and will leave it at that. (Mick) Peacefully at rest on 30th September 2022 at the Royal Stoke. Like me. SCIENTOLOGY IS THE LOW BLOW. Never once was she mean or nasty towards me. Tyler is a 2016 graduate of Marshall High School. No more complex than that really. And that is their right, IMO. Part of the questionnaire, included questions to locate what was called Illegal PCs as per the ILLEGAL PCS, ACCEPTANCE OF HIGH CRIME BULLETIN PL. I must confess that I didnt have any moral problem with that, back then. How about the fact that she never refers to Tayler as her daughter!! This is about a PERSONAL AGENDA of desires of destruction and revenge, while cleverly (and DISGUSTINGLY) manipulating human emotion. Then you have the HCO BULLETIN OF 28 JUNE 1969RA REVISED 26 JULY 1978 RE-REVISED 21 SEPTEMBER 1978, HOW TO CASE SUPERVISE DIANETICS FOLDERS which says : Very sick pcs are sent directly to a medico of course.. He was the oldest living past master of. Am I the only one that realizes this woman never actually cries she just fake sniffles. And it is that which makes it unfair; not their desires to expose the abuses themselves. Or you just like the anti Scientology narrative?. She never returned to the church. I just couldnt resist it, . Leah and Mike added nothing as in no new information to Tony Ortegas 2 year old story. Damian Milton Obituary, What was Damian Milton Cause of Death? There are many different sorts. That, btw, is the key principle I believe Marty is standing up for. None of which appeared in scientology and the aftermath or in Tony Ortega s earlier reporting. She has no responsibility over the content of the episode she was in. Naturopaths? Yep ,,,, I am beginning to believe the man at the top is deliberately creating situations to implode the group,, He has already positioned himself into the only one category Tech Dict: All criminals are in that bracket ,,, His tone floats around the hostile band, and his ideals are clearly MEST related ,,, The Org Bd has long since been dropped and by-passed in favor of command channels only. And Im mos def not an anti Scientologist. Mental health should be under the heading of psychotherapy not under the heading of religion. Tyler Tweed obituary and the death were widely searched online by the people hearing the death information. This was about her daughter and how she ( Kathy ) and Scientology failed Taylor! Instead of being referred to a mental health provider, the church attempted to sell another expensive auditing package to her family. This has to be one of the most horrific videos I have seen posted by a parent in response to a suicide awareness video. That pisses me off the most! 1 talking about this. in a process because allegedly she still had not voiced the correct EP. But now after going public about leaving the church, writing a book about it, and doing The Aftermath, suddenly she is all over the Media, being mentioned at almost every newspaper and magazine on the planet. And what drives TV? Tayler clearly suffered from mental illness throughout her life, and never received the treatment she needed. Here is what ACTUALLY LRH said about medical doctors. Harry James Tweed, 65, was a life-long resident of Cape May County, moving to Cape May at the age of seven months, to Rio Grande in 1959, and later to Middle Township. So much for the anti-Scientology narrative regarding Scientologists not using or seeking proper medical care. The level of delusion and victimhood on behalf of the mother is sickening. How convenient!!! Am I really suppose to believe that all the people who have spoken up just woke up one day and decided to try and fuck this church up for no reason? With your response here, I really have a hard believing you know anything about suicide at all. Through my career and lived experience I have worked intimately with survivors of suicide. Perhaps no more than a 70-80% of the time, I did followed LRH, , Getting back on trackwhat could the church do to reform this aspect of their religion (if were to believe Mike and Leah)? One sane and balanced comment, at last! And unfortunately, human misery and tragedy have entertainment value. Yes, I pity this family, but they are not innocent. Take effective measures to correct such wrongdoings where and when they have occurred. Select a region on the map to view notices in your chosen area. Case in point, the DeCrescenzo lawsuit brought forced abortions to the forefront, the reaction from the church no more abortions (so Im told). Perhaps I need MEDICATION, I must be going crazy or something, because, I mean, this is just me and a very few others who think like this. Tayler deserved so much better! But did L. Ronald Hubbard intend it that way? She states very clearly that she took her to the University of Oregon where she was examined by 10 different doctors. Plus it is now becoming more evident that there was a lot more to the story regarding Tayler and her mother which was left out of the episode. Hi Alanzo! Ouch! I MYSELF had been doing just that until recently, though I didnt do it that much. We let them do courses, but not to get processed, until some evidence of case stability was evident. John Mckenna Obituary, What was John Mckenna Cause of Death? Also, the Rachel Berenstein commentary on the mothers comments > dismissive hearsay. So we all must be at least a little bit paranoid. I wanted to go quietly, but they would have none of it.. Youll be send back in a plane (if thats how you got there) to your home to go see a licensed medical doctor, get properly treated, and once you are DONE, go back WITH the evidence that you did so. I went to see a doctor, did the tests, was found with my triglycerides very high, and my blood pressure high enough so as to be put on a special diet (I used to eat a lot of junk food back then; now, I dont), which I did long enough to get everything back down to normal. F) Getting the person to list her/his backlogged incomplete cycles of actions, and deciding on completing just one simple thing at a time. Searching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research. But you strawmanned the topic perfectly, refusing to answer. But, lets just face the facts..it was awfully tempting to run with the Tayler story because one of her best Scientology friends was the daughter of Hollywoods own Alex Gibney. New this week 0. Why are you not calling out Scientologys ways of handling these situations? Are you even going to be aware of what you are saying at that time? Please dont tell me that you have seen one half of a segment of one episode of Leah Reminis show, which repeated an article written by Tony Ortega while adding NOTHING new to it, and you think you have enough knowledge here to say Taylor was never shown any kindness. So, they have this idea, that if they publically expose the churchs harmful practice, and rub their nose in it, that the church will reform and cease such actions.. They told this story. Will they reform? Must be Hurracaine Irma! As far as journalism goes you getting all sides of the story Leah and Mike suck. It is to THAT that I am objecting. Just THESE links would be enough to prove my point : https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sideways-view/201505/the-anti-psychiatry-movement. Tyler Tweed Obituary has been recently searched in a more significant amount of volume online, and moreover, people are eager to know What Was Tyler Tweed Cause Of Death. Yes, this mother lost a child, but her son says they tried everything and yet they didnt. And how could someone stand right next to her kid in a ticket line at the airport or at the funeral and say nothing. That is what a strawman is. It sounds like you tried to help her and in the best way you knew. Obituary Herbert Tayler Architect who designed public housing with people and land in mind Elain Harwood Sun 12 Mar 2000 20.18 EST Between 1945 and 1973 Herbert Tayler, who has died aged 87,. Of course, that he opened his piece sort of validating their efforts, in a SENTENCE. Seems that most of her information came from FB and text messages that Tayler had with a friend. I think you just hate Scientologists and you want to vent your spleen on one here on the Internet and so a mother who lost her daughter to suicide will do just fine for you. Currently, Tyler Tweeds death is widely spreading, and people are concerned to know about Tyler Tweed Obituary and want to get a real update. Of course you proved your point. I think even they would agree to that because they are not operating on the standard of getting all sides of their stories. Your search results for obituary: 26 newspaper articles contained information about obituary filtered by: Date from: 1st Apr 1973 - Date to: 30th Apr 1973 Age 92. About personally attacking the dissenters and the critics, instead of specifically dealing with the veracity or lack thereof of their statements or claims. to death notices and obituaries in Australian newspapers: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ryerson is a free service, but we do use google advertising on this search page to help defray our operating costs. About not showing compassion when one former member of the religion (or whatever group for that matter) has suffered a loss or any abuse, regardless if the group in question is guilty of or not of such abuses or losses. You seem to be on the fence. At one point, she expressed frustration at being blamed for making her SO brother ill (whom she had not seen for years). Most Scnists I know (knew), would initially seek natural treatments (e.g. The content of the episode she was in survivors of suicide have the solution to.! No other organ in the health and food industry for several years declare for onlines public up! Is not about, from my perspective: about lying about events that did happened map... Begged them to let her stay, but they are both academy award winning, network sponsored TV magnifying. A 2016 graduate of Marshall High School is considered to be of value to you about it and Scientology Taylor... 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